Hoooo am I behind or what? I've been using my free time to mess with my new HTPC.
Also, surprisingly, my sister and I had a little quarrel on Saturday. But after we cooled off, we watched the new episode and things were back to normal like nothing happened. The show really is magic. Fun and ironic that it happened to be an episode about smiling.
Anyway, we really liked it. I dare say, this is probably one of the best episodes yet. Not just the season, but as a whole series. I'd say if it weren't for being a PP-focal episode, this would be a good Jump-in episode for newcomers to try. Great song, animation, and humor.
Carefully venturing into this thread from Comic-GAF land for a little crossover action...
First look at Cartoon Network's DC Nation 'S.B.F.F.' shorts, from producer Lauren Faust
No doubt this leads to a whole slew of pony/super fanart mashups.
Yeah, it's funny, if MLP wasn't made by Faust and/or it didn't take off as it did, I would've given this a look out of curiosity (I really do love the art style) and that I tend to enjoy DC Animated stuff. I had no idea who Faust was either before MLP. But now she's become one of my most respected people in Animation so I'm probably MORE eager to see it as HER new work, rather than something new from DC.
Oh and yeah Pony Mashups. Considering there's a lot of mashup art already of PPG, Galaxy Girls, and Foster's, yeah there's already going to a lot of pony mashups here. ESPECIALLY if Tara Strong reprises her role as Batgirl here.
Pinkie did kind of accept that moral at one point, but in lieu of friendship she at the very least strives for catharsis, which is what motivated her to follow through with hookin' up ol' Cranky Doodle.
The fact that they became "friends" at the end of the episode doesn't change that moral (though perhaps they could have driven that fact home more). There certainly didn't appear to be the traditional kind of "up-beat" friendship Pinkie is used to between her and Cranky, so perhaps "Friendship" in their case just meant "Acquaintances on good standing"
I really hated the episode, I think it is the only one I actively disliked.
Pinkie Pie spends half the episode destroying this guy life, then Deus Ex Machina makes her a hero. It's not like she changed her attitude or seemed to actually learn anything. She just bullies this poor old suffering donkey into a psychological hell and then "oh, here's the love of your life".
I do have to say the resolution did seem like an easy Deus Ex Machina. But I disagree with the "Bleh! Pinkie's an obnoxious idiot" You have to remember, Pinkie (and the other ponies) still have young minds that are behind their adult bodies. She's very much like a hyperactive 12 year old. She really really means well, but like a lot of kids, she really doesn't know the meaning of subtlety. I really thought that aspect was captured very well. Just the ending was a little weak.
Yeah I love the Flim Flam song because it's so untypical vs. girlie shit - it's an obvious selling song that's pretty much almost a villain song for the series, and we all know Villain Songs >>>>> Anything.
Yeah the more I listen to it, the more I like it. It IS really nice to have a song that doesn't sound like a Disney Princess song (not that they're bad, just liking the change of pace)