Two weeks, actually.
I think the one that bothers me the most is (predictably, if you read the things I post) the gap after "Hearth's Warming Eve"... there wasn't really any need to air that one out of order if you're just going to toss a three-week gap after it; you could've aired the two episodes lined up before it and still have it out in time for Christmas. I mean, worked for "Winter Wrap-Up", didn't it? That aired on friggin' Christmas Eve.
Then again, then "Hearts and Hooves Day" would be off by a few weeks. Hrmm. (Actually, why are there so many holiday episodes this season, particularly if they're just gonna skip them in reruns as they have been to this point? "Luna Eclipsed" was just voted "best episode of the show" in that poll, and they still skip over it.)
Also, not sure what the week after "A Friend In Deed" was about, either.