Yes.Has a 3rd season been confirmed yet?
That means only 4 unannounced episodes for them to get a Scootaloo episode in....
Are we sure the season will be 26 episodes? I may be completely wrong here, but I thought I read somewhere there would be 28?
Has a 3rd season been confirmed yet? If not, I'm guessing this would help warrant it.
He meant Season 2. As I linked, there are rumors Season 2 is actually 28 episodes long. Otherwise, everything you've said is accurate.At the moment only 13 are confirmed. But I doubt they will keep season 3 at only 13.
Do you think they'll bring back Luna?
Episode:Air Date: March 17, 2012Dragon Quest
Synopsis:Spike joins the Great Dragon Migration to discover his true identity, but it might not be what he really needs.
Firstand then an episode all abouttime travel?dragons
And looking at that episode name, we better see someslimes.
Wow you get to seein this episode!the mayor of Ponyville's family
So they arepolitic ponies?
Well, in order to have an elected official, some sort of politics have to happen.
That was a pretty great episode! I was surprised by how well the song was worked in. All the random references to previous episodes were really cool, considering they were completely nonessential to the plot.
What plot?
Fun episode, by far the best Pinkie episode. Little too convenient resolution, but I loved all the continuity nods, and the song was great.
pinkie is kind of obnoxious.
but i guess its better than being sent to the cornfield.