Murasaki Baby tells the story of a little girl who wakes up in a weird world, populated by children’s fantasies and fears.
Holding a purple, heart-shaped balloon in her hand, she feels lost, homesick and vulnerable. She wants her mommy.
Holding a purple, heart-shaped balloon in her hand, she feels lost, homesick and vulnerable. She wants her mommy.
Release Date: [US] September 16, 2014; [EU] September 17, 2014; [JP] September 25, 2014
Platform: Playstation Vita (PSN only)
Price: [US] $14,99/$11,99 (PS+ discount); [EU] €9,99/£7,99 - €7,99/£6,39 (PS+ discount) - FREE DEMO AVAILABLE (BUT CURRENTLY PULLED)
Size: 320 MB
Developer: Ovosonico (@ovosonico), published by SCEE
Homepage: murasakigame.com
What kind of game is this?
A touch-based sidescrolling horror adventure experience. The main gameplay revolves around front and back touch. You manipulate objects in the environment while changing the mood of the world by swiping in different backgrounds using the PS Vita's back touch functionality. You can read more about this here (and check out some gifs!).
Who made this game?
An Italian-based studio called Ovosonico, this is their debut title. However, they are not alone on this. Studio founder (and Grasshopper/Suda 51 veteran) Massimo Guarini directed the projected with XDEV Europe also lending a helping a hand.
Where do I recognise this artstyle from and who is responsible for the soundtrack?
Tim Burton as well as the artist Edward Gorey have been cited as main inspirations for the visual design. The soundtrack is by Ovosonico Music Producer and Co-Founder, Gianni Ricciardi. However, Akira Yamaoka, best known for his seminal sound work on the Silent Hill series, also contributed a music track.
Gameplay Overview
E3 2014 Gameplay Demo
Meet The Studio
Eurogamer - 8/10 said:Played with earphones, no distractions and in a single sitting, Murasaki Baby proves engaging and compelling, its brevity and variety leaving you wanting more. There are no hidden collectables or alternate routes through the game and yet its uniqueness is enough to draw you back for a second playthrough, if only to confirm that it's as weird as you remember it. Yes, the touch controls sometimes work against it and, like Baby, the game occasionally stumbles over its own feet, but for the most part it walks the fine line between the weird and the wonderful with aplomb. (Full review)
Digital Chumps - 8/10 said:Putting narrative above challenge must have been a tough decision, but it's one that Ovosonico made with engaging confidence. Murasaki Baby doesn't have any menus or overt exposition. It doesn't even have a pause option. The relative ease of its flow is a deliberate decision to trust the player to march onward. Complexity doesn't arrive from a safe navigation from A to B, but rather putting enough pieces together to interpret the severity of a tragic narrative. Murasaki Baby won't necessarily test your reflexes or your brain with the depth and precision of other games in more evident genres, but its assemblage of disparate genres wields its own special power. Whether it's through Baby's endearing conduct or the raw anxiety bleeding from those she encounters, it's hard for Murasaki Baby not to make some sort of meaningful connection with the player. (Full review)
Kotaku - YES said:Baby calls for Mommy a lot. It's the only intelligible thing she says. The repeated keening is as disturbing as Baby's waking up without her in the first place. Even in a broad, darkly comedic game like this, the idea that both of a child's parental units have up and disappeared for no defined reason—leaving Baby to wander through an extremely dangerous world—is disturbing. The game's world doesn't look anything like ours but the sense of danger still resonates. (Full review)
Lazygamer - 9/10
Hardcore Gamer - 4.5/5
VGNetwork Italy - 8.5/10
Pocket Gamer - 8/10
Games Rader - 4/5
IGN Italy - 7.9/10
Gamespot - 7/10
The Sixth Axis - 7/10
Digital Spy - 3/5
Joypad Denmark - 6/10
Push Square - 3/10
Without further ado, let the nightmare begin!