White Celestia
Nightmare Moon
Vinyl Scratch
>fix celestias colour
>add fairy wings
trolled by hasbro.
is that trixie?
White Celestia
Nightmare Moon
Vinyl Scratch
Looks to me like they're testing the waters. Will the Bronies buy the toys that they have been asking for? Well, here are some of them, so let's find out! I'm tempted to get the Nightmare Moon, actually...
Also Zecora is by herself because she's a different material. She glows in the dark, so she's being shown off specifically.
is that trixie?
But it's all for entertainment and flair, you're supposed to get wrapped up in the show even if it's fake. Of course it's a load of bull. Like someone wouldn't go up to a wrestler who could proclaim that he can take on a bear and actually let loose a bear on him.
Sneak peak at Toy Fair toys.
Wait, is this official?
Nightmare Moon looks really good, apart from the height. Wasnt she as big as Celestia?
Sneak peak at Toy Fair toys.
Way to go, Hasbro! Now if they actually print Trixie's name as "The Great and Powerful Trixie" on her packaging, I'll buy one in an instant.Sneak peak at Toy Fair toys.
Also don't hype up episodes
Sneak peak at Toy Fair toys.
Original or Brotherhood?Oh God, this. I hate it when people absolutely INSIST you'll love a specific episode of (insert show here) and it turns out to be undeserving of its hype. A perfectly acceptable, somewhat comedic episode of Fullmetal Alchemist was overhyped by the sub crowd when it was first airing on Adult Swim, and I was pissed when it wasn't as grand or epic as the fanboys made it out to be.
Paging Uchip.
CHEEZMO;35050284 said:I'd Cream her Peaches.
Excellent explanation but she's still a douche.
Ponyville didn't seem to have seen an Ursa before and they live right next to them. Although Snips and Snails knew where to find one, so I guess Cheerilee warned them to stay clear. Book nerd Twilight never even heard of them before, and had to go look them up in that manual. Trixie picked a safely obscure specialty as her (fictional) claim to fame.It is one thing to put on a show of magical prowess for the sake of entertainment. It is another thing to do so while proclaiming yourself to be the greatest of all time and also an accomplished monster slayer in a world inhabited by the D&D Monster Manual where that sort of thing is a serious concern.
She's a spy anyways, so I don't mind if she uses aliases.
*shrugs* I suppose. I mean, if I can get worked up over episode numberings, then I can sure empathize with the controversy over background pony nicknames.
But it's all for entertainment and flair, you're supposed to get wrapped up in the show even if it's fake. Of course it's a load of bull. Like someone wouldn't go up to a wrestler who could proclaim that he can take on a bear and actually let loose a bear on him.
Haha, she's clearly written to be a legitimate jerk, but I still like the interpretation because of the way events unfold. Though before the haters started to hate she was just doin' her thing and making a spectacle.Um... no they're not. Wtf where did you heard that.
I'm talking about wrestlers taking on bears. Wrestlers pretty much know and tell everyone everything is fake but they put off a good show enough for people to entertain them.
Trixie is just a jerkass who has a stupid fanbase to pander on. It's literally TVTrope's "Draco in Leather Pants" level of dumbness.
Ponyville didn't seem to have seen an Ursa before and they live right next to them. Although Snips and Snails knew where to find one, so I guess Cheerilee warned them to stay clear. Book nerd Twilight never even heard of them before, and had to go look them up in that manual. Trixie picked a safely obscure specialty as her (fictional) claim to fame.
And Trixie obviously wasn't putting on a display of magical prowess, she was putting on a theatrical show, suggesting amazing magical prowess.
Trixie said:Hah! You think you're better than the Great and Powerful Trixie? You think you have more magical talent? Well, come on, show Trixie what you've got. Show us all.
Haha, she's clearly written to be a legitimate jerk, but I still like the interpretation because of the way events unfold. Though before the haters started to hate she was just doin' her thing and making a spectacle.
Trixie was in the crowd and having the same awed reactions as every other pony. There's no reason to assume she wasn't thankful to Twilight (and it's not like the others were thankful either, all they did was not-apologize for making Twilight feel like dirt), and even if Trixie wasn't thankful, what did she have to be thankful for? Twilight saved Ponyville buildings, not Trixie's stuff. Twilight didn't save Trixie's life, because Trixie could've just run away (which she didn't).And when Twilight did beat the Ursa? Enormous amounts of respect from everypony in the vicinity except Trixie, who couldn't stop being a jerkass long enough to have any gratitude for having her life saved.
There's two main trains of thought on Trixie (that I'm aware of), one is that she's an egotistical narcissist who travels around to let ponies bask in her glory because it feeds her ego, and the other is that she's a genuine traveling performer. We can't tell which because Rarity started wrecking the show after one line came out of Trixie's mouth.Suggesting. Sure. She had talent, and she wanted to make sure everyone knew it.
But she did have an act. She told a fictional story with a neon lightshow and was performing simple magic tricks on stage. Three ponies (and Spike) in the front row were bitching and wouldn't shut up, and one of them actually started booing her and rushing the stage. She did what any good performer does when they're getting heckled, and she improvised. She worked her detractors into the show, managed to get some pretty good performances out of them, and still managed to outshine them.She didn't have an act to demonstrate her own abilities, but a series of challenges to prove it. That's not theatre.
Haha nice! Tell us how your teacher reacted afterwards.WIP for my painting class. The directive was to paint a dessert in a delicious style...as far as I'm concerned that means only one thing. Sorry for the crappo image quality.
-_-' Why bother having a vote in the first place then...apparently they just didn't like it (the winners were picked by a jury)
A Vinyl Scratch bobble-head would be quite nice actually. Now it needs to happen.Also: DJ-P0N3 needs a wobblehead.
The only legitimate way to purchase all the episodes at the moment is iTunes, but I'm not sure if they're available Down Under. That DVD is the only one currently planned and Shout! Factory, the company that has DVD rights to the series in the US, has said they have no plans for full season sets because according to their data there's not enough demand for them. However, all the episodes are available on Youtube. Hasbro has taken some of them down, but there's so many copies of each episode that it hardly matters.So um, I've recently got into this series (thanks to Jappleack) although all I have watched are small clips on Youtube and parodies.
What are some legitimate ways to watch all the episodes in Australia (Hubworld is US only)? There's a DVD on Amazon but with only 4 or 5 episodes. Is there one for the full complete season 1?
The only legitimate way to purchase the all the episodes at the moment is iTunes, but I'm not sure if they're available Down Under. That DVD is the only one currently planned and Shout! Factory, the company that has DVD rights to the series in the US, has said they have no plans for full season sets because according to their data there's not enough demand for them. However, all the episodes are available on Youtube. Hasbro has taken some of them down, but there's so many copies of each episode that it hardly matters.
has hasbro actually taken them down? to my knowledge they've only taken down the HD torrent archive and the youtube requests were trolls.
WIP for my painting class. The directive was to paint a dessert in a delicious style...as far as I'm concerned that means only one thing. Sorry for the crappo image quality.
Alright, two episodes down. Count me in.
Alright, two episodes down. Count me in.
She made a cupcake machine akin of Flim and Flam's cider machine.How did Pinkie make HERSELF...
Nah, there was a story on Equestria Daily recently about how they talked to Hasbro, and they really were behind the takedown requests. Hasbro accidentally derped and identified themselves to Youtube as "Habsro", which made some people think it was trolls again, but it was really Hasbro.
It's also been said that Hasbro doesn't currently want to send takedowns and rock the brony boat, but they're legally required to protect their IP otherwise they'll lose the rights to it.
Edit: Right now their offensive strategy is to fire warning shots. When they learn of you, they let you know they're about to raid, you clear out, they raid, they find nothing. They warned Ponyarchive, but Ponyarchive refused to move.
This is awesome.
But it took me a second to recognize Rainbow Dash without her namesake rainbow.
It kinda looks like a Trixie cupcake at the moment.There's stuff to be tweaked, I'm adding Rainbow's rainbow with sprinkles and gonna try to put in the cutie marks too.
It kinda looks like a Trixie cupcake at the moment.![]()
Trixie was in the crowd and having the same awed reactions as every other pony. There's no reason to assume she wasn't thankful to Twilight (and it's not like the others were thankful either, all they did was not-apologize for making Twilight feel like dirt), and even if Trixie wasn't thankful, what did she have to be thankful for? Twilight saved Ponyville buildings, not Trixie's stuff. Twilight didn't save Trixie's life, because Trixie could've just run away (which she didn't).
After the explanations were all said and done, Trixie left town her way, in character (why would she stay a minute longer, she had nothing left in a town full of haters who just wrecked all of her stuff and just moments earlier were continuing to badmouth her).
There's two main trains of thought on Trixie (that I'm aware of), one is that she's an egotistical narcissist who travels around to let ponies bask in her glory because it feeds her ego, and the other is that she's a genuine traveling performer. We can't tell which because Rarity started wrecking the show after one line came out of Trixie's mouth.
*strongman, etc*
But she did have an act. She told a fictional story with a neon lightshow and was performing simple magic tricks on stage. Three ponies (and Spike) in the front row were bitching and wouldn't shut up, and one of them actually started booing her and rushing the stage. She did what any good performer does when they're getting heckled, and she improvised. She worked her detractors into the show, managed to get some pretty good performances out of them, and still managed to outshine them.
ruby_onix laying the smackdown on all the sad Trixie haters.