Ok I just watched the first two episodes. Damn, this show is good man. As weird as it is for me to admit that lol. First, I love the art style and animation. These ponies are adorable. Voice acting is top notch as well. I was in tears of laughter when the shy one was introducing herself and it got to the point where it was just squeaking. Lol holy shit I died. I wanna watch it with my niece, I hope she'll like it. She's....4 lol.
Lol ok this just got out of hand hahaha
One of us, one of us, one of us.nooooo
Still need K-Pop ponies, Political Ponies, and Sports Ponies to even put a dent in the front page.
Not kpop!
Oooooh, k-pop. Can't help ya there.
But I can distract you with this wall of cuteness!
You can't pony everything. I bet there's no pony version of....uh...Catherine?
Or Digimon, there we go.
You can't pony everything. I bet there's no pony version of....uh...Catherine?
Or Digimon, there we go.
You can't pony everything. I bet there's no pony version of....uh...Catherine?
Or Digimon, there we go.
Good god no, don't mix Digimon and Ponies
Challenge accepted.
Is there a place I can watch old MLP episodes??
Ok so I just watched episodes 3 and 4. 3 was ok. Nothing really stood out to me. I'm still being drawn in by the animation and voice acting. Apple jack and rainbow have awesome voices. Theyre all good characters.
Episode 4 was a good one. There were multiple scenes that had me laughing. Like when Apple Jack and pink were making faces in the trophy or when they were baking together. When they distorted pinks voice. Also when apple jack was talking to sparkle when she hit her head and couldn't hear too well. That was pretty funny.
Still liking it so far. Still find the showing charming, adorable and surprisingly funny at times.
Oh god renamon pony
make it burn
Ok so I just watched episodes 3 and 4. 3 was ok. Nothing really stood out to me. I'm still being drawn in by the animation and voice acting. Apple jack and rainbow have awesome voices. Theyre all good characters.
Episode 4 was a good one. There were multiple scenes that had me laughing. Like when Apple Jack and pink were making faces in the trophy or when they were baking together. When they distorted pinks voice. Also when apple jack was talking to sparkle when she hit her head and couldn't hear too well. That was pretty funny.
Still liking it so far. Still find the showing charming, adorable and surprisingly funny at times.
I take Renashy over your avys any day.
Applejack and Rainbow Dash are actually voiced by the same gal. Even crazier? Pinkie and Fluttershy share the same VA. Even crazier? Rarity's VA does about half of the minor cast.
looks like my account got validated, at last
so, uh, hey PonyGaf, just wanted to say hello (long-time lurker here)
looks like my account got validated, at last
so, uh, hey PonyGaf, just wanted to say hello (long-time lurker here)
Welcome!... now tell us who's your favorite pony. o_o
Oh, and if you'd like, you can come join us in our irc channel where we are almost always talking (sometimes even about ponies!).
looks like my account got validated, at last
so, uh, hey PonyGaf, just wanted to say hello (long-time lurker here)
and now, have some pony
Now, pony ranking, please! Your avatar makes me think it'll be a good one.
Yo. Join the "New to PonyGAF" club, we have T-Shirts*.looks like my account got validated, at last
so, uh, hey PonyGaf, just wanted to say hello (long-time lurker here)
Just saw Teeraiders' current 10$ special
Picking up a shirt myself. Note you can choose either pink OR grey, not both like the picture suggests.
I foresee a long and fruitful friendship ahead of us.ah, right, I forgot, silly me
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
ah, right, I forgot, silly me
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash