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Naughty Dog Announces Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet

Yeah....I don't have a problem with the character, but the media will absolutely make this into a battle against misogyny and racism. That's such a shallow kneejerk response. I get the opinions others have that females don't need to look masculine. That's completely legit and has nothing to do with hate towards race or gender.
I think its an easy thing to latch onto

Just wonder if the hate would have been as loud if the trailer was actually an oh shit moment


Identifies as young
To me the main issue is that legitimate criticism - the tone and writing, will be completely disregarded as illegitimate.

People liked Uncharted and TLoU because the people actually had relatable, real dialogue and didn’t slurp a milkshake with a cocked eyebrow whilst being ‘the boss’.

I didn't have any negative thoughts towards that. Cocky bounty hunter character is what I saw. But that's fine.....the point is we can disagree on that specifically and it has nothing to do with her race/gender.


Gold Member
I know I’ve said it before, but I really want the laser swords to make sense in a future sci-fi action game, and why guns aren’t used. Because in a futuristic world/universe, melee combat doesn’t make much sense.
Tbh I'm all for product placement. If it helps developrs get more money to have coca cola cans in the game instead of koacola I'm on board.

I still think she suits being a footballer better
Product placement doesn’t bother me especially in sports titles.

The only thing that did feel out of place and forced was the Porsche wording on the back of a space ship


World’s Biggest Weeb
They shouldn't. They should make the game they want to make.

Games don't have to be for everyone and that's okay.

That's like saying FromSoftware needs to include difficulties in their games so more people can play lmao.
The counter example would be something like Concord. They were blindsided by how much gamers overwhelmingly disliked some aspects of the game (#1 being the character designs). A $400 million mistake.


Identifies as young
Product placement doesn’t bother me especially in sports titles.

The only thing that did feel out of place and forced was the Porsche wording on the back of a space ship

I think product placement in a futuristic title is pretty cool as it ties the future back to the present. If this game were set in modern day then it looks like nothing more than a money grab rather than having dual purpose.


Its funny because old gaf we would disect the trailer, screen shot blow ups and pull all this info out. Have real discussions about character design, possible story arcs, gameplay etc. Now its the anti woke mob hijacking every thread talking boobies and hair. Annoying as fuck
Well it wasn't anywhere near as big of a problem back in the day. People are now sick of girl bosses in almost every damn western game


I know I’ve said it before, but I really want the laser swords to make sense in a future sci-fi action game, and why guns aren’t used. Because in a futuristic world/universe, melee combat doesn’t make much sense.

Maybe they’re using body shields similar to the ones in Dune. Guess we’ll see.


Gold Member
Product placement doesn’t bother me. Never has. It’s in the real world, why wouldn’t it be in games too. I always thought developers were/are stupid for not having in game ads for products on walls. Have them timed and keep selling the ad space. But I think then, DLC should be cheaper.


Is this game woke? People seem...so sensitive about this. Ok yes, female protag...shaved head sure, but it's not like she a lesbian and they are all up in your face about it.

On the other hand...its Druckmann...so if walks like a druck, talk like a druck...probably a fuckin druck.

Ok so it's probably woke, TLOU2 was kinda woke too, no? TLOU2 was a good game, though I didn't enjoy the story as much as the original...it's was still a good story. I think this game will also have a good story and we'll probably have to grit our teeth a bit through the woke parts.
Gritting teeth isnt my favourite thing to do while playing new 70$ AAA game, so nope, same way i didnt buy tlou2 i wont get this one, let them make money on 2% of population aka bald lesbians, since protagonist is pandering to those.
I will give my hard earned cash to devs/games that pander to straight males like myself instead ;)
I think product placement in a futuristic title is pretty cool as it ties the future back to the present. If this game were set in modern day then it looks like nothing more than a money grab rather than having dual purpose.
It is kind of cool seeing what products survived in their eyes.

I guess the reason product placement doesn’t bother me is I really enjoy survival end of the world type of games and when I am out exploring an abandoned town it adds a little more realism for me if I find say an old Coke machine vs a generic no name product that has never existed


Gold Member
You must missed some news those days. They do for all those sorts of protest.

Do you think the decision to have the protagonist have a shaved head was made in the last few months? I doubt that, and I doubt it has anything to do with that stuff.


The problem is not only that the main character is an ugly bald Asian woman, but that she is arrogant, smug and absolutely unpleasant in her behavior. Just a repulsive character.

You could say that there were a lot of rude ugly guys as protagonists back in the day, but most of them were bad guys, antiheroes. They knew they were morrons. Like for example Max Payne in Max Payne 3 knew he is a scumbag.

But this Asian lady is presented (and will be presented until the end) as a flawless, perfect hero.


I wasn't saying that taking the main character of this game home was a bad thing your parents would hate..

I'm saying that if you didn't care you took some crackhead home with you you'd have zero standards. If your patents didn't care that You're with said crackhead, you've brought into their house, that's even worse

And to be fair, you should care what your parents think, they brought you up to begin with. If they've raised you to not give a shit what they think then how the hell are you around people you don't know..


Like I said, look around you outside. Not much of that is there.

I didnt say I don't care what my parents think on anything. But I didn't get a say in who they decided to sleep with so I dont expect them to get a say in who I do.

Some cultures don't do this but not the one I'm in. And what my parents want for me isn't always what I want for myself.

Everyone's responsible for their own choices.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You must missed some news those days. They do for all those sorts of protest.
I suppose the fact that she just wasn't bold and they showed you her shaving the hair(kinda like the first proper trailer for the TLOU2 was a lesbian kiss) amplifies that.
But that's looking into it too deep.


Product placement doesn’t bother me. Never has. It’s in the real world, why wouldn’t it be in games too. I always thought developers were/are stupid for not having in game ads for products on walls. Have them timed and keep selling the ad space. But I think then, DLC should be cheaper.

I dunno, Garth here disagrees with you, and who are we to argue with a man who never once compromised his artistic vision for a cheap buck:

Waynes World Reebok GIF

For real though, I do agree with you to an extent. Keep it at a reasonable level, and in an appropriate setting, and I don’t think it would be an immersion-breaking issue.

Heck, while I’ll gladly criticize Michael Bay’s Transformers movies (while still having them as a guilty pleasure to an extent), I remember face palming when people were yelling, “ugh, product placement!” when Sam is selling stuff on EBay in the first film. And I’m like, “him selling that stuff affects the plot so it’s not random filler, and it’s someone selling stuff online in 2007, makes total sense to me that he’d use EBay.”


Should stick to what they do best; with their current IP's. Stick to what's selling and already established. Add more of what people are enjoying, build upon and add to that foundation.
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It's funny that Neil said the game is inspired by Cowboy Bebop. How about making a character like Faye then?


These people aren't inspired by anime, they despise it.
Yeah..? Because Faye's face is realistic,the only thing I can say looks real is Faye's body type.
Its funny because old gaf we would disect the trailer, screen shot blow ups and pull all this info out. Have real discussions about character design, possible story arcs, gameplay etc. Now its the anti woke mob hijacking every thread talking boobies and hair. Annoying as fuck
Anti-woke crew is just as bad as the woke people that they hate. Opposite sides of the same idiocy. I don’t like woke shit in games but I don’t think every female character in a game has to look attractive or even feminine for that matter, and I don’t decide to buy or trash games based solely on what the characters in it look or identify as. If this game is good which it looks to be I’ll give it a chance. The main character looking butt ugly has no bearing on whether it will be a great game or not.


Anti-woke crew is just as bad as the woke people that they hate. Opposite sides of the same idiocy. I don’t like woke shit in games but I don’t think every female character in a game has to look attractive or even feminine for that matter, and I don’t decide to buy or trash games based solely on what the characters in it look or identify as. If this game is good which it looks to be I’ll give it a chance. The main character looking butt ugly has no bearing on whether it will be a great game or not.
This shows why stellerblade gets as much love as it does. You'd think it was some amazing game, nope, the protag is just overly sexualized and that's good enough. This game could be the most fun of the gen but people here wouldn't care. Yall need to get a girlfriend.


The problem is not only that the main character is an ugly bald Asian woman, but that she is arrogant, smug and absolutely unpleasant in her behavior. Just a repulsive character.

You could say that there were a lot of rude ugly guys as protagonists back in the day, but most of them were bad guys, antiheroes. They knew they were morrons. Like for example Max Payne in Max Payne 3 knew he is a scumbag.

But this Asian lady is presented (and will be presented until the end) as a flawless, perfect hero.

Was Ellie presented as a flawless, perfect hero in TLOU Part 2?

Pretty sure she sets out to take Abby out but then ends up getting her ass kicked by her 2/3 through the game, and then at the end of the game when she flashback remembers how much Joel wanted her to be happy first and foremost, and then she realizes she just destroyed her relationship with her partner by focusing on her revenge first, and goes home to find it empty and she sits there with a guitar she can’t play well with her now missing fingers gone due to her revenge quest. A main character who let down her father figure (ironically as she assumed she was honoring his memory by getting revenge at all costs when in fact Joel just wanted her to be safe and happy above all), her partner, her child, and is now utterly alone.

Could have fooled me!

And yes, I know we don’t know if this MC will be like that, but an assumption either way is still an assumption. It’s a trailer, none of us know what will fully go down in the game proper.
People are crying about the look of the protagonist. lol

Imagine if Jack Mass Effect or Ripley from Aliens was revealed in 2024, people would be crying woke.
It's not about a few edge cases. It's about patterns. We can't help but notice. All Sony games this Gen have only "female" protagonists. And they are never attractive.

This character wouldn't be a problem in a vacuum. Or if this was 2005. Because we know druckman gulps down the woke kool-aid like no other. They always push for ulgy female characters and no masculinity. As they hate masculinity and men in general. Dudes aren't allowed to have eye candy or play as a power fantasy. Eventually guys will bow out and not play. It's a simple as that.
The woke creed is propping up one group by exclusion. All they have to do is make male protagonists along with the female ones and make some of the females attractive or at least normal looking and no one would bat an eye. They won't though as they are "flipping oppression" or some shit. If you lurk on the purple forum or reddit you can see what they value.
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Wait and see if this remaster studio can actually do a brand new ip after TWELVE years

do we know for sure if this is another Cukman project?


Its funny because old gaf we would disect the trailer, screen shot blow ups and pull all this info out. Have real discussions about character design, possible story arcs, gameplay etc. Now its the anti woke mob hijacking every thread talking boobies and hair. Annoying as fuck

It is tiring. I understand. The last several years have led to a certain sensitivity and I think it's justified - to an extent. But we turned into a magnet for the ones who can cross into rage territory at the drop of a hat. It's dominating not just individual discussions, but the whole vibe of the place.

The word politics is broad. It is hard to draw the line with the no-politics rule when it is notably influencing media. I get it. I really do. But at some point you're spiraling into an echo chamber and the drone needs to a headache whether you agree with the opinions or not.

Era got to a point where some games would get so hated for simply showing a character that it started to feel weird just dropping a neutral comment about the actual game without sounding off about the Injustice of it all. It was actually impeding its function as a place to talk about video games. Put aside what team you're on and look at the larger dynamic.

When I saw the trailer and noted the tired archetype of the protagonist, I was a little let down because it's dull, but my mind went more to how bad the reaction was going to be on here. How it was going to be a while before you could talk about the actual game for more than five posts on each page. I should add though, that I didn't expect the game to get ratio so hard outside of here. So I don't want to be too hard on the place.

We're not banning the game obviously. A mistake that era has made a couple times until they put their foot down on it with stellar blade. Yes, there was a lengthy post from an administrator telling everyone stop asking for the game discussion to be banned and why that would be wrong. They didn't admit the mistake they made with cyberpunk and Hogwarts, but still they learned and finally stood up to their community. They're still going to get discussion of given games drowned out by culture warriors. That's a lot harder to draw a crisp line in the sand, there. That's not just a pain when you're trying to follow that game, but it's a bad look for the whole place and obnoxious to be steeped in constantly.

By all means, sound off. I'm not the only one who doesn't want to change your mind, but is just looking for some place where they can get away from all of it. A place that doesn't exist anymore on the internet. I suppose it's nice to want things.
I see this getting compared to Aliens a lot and it absolutely shouldn't.

A 28 year old Sigourney Weaver is actually weirdly attractive, and she never Arnold Schwarzeneggers the 15 foot death machine using her frail frame.
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