Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I made a discovery after owning a PS2 and Gamecube for long enough... I discovered that I was most enjoying my PS1. How could this be? Well tons of stuff had already been released on it, information and opinions about the games were fully fleshed out, and the prices dropped down. When I look at all the wonderful games coming out on all the systems and compile a list of games I'd like even right off the top of my head, the size of that list is staggering. Even if I limit myself to only the best of the best, real AAA quality games, there are just more good games on the market than I have money and if I did have the money I wouldn't have enough time.
I've found that it's pointless to get multiple consoles just so I have the potential of buying something I'll mostly miss out on anyway due to such hard limitations. My habits of playing old games only renforces this decision, since one of the greater draws to multiconsole gaming is never suffering from a "drought" of good games. If I just hang on to an old system and pick up it's many great titles until the new consoles are 1-2 years old, any new console I pick is going to have a good selection of games that I'm not likely to fully catch up with. This happened between my PS1/PS2 and I wasn't even intentional about it.
So yeah, just between Capcom and Nintendo there are more games I want than I'll ever get, so I figure I'll just go single console and not be so teased/distracted by the prospects of games I don't have. I'll probably go with Nintendo because they seem to have the smaller number of games, plus I like their attitude these days and finally I think I still have a leaning toward them because of my childhood. So I'll just get a Revolution and pick up things on my current systems while I wait for it's list of quality titles to get big enough to shift focus to it. I do like RPG's a little much to be focusing on Nintendo, but then there are still like 15 quality RPG's on PS1 that I never got around to buying.
I am debating whether or not I'll get a DS. I think it's the best thing to happen to gaming in the last 5 years and I really want one, but it all depends on how well developers realize and utilize everything it offers. The thought of even just having both a DS and a Revolution seems a bit much to me now though. In some ways sometimes I think I'm losing interest in videogames, but when I take another look, I realize I have never played that many games and it's just the rapidly expanding industry that is creating the illusion.
I think back to the SNES days and I remember playing about 15 games, just 15 games for an entire generation, and they were the best of the best. I need to be more selective and get back to that way of playing. Picking quality games that I don't just play to beat, but can really dig into and focus on and have fun with. Eternal Darkness is what originally reminded me of this, such a deep and quality game, it has a special something I haven't seen for a long time. Then I remembered Mario 64, it wasn't that huge but I played it for 6 years. What happened there?
A greed-based industry has brainwashed me into thinking it's normal for games to be built around completing objectives and having that be it. Do your chores (filler gameplay, pointless challenges, collect-a-thons), get your treat (worthless unlockables) and that is that. I say no thanks, recognizing that I can not afford everything I'd like has make me think twice about what I like most, and realizing what I like most has make me reconsider if I genuinely liked anything else to begin with. I learned to get over graphics and genuinely enjoy older games, but I think I'm only just learning to get over gimmicks.
I'm realizing the distinction between things that keep me busy playing a game once I've started it, and what makes me want to play games in the first place. It turns out that the former and the latter are not always the same, and in fact the former is often a load of crap that tries to take the place of the latter. I'm not looking for something to motivate me to finish the game, I'm looking for fun. I'm looking for the stuff that will make me want to replay a game even after I've bought a new one. Considering what I've heard from many people about all the games they still haven't finished, perhaps they are on the same pursuit and don't even realize it.
Personally, I think I'll be able to better focus and discern what games have this if I don't have to pick them out from hundreds of titles on all consoles. This may be different for you but I just thought I'd share my view in case maybe you agree but never realized it. I also (based on my playing habits and what games I have most replayed for sheer enjoyment) feel like I may have the most luck doing this with a Nintendo system. That may also be different for you, but I'm just sharing that to tell you a little about myself. If you read all this I applaud you, and I also ask you not to try and debate with me about any of it because I'm not interested.
I've found that it's pointless to get multiple consoles just so I have the potential of buying something I'll mostly miss out on anyway due to such hard limitations. My habits of playing old games only renforces this decision, since one of the greater draws to multiconsole gaming is never suffering from a "drought" of good games. If I just hang on to an old system and pick up it's many great titles until the new consoles are 1-2 years old, any new console I pick is going to have a good selection of games that I'm not likely to fully catch up with. This happened between my PS1/PS2 and I wasn't even intentional about it.
So yeah, just between Capcom and Nintendo there are more games I want than I'll ever get, so I figure I'll just go single console and not be so teased/distracted by the prospects of games I don't have. I'll probably go with Nintendo because they seem to have the smaller number of games, plus I like their attitude these days and finally I think I still have a leaning toward them because of my childhood. So I'll just get a Revolution and pick up things on my current systems while I wait for it's list of quality titles to get big enough to shift focus to it. I do like RPG's a little much to be focusing on Nintendo, but then there are still like 15 quality RPG's on PS1 that I never got around to buying.
I am debating whether or not I'll get a DS. I think it's the best thing to happen to gaming in the last 5 years and I really want one, but it all depends on how well developers realize and utilize everything it offers. The thought of even just having both a DS and a Revolution seems a bit much to me now though. In some ways sometimes I think I'm losing interest in videogames, but when I take another look, I realize I have never played that many games and it's just the rapidly expanding industry that is creating the illusion.
I think back to the SNES days and I remember playing about 15 games, just 15 games for an entire generation, and they were the best of the best. I need to be more selective and get back to that way of playing. Picking quality games that I don't just play to beat, but can really dig into and focus on and have fun with. Eternal Darkness is what originally reminded me of this, such a deep and quality game, it has a special something I haven't seen for a long time. Then I remembered Mario 64, it wasn't that huge but I played it for 6 years. What happened there?
A greed-based industry has brainwashed me into thinking it's normal for games to be built around completing objectives and having that be it. Do your chores (filler gameplay, pointless challenges, collect-a-thons), get your treat (worthless unlockables) and that is that. I say no thanks, recognizing that I can not afford everything I'd like has make me think twice about what I like most, and realizing what I like most has make me reconsider if I genuinely liked anything else to begin with. I learned to get over graphics and genuinely enjoy older games, but I think I'm only just learning to get over gimmicks.
I'm realizing the distinction between things that keep me busy playing a game once I've started it, and what makes me want to play games in the first place. It turns out that the former and the latter are not always the same, and in fact the former is often a load of crap that tries to take the place of the latter. I'm not looking for something to motivate me to finish the game, I'm looking for fun. I'm looking for the stuff that will make me want to replay a game even after I've bought a new one. Considering what I've heard from many people about all the games they still haven't finished, perhaps they are on the same pursuit and don't even realize it.
Personally, I think I'll be able to better focus and discern what games have this if I don't have to pick them out from hundreds of titles on all consoles. This may be different for you but I just thought I'd share my view in case maybe you agree but never realized it. I also (based on my playing habits and what games I have most replayed for sheer enjoyment) feel like I may have the most luck doing this with a Nintendo system. That may also be different for you, but I'm just sharing that to tell you a little about myself. If you read all this I applaud you, and I also ask you not to try and debate with me about any of it because I'm not interested.