This is a fantastic game so far, everything I expected it to be. So here are my brief impressions. (hope you guys can stand my bad english)
Just finished episode two and I spent almost 4 hours (played on hard). Do not know if this long, but I looked aorund a lot - read every sentence, watched every TV show and listened to every radio. Bright Falls is alive, it is such a great place and it breathes atmosphere out of every dust particle. I am not going into the story as this is something everyone has to experience on their own, but great stuff so far, headscratching included. The cutscenes are great (except the faces of course). I also like the small chats Alan has with other persons. Listen to everything!
The gameplay is tight and everything works as expected. No sign of repetition yet as I enjoy fighting the darkness. Some encounters gave me a good workout and I died a couple of times - there was some adrenaline flowing for sure. I did not like the cheapshooting enemys in my back though - not cool! The dodging can be really satisfying, especially if you are about do die "Oh god I need to make it into the light beam!"
Graphics. Oh jeeze they are good. Yes, it is a bit blurry if you look closer, but the quality of the lighting and the overall image is great. Remedy obviously knew what they were doing. Jaggies are almost invisible during the night time. There are some moments where you just have to stop and watch because it is oh so gorgeous. Even more so in motion and when all hell brakes loose. The environmets, which were created with such a great love of detail are also fantastic, but we already knew that

I noticed some tearing in the beginning of the first episode, but it vanished then.
Is it scary? Hm, first of all I am a bit of a pansy when it comes to scary games. I could not finish Condemned because it just freaked me out, but I found Doom 3 boring, even in the beginning (just for comparison). Alan Wake is more about chills and stressful moments so far. When the forest begins to rage, you just want to leave it. Or if a big man with an axe is coming after you and you are out of ammo, flashlight power or breath, (or altogether) you begin to panic. There were two moments where I was really scared though, and I needed to catch a breath before I could continue. But I am not going to tell what or where it was of course.
So what does this mean? I am in love with this game and I can not wait to continue tomorrow, as it is a bit late now where I live.