Finished up all the rest of the achievements on Saturday, just in time for Mario Whahoo! Pretty sad that it's completely over, want more content to play. Glad there are 2 new episodes coming out via DLC down the road

Watched the 6 webisodes as well.
BTW, Shake, it looks like the DLC is going to be Alan after all, not some side character. If you select "Downloadable Content" from the main menu, it has a very brief synopsis for both episodes. July isn't too long to wait for the first of the episodes...I guess.
Since everyone likes rating the episodes so much, I'll throw my hat in. I suppose I'd order them like this: 4>5>3>2>1>6
In any case, loved the game. The intensity was fantastic, really enjoyed Alan and his dialogue, I think a few of us on GAF here have had Alan say something we were thinking in our head

Barry is a fantastic comic relief and lolololol concerning him in Episode 5, you'll know it when you see it

Really enjoyed the story, thought is was quite original for a video game. Some fantastic locations in the game and the pacing was great. Episodes really built up and progressively got better. Now I should check out the plot spoiler thread.