Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Big Mac and Braeburn can only get shipped so many times with the female cast before it gets old
(Besides, Mac and Braeburn were made for each other!)
Male cousin incest am i rite?
Big Mac and Braeburn can only get shipped so many times with the female cast before it gets old
(Besides, Mac and Braeburn were made for each other!)
Male cousin incest am i rite?
Spoiler Comic (well not really, it doesn't give away anything that the synopsis didn't give away).
Oh god.OMG New Upcoming Episode Summary
If they were going to give the Doctor Whooves fans a nod, this would be it. I also find it funny that this title is shared with a Phineas and Ferb episode which have had Doctor Who references in their titles (Don't Even Blink and Are You My Mummy?)
More reaction/general .gifs:
has anyone made a gif of the scene where the CMC ask Twilight for the book?
pinkie keen is a great episode, moral aside.
its like a road runner episode with ponies, except at the end they sympathize with the roadrunner when the audience all feels bad for the coyote.I need to rewatch it sometime.
The fan-voted marathon is going on right now leading up to the "new" episode (damn iTunes).
The results so far:
9. Hearth's Warming Eve
8. Feeling Pinkie Keen (really?)
7. Lesson Zero
6. Party of One
5. May the Best Pet Win
4. Suited for Success
Feeling Pinkie Keen? May the Best Pet Win? LESSON ZERO?
Return of Harmony, please save that list. > : (
Sweetie Belle cracks me up whenever she has the spotlight. She's mastered the art of being both adorable and rambunctious simultaneously.
If I were to rank ponies today, she'd be duking it out with Twilight for 3rd (behind Rarity and Fluttershy) and would stand a better than decent chance of winning that duel.
Good thing most people are crazy and utterly perverted, then.
I have never missed animated avatars more than I do right now
The moral was delivered with all the bluntness of an anvil to the head, but besides that, solid episode all around. Especially for one where the only appearance from a main cast member lasted less than a minute.
Also, some animator paid more attention to detail than he needed to in the opening shot:
why are they not allowed again?
why are they not allowed again?
High Five!
The moral was delivered with all the bluntness of an anvil to the head, but besides that, solid episode all around. Especially for one where the only appearance from a main cast member lasted less than a minute.
Also, some animator paid more attention to detail than he needed to in the opening shot:
And this would be adorable:
if it weren't for the nail.