Shadow Hog
Good to know I wasn't the only one thinking this.
Good to know I wasn't the only one thinking this.
"Everypony who's anypony will be there!"
"Everypony who's anypony will be there!"
Maybe Luna is the cause of all the shenanigans.
Wait, so Discord will crash the wedding?
Maybe Luna is the cause of all the shenanigans.
New synopses for both parts of the season finale:
Episode 25 - A Canterlot Wedding Part 1
Air Date: April 21
Synopsis: Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, is marrying Princess Celestia's niece, Cadence.
Episode 26 - A Canterlot Wedding Part 1
Air Date: April 21
Synopsis: Twilight discovers a dark secret about Cadence right before the wedding.
Cadence is Discord in disguise!
Cadence is Discord in disguise!
True to life. How 'bout that?Roid pony has tiny wings. LOL
True to life. How 'bout that?
All of this Dash-Flutter interaction must make DrForester happy.
Might as well call him DasherFluttersher.
Roid pony has tiny wings. LOL
i liked how they didnt break any records, in a lesser show they wouldve all broken that and everything wouldve been perfect at the end
Eh, it's okay for me. People just easily swayed to Fluttershy (not saying Fluttershy eps are bad - my favorite is Dragonshy), it's just that the ending was poor.
You just don't like Pegasus ponies and are mad that Rainbow Dash was awesome in this episode.
I don't know. It's easy to learn something, much more difficult to put what you learned into practice.
Actually I like how RD was handled in the episode. It was Fluttershy who I hated in this ep.
Honestly I'm starting to dislike Fluttershy. These stuff she's learning, confidence, etc. are pretty much something that she had already overcame in older episodes - but then again that's the trouble when your main selling character for her is meekness.
Well we already knew she could be confident in emergencies from season 1, and assertiveness doesnt make you still afraid of public embarrassment, not to mention she lost most of that in her last episode
Actually she seemed like she just reapplied her assertiveness to healthy doses in the end.
But hey, maybe she hit her head or something. Or maybe she has issues.