BocoDragon said:It's pretty funny how this stupid Readers Digest-style article brought out some funny prejudices immediately... Youth are dumb... America must be dumb..
This list says nothing about youth in the slightest. It's a reminder to old people that stuff they remember as happening recently is actually so old that an entire generation has grown up with it.
Gaborn said:Does ANYONE reeeeally think the results would be substantially different in, say, Europe?
Of course or are you that deluded?Gaborn said:Does ANYONE reeeeally think the results would be substantially different in, say, Europe?
They don't know cursive, not because kids today are just so fucking dumb... It's because they stopped teaching it in schools after the rise of computers.sankt-Antonio said:very first sentence is this.
"Most young Americans entering university this year can't write in cursive, think email is too slow, that Beethoven's a dog and Michelangelo a computer virus, according to an annual list compiled by two academics at a US college."
easy to jump to conclusions after reading that + thread title.
ConfusingJazz said:Because it seemed like the guy actually did work like giving out a survey to all the freshman entering Beloit College, and was more a statement about the educational system in America then about the cultural changes in the US.
Instead, the guy just copy and pasted everything from the 1992 article on Wikipedia. Interesting to think about? Yes. Was the title misleading to blatant lie? Yes.
BocoDragon said:They don't know cursive, not because kids today are just so fucking dumb... It's because they stopped teaching it in schools after the rise of computers.
You're not supposed to draw the conclusion that youth are morons... It's for old people who remember cursive writing being relevant to realize that an entire generation has grown up since it wasn't.
That's all this is: remember that new development from 20 years ago? To kids it's normal. You're old!
How are they going to sign for stuff if they don't know cursive!BocoDragon said:They don't know cursive, not because kids today are just so fucking dumb... It's because they stopped teaching it in schools after the rise of computers.
You beat me to what I was going to ask. Surely signatures are still relevant to everyday life.RubxQub said:How are they going to sign for stuff if they don't know cursive!
Name: XXXVeritasVierge said:You beat me to what I was going to ask. Surely signatures are still relevant to everyday life.
RubxQub said:I guess there's no reason why your signature has to be cursive, but I don't think someone would really accept your signature if your just wrote your name down.
...why teach kids how to write at all if you aren't going to teach them cursive?!
BocoDragon said:As an aside, I may truly be the last generation that learned cursive in my country.. They taught it to me in grade 1, then stopped.
That's like asking.. How can I order sushi if I don't know Japanese?RubxQub said:How are they going to sign for stuff if they don't know cursive!
shintoki said:Cursive is worthless anyways. One of those antiquated ideas that keep getting passed down in the education system that should be replaced with learning a 2nd language.
Seems like a load of bull anyways.
Hand printing and computers.Stabbie said:I don't get it. What is the usual handwriting in the US then? We only write in cursive.
sankt-Antonio said:Name: XXX
Points well taken. When I was learning to write cursive back in the early 80s, seemed people were frowned upon whenever they signed in print. so I just assumed it was more of a formal thing that would never change. You guys are right that it just doesn't matter anymore.Woffls said:Signatures don't even need to be your name. Mine looks more like a fish than my name.
Stabbie said:I don't get it. What is the usual handwriting in the US then? We only write in cursive.
your fucked as a student if you cant write fast at an exam.BocoDragon said:Hand printing and computers.
Cursive was only invented to write fast.. These days we have keyboards to write fast.
BocoDragon said:Hand printing and computers.
Cursive was only invented to write fast.. These days we have keyboards to write fast.
Seen a college class lately? Everyone has laptops.RubxQub said:I guess I'm mainly just saying why even teach kids how to write at all if you aren't going to teach them cursive.
Not teaching kids cursive is like saying you will always be able to take notes with a computer when you want to, as writing notes in print would take WAY too freaking long. That's the whole point of teaching cursive, isn't it? Note taking?
I know there are currently teachers that will not allow students to type notes due to worries of wandering what will these kids do?
Sounds like the future is fucked! STRAIGHT UP BORKED! EVACUATE!
I'm saying some teachers strictly forbid laptops in their classes still.BocoDragon said:Seen a college class lately? Everyone has laptops.
Those who print can usually keep up.
Not here they don't.RubxQub said:I'm saying some teachers strictly forbid laptops in their classes still.
:lol I still have a couple school notebooks lying around from junior high (early 90s) and I really can't imagine me taking notes like that ever again when I've been using a laptop almost nonstop for that stuff since the late 90s. The future is borked if we can't even picture ourselves doing such basic skills anymore. (not to emntion how I could only attribute cursive writing to signatures) :\RubxQub said:I guess I'm mainly just saying why even teach kids how to write at all if you aren't going to teach them cursive.
Not teaching kids cursive is like saying you will always be able to take notes with a computer when you want to, as writing notes in print would take WAY too freaking long. That's the whole point of teaching cursive, isn't it? Note taking?
I know there are currently teachers that will not allow students to type notes due to worries of wandering what will these kids do?
Sounds like the future is fucked! STRAIGHT UP BORKED! EVACUATE!
not only this, but at exams laptops are a no go.RubxQub said:I'm saying some teachers strictly forbid laptops in their classes still.
morningbus said:2) Some of you still use perfect cursive when signing your signature? I know how to write in cursive, but I use some weird mix of cursive, print, and who-knows-what when I sign for stuff.
joke post. No one I know writes in cursive. There are too many variations and its a lot harder for people to read. Books are not written in a cursive font.sankt-Antonio said:to be honest it bends my mind right now that people write with anything else then cursive.
Stabbie said:Still don't get it. So you're saying for the past 20 years students in primary and secondary school have been writing their notes, filling in their diaries and tests/exams either in block letters or on computers?
I have never understood why that statement is supposed to be "scary." What am I missing? It might be shocking to realize that much time has gone by, but scary as in legitimately frightening? Why?HamPster PamPster said:Here, I'll sum up the list for everyone:
I'm teaching every 8-year-old relative to say this, and every 14-year-old to do the same thing with Toy Story. Also, Pokemon hit the US over a decade ago and kids born after Aladdin came out will turn 18 next year
Stupid adults!
I'm not serious when I say the future generations are doomed, but it does sound like there is going to be an awkward period of transition when there are students that can't take notes properly without a computer, but are asked to due to legacy rules and traditions or something.BocoDragon said:Lol looks like this cursive issue really brought out the NEW GENERATION AM DOOMED sentiment.
I was taught both print and cursive, with print being taught first. Because it was taught first, it's what I and most people feel comfortable with. I can write in perfect cursive, but it just feels more natural to do it in print. Or hell, I'll just type it.sankt-Antonio said:to be honest it bends my mind right now that people write with anything else then cursive.
MThanded said:joke post. No one I know writes in cursive. There are too many variations and its a lot harder for people to read. Books are not written in a cursive font.
I'm glad no professors I know and none of my fellow grad students write in cursive it would be a pain to decipher.
Dan said:Cursive is just an archaic practice passed on by one generation to the next as punishment for themselves having to learn that bullshit.[/QUO
fast cursive writing saved my ass so many times... its not even funny
sankt-Antonio said:to be honest it bends my mind right now that people write with anything else then cursive.
you ... hand-write... things?sankt-Antonio said:all my professors write cursive, i dont know a single student who is not writing cursive.
Are you a liberal arts major? Maybe this is much more of a trend in engineering, math and math based sciences.sankt-Antonio said:all my professors write cursive, i dont know a single student who is not writing cursive.
Why are so many people incapable of taking notes by hand in print? It's not that hard.RubxQub said:I'm not serious when I say the future generations are doomed, but it does sound like there is going to be an awkward period of transition when there are students that can't take notes properly without a computer, but are asked to due to legacy rules and traditions or something.
Just imagine a world where the Matrix is real and you can download knowledge...what's the point of schools? Will we have walking/talking newborns? Do we all just become communists by default? Will there be a much stronger focus on the arts?
We're talking about kids who are never taught how to write in cursive, so their ability to take detailed notes will be extremely limited.CrayzeeCarl said:Why are so many people incapable of taking notes by hand in print? It's not that hard.
Purkake4 said:Is the lack of cursive another weird American thing? It is still taught from first grade onward 'round these parts...
MThanded said:Are you a liberal arts major? Maybe this is much more of a trend in engineering, math and math based sciences.
I makes a lot less sense to mix numbers and cursive.
thewesker said:you ... hand-write... things?
What? Guess i'm fucked and should drop out of grad school now and all of my colleagues too. We are doomed. No PhDs for us.RubxQub said:We're talking about kids who are never taught how to write in cursive, so their ability to take detailed notes will be extremely limited.
sankt-Antonio said:yes, engineering.