I don't know why you guys are even arguing.
Trixie is Celestia.
Trixie is Celestia.
ruby doesn't argue, he educates.
indeed, freedom of expression is one of the first things to go in a tyranny.Celestia would not tolerate any of that...
ruby_onix fights for his friends.Also, I only ever do this for friends.
I actually have not. I just think the aesthetic of it is very bad because I'd want the figures for sitting around lookin' cute. Maybe I should remedy this.Have you ever tried brushing those?
It's cathartic.
Or maybe she's Luna.I don't know why you guys are even arguing.
Trixie is Celestia.
Bronies don't deal in absolute, Pony haters do.
What did he do?Aww man, just as soon as we got one we lost 'im. Black Lawn Finale got permabanned. :\
What did he do?
Brushable manes are awful.![]()
You're supposed to style them yourself!
i cant even style my own hair.
Hair styling is a foreign concept to me.You're supposed to style them yourself!
I dunno why, but that cloaked figure she's talking with looks like Fluttershy.
Pony Keyboards aren't exactly on the space efficient side. Besides, she's a unicorn. She can just use magic.Why would a pony be using a keyboard designed for human hands?
I'd place fighting because she was being prodded into it on the same level as the old "would you jump off a bridge" adage, personally. Plausible but dumb.I have to disagree on why she stayed. She ran when her mobile home was wrecked, and Snips and Snails followed. She seems to be faster than the Ursa, so she got some distance and then turned around to observe. Her mannerisms at this point are different. I think she dropped the act. She gave fighting a try because Snips and Snails were prodding her to do it, but when they started telling other ponies to relax because Trixie was going to win, she set the record straight.
Maybe. Maybe she's filthy rich (or secretly funded by Filthy Rich). We're out in completely speculative territory, though, and it's not a terribly important point.Pony economics are unclear at best. Maybe the government pays artists.
I don't believe the real-world-importance thing is a concern. Tons of performers have grandiose claims that could have real-world applications, and it's never an issue. The ones who believed Trixie's fiction and started cheerleading were children, and the ones who actively disbelieved were taking shots at it because they wanted to find fault with Trixie.
But why were they against her, and did they do anything wrong?
I can't do Gilda. She went too far when she scared the elderly and stole apples and made Fluttershy cry [...] Gilda's just bad.
Why would a pony be using a keyboard designed for human hands?
I'm at work, so I can't listen to the audio, but there's a new toy commercial featuring Pinkie Pie talking at the beginning. I can't wait to get home and hear how horribly off she sounds.
Planet of the Ponies more like.Because computers were created by humans.
See, MLP takes place in the post apocalyptic Earth.
Equestria borders Ooo (Adventure Time).
It is only rational. Celestia doesn't want ponies knowing this of course and is withholding all evidence from the public.CHEEZMO;35108281 said:I've been saying Equestria is Planet of The Ponies for months.
Complete with Dell PC and monitor, with a finish of PC speakers, prolly by DellDAT INTUOS4
CHEEZMO™;35108281 said:I've been saying Equestria is Planet of The Ponies for months.
not sure if I should bump that Gaming thread
not sure if I should bump that Gaming thread, but PonyKART update.
Really nice looking concept art for their next track
Saw episode 8 this morning, the slumber party one. It was ok I guess. Nothing really to laugh at or anything adorable. The pillow fight was pretty cool. I'm hoping for a better episode 9.