Lesbian female playable characters go back a bit. Ever think about why that is? Or why even in this day and age we don't have gay male mc's?
"Representation" actually provides some cover-fire for studios trying to avoid mc's romancing a man.
I read it somewhere long ago and it got stuck in mind, but basically the reasoning was, lesbian is OK because if she like girls, she doesn't take the dick which is gay af
But yeah, you're not gonna get a gay dude in a video-game as MC like ever, sure as a secondary character with the trope of Mr perfect gay: handsome, good at everything, charming, gay but if he didn't mention it, you wouldn't know
That's why Billy in TLoU was such a highlight, dude wasn't perfect, he was a paranoid douche, funny too but a complete a-hole and that personality is what end up braking his relationship with the dude Joel find hanged, then comes the HBO series and make it a Disney happy ending love story that completelly erases such great character