Almost 100 pages free advertising for Concord.
Almost 100 pages free advertising for Concord.
Or they are robotsOne thing I am curious about is that someone recently said that there were four hundred thousand dislikes on one of the trailers? Not saying they do not matter, but I am curious as to how many of those 4hk were never going to buy it in the first place and only wanted to downvote.
Also, let's say that each and every one of those 4hk truly do not buy the game, even used. What would that translate to in monetary losses, and would it be enough for ND to even care?
Which Mad Max, Furiosa? And Buffy wasn't an action show, it was a teen drama with action elements (and I loved it). Strike Back, Banshee, SEAL Team, The Unit, Black Sash, The Warrior, Walker Texas Ranger, Renegade; THOSE are action TV shows. But I'll give you Dark Angel perhaps. Lioness as well. Again, not a NEVER thing, just a much harder project to sell and do well and this isn't really anything that can be debated.Some of my favourite action films have had female leads, like Kill Bill, Mad Max, The Hunger Games and Alien(s), amongst others. My favourite TV show was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In the 80’s the action genre was pretty much dominated by the musclebound male hero, but times have moved on. I feel like some folk still live in the 80’s.
Damn You must be a horrible person.Not a single decision the retarded characters in that game made was outside of the "I just took 3 stripes of acid let's make an important decision" realm . It wasn't emotional just utterly stupid and unrealistic and don't even get me started on the whole abysmally tacked on Lev arc.
I loved the predecessor and I couldn't wait for this stupid drag to be over at the midpoint. The only reason I didn't drop it was that I simply couldn't believe that "that's it? This is the sequel to Lou.. Really?"
Empathy has nothing to do with refusing terrible writing. Do you cry in marvel movies, too?Damn You must be a horrible person.
Not even a bit of empathy.
games that are fun and either need no story to be fun or actually have a good one.If you hate this game so much... I have no idea what other games you play.
dragging Lou's story down to indian soap opera level certainly was "controversial and different"Imo it's better to try something different and be controversial or fail, rather than do another identical game
"bad writting" is the most overused, bullshit criticism towards games.Bullshit. Empathy has nothing to do with refusing terrible writing. Do you cry in marvel movies, too?
games that are fun and either need no story to be fun or actually have a good one.
dragging Lou's story down to indian soap opera level certainly was "controversial and different"
oh you poor poor soul. You probably couldn't tell the script quality between a Shawshank Redemption and Marvel Movie xyz apart...TLOU2 "writting" is one of best ever in modern games.
Yeah you are such a smart critic huh ok grandpa go watch your schindlers list.oh you poor poor soul. You probably couldn't tell the script quality between a Shawshank Redemption and Marvel Movie xyz apart...
Calling this forced pretentious bullshit "not as good as others" is an understatement. And calling a standard revenge story "completely different" uh-huh......Yeah you are such a smart critic huh ok grandpa go watch your schindlers list.
The story and writing is not as good as some but it’s also doing completely different thing.
Some people even cry during "next supermodel" shows and similar filth... Or you could just cut an onion., I cried and that’s all that matters
I thought I was superficial being a bodybuilder, but I don't hold a candle to the people so pissed about her looks. I'm the type to watch a movie and ask why the fuck a girl is wearing makeup, why is her hair perfect all the time, etc. It's especially ridiculous in sitcoms besides something like Roseanne, everyone looks unnatural. In Intergalactic you have a normal looking person alone on a ship in space and people want a super model. It's like people don't know what a girl looks like without makeup and a hair stylist. She has a body that looks capable of some violence instead of a 115-pound weak figure. Sure, it's in the future and there will be unrealistic shit, or at least futuristic stuff that doesn't exist in our world, but I think Naughty Dog is going for realistic characters and I'm here for it.
I'm just trying to get us to 100 pages. Don't quote me. We'll never agree lol
Trailer was fine.
I bet Ellie or Abby won’t even be a main character in TLOU3. If they’re really trying to franchise the series they’re eventually gonna have to move past Ellie and Joel’s story completely. My guess is that they’ll just anthologize the series and make each new iteration a completely new cast of characters living through the outbreak in different ways. I bet the seeds of this approach were laid with the cancelled Factions game.
- Ugly desexualized girlboss doing a ritual of defeminization by buzzing off her hair
- 80s retro vibes by ripping off movies like Alien and Guardians of the Galaxy
- obnoxious MCU dialogue
- female warrior beating up killer robots
Exactly WHAT is groundbreaking here?
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh thatdoesn'treallyanswermyquestionthough."Ritual of Defeminization" is laughable to me. Come on guys. Can we try to be reasonable here? A RITUAL?! LOL!!!
You don't need a time machine, silly, just play any ND game that released after September 9th, 1996, there's your proof. Even the "worst" game between then and now is higher quality than at least 50% of what's coming out these days.I get that there are a lot of haters for this game, but there are also a lot of defenders as well claiming it's going to be awesome. Can I borrow your time machine? Clearly you know more than the rest of us.
Dont forget what games they released in January 1992 and on August 30, 1994.You don't need a time machine, silly, just play any ND game that released after September 9th, 1996, there's your proof. Even the "worst" game between then and now is higher quality than at least 50% of what's coming out these days.
I get that there are a lot of haters for this game, but there are also a lot of defenders as well claiming it's going to be awesome. Can I borrow your time machine? Clearly you know more than the rest of us.
I don't get this argument, if it is one. Are you saying there's a chance Intergalactic could be bad because ND made two bad games in '92 and '94?Dont forget what games they released in January 1992 and on August 30, 1994.
Some of us have, and some of us have already dismissed them. Good if you like them though. Nothing wrong about that. People are allowed to like things for any reason they choose.You don't need a time machine, silly, just play any ND game that released after September 9th, 1996, there's your proof. Even the "worst" game between then and now is higher quality than at least 50% of what's coming out these days.
- Ugly desexualized girlboss doing a ritual of defeminization by buzzing off her hair
- 80s retro vibes by ripping off movies like Alien and Guardians of the Galaxy
- obnoxious MCU dialogue
- female warrior beating up killer robots
Exactly WHAT is groundbreaking here?
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh thatdoesn'treallyanswermyquestionthough.
The thing is that a lot of gaffers want to be transgender but their health care plan doesn't cover sex change operations, so they live in frustration every single day. They are highly emotional(minimal to none rational thinking) people, easly offended, easily triggered, zero tolerance, spout hate in all directions, it's the same people that dislike Resetera and the people over there, but, create threads here about whats is going on there. The irony.Speaking for myself, I am not bothered by the fact that the protagonist is a woman. I wonder why it seems like there are so many people out there (not specifically here at gaf, but on the internet in general) that seem so triggered by games having female protagonists.
Even the cute/sexy ones like Miriam from Bloodstained. There are people in real life that I know of that will not even look at a game beyond its trailer if the protagonist isn't some man beast. that can tear through hordes of enemies as they were nothing. Second a woman shows up that nuke battlefields though and they get all triggered.
Whether you love or loathe them, there's no denying that they are probably the most talented studio in the business, everyone else, with a few exceptions, can only dream of being as good as ND. I wish they weren't so preachy, for sure, but they're so good that at the end of the day I just don't really give a shit as long as they keep pumping out high quality games like they have been for nearly 30 years.Some of us have, and some of us have already dismissed them. Good if you like them though. Nothing wrong about that. People are allowed to like things for any reason they choose.
Anything can happen.I don't get this argument, if it is one. Are you saying there's a chance Intergalactic could be bad because ND made two bad games in '92 and '94?
This is true for me. I want to lop my dick off but since I can't afford the procedure I instead attack people and things that painfully remind me of my unattainable dream of becoming post-op trans. But in an odd case of "the grass is always greener on the other side", my feelings actually mirror the sentiments of people who've successful had the procedure but lash out at cisgendered folks.The thing is that a lot of gaffers want to be transgender but their health care plan doesn't cover sex change operations, so they live in frustration every single day. They are highly emotional people, easly offended, easily triggered, zero tolerance, spout hate in all directions, it's the same people that dislike Resetera and the people over there is the same that create threads here about whats is going on there.
It makes sense.
And this is like in the American Beauty movie they pretend to hate the most what they can't become freely and if they can't have it, it mustn't exist. The irony.
Don't stop believing, some day it will happen, keep hanging in there.This is true for me. I want to lop my dick off but since I can't afford the procedure I instead attack people and things that painfully remind me of my unattainable dream of becoming post-op trans. But in an odd case of "the grass is always greener on the other side", my feelings actually mirror the sentiments of people who've successful had the procedure but lash out at cisgendered folks.
Sure anything can happen, we could get hit by an asteroid tomorrow, but it's been so long, it's highly unlikely, almost impossible.Anything can happen.
Who would had thought Sony (after having tons of successful first party games) would take part in a trainwreck like Concord? Or Socom games going down the toilet when they were awesome on older PS systems and handhelds.
Sega's sports games on Saturn would be the worst ever after having great Genesis sports games. And after having successful consoles and handhelds, Nintendo made Virtual Boy.
You make it sound as if I complained about the game being unoriginal. I merely asked what is new and original about it, because the person I quoted made it look like it was.How many games nowadays are ground breaking? And since you clearly don't think this is, what do you consider groundbreaking games? Also how do you gather this much from a 4 minute game cinematic?
Generally, killing in self defense or in defense of another can be morally justified.
From my POV(the player) given all I've seen of the Fireflies in the game, it looks like they're going to kill Ellie for a lost cause and therefore I root for Joel to stop them.
Ellie had talked about what they're going to do after the hospital visit so to me it looks like Ellie had no intention of dying at that hospital. The Fireflies could've asked but they don't bother which makes me root against them even more.
Ellie spent most of the game getting Joel to accept her as a new daughter. So when her life is in danger, it seems in character to me that Joel comes to her defense.
Not a single decision the retarded characters in that game made was outside of the "I just took 3 stripes of acid let's make an important decision" realm . It wasn't emotional just utterly stupid and unrealistic and don't even get me started on the whole abysmally tacked on Lev arc.
I loved the predecessor and I couldn't wait for this stupid drag to be over at the midpoint. The only reason I didn't drop it was that I simply couldn't believe that "that's it? This is the sequel to Lou.. Really?"
I don't know if this theory is true or not but I found out that when Jordan type in keyboard as on following pics, she types 7->2->0>2 then press enter which may be hint for either one of those two things :-
1- the game will released in 2027.
2-they will show new gameplay on 27/2 next year on sony sop
If it's another vague trailer that explains almost nothing and not a Rockstar style preview trailer of actual gameplay then they can fuck off. Still can't help but be excited for when they show it again, though. 2/27/25 seems too soon.I don't know if this theory is true or not but I found out that when Jordan type in keyboard as on following pics, she types 7->2->0>2 then press enter which may be hint for either one of those two things :-
1- the game will released in 2027.
2-they will show new gameplay on 27/2 next year on Playstation sop
I'd love for her to take on a mentor role for Jessie and Dina's son and have him be the playable character.I believe Neil said Ellie is the main character for the whole TLOU series. Starting back to TLOU1. So it'll be weird if she's not in TLOU3 as the main character.
Generally, killing in self defense or in defense of another can be morally justified.
From my POV(the player) given all I've seen of the Fireflies in the game, it looks like they're going to kill Ellie for a lost cause and therefore I root for Joel to stop them.
Ellie had talked about what they're going to do after the hospital visit so to me it looks like Ellie had no intention of dying at that hospital. The Fireflies could've asked but they don't bother which makes me root against them even more.
Ellie spent most of the game getting Joel to accept her as a new daughter. So when her life is in danger, it seems in character to me that Joel comes to her defense.
Or Jordan has just shaved 7202 inch of hair or Jordan has 7202 genders. Come one guys, don't make things up.I don't know if this theory is true or not but I found out that when Jordan type in keyboard as on following pics, she types 7->2->0>2 then press enter which may be hint for either one of those two things :-
1- the game will released in 2027.
2-they will show new gameplay on 27/2 next year on Playstation sop
I believe Neil said Ellie is the main character for the whole TLOU series. Starting back to TLOU1. So it'll be weird if she's not in TLOU3 as the main character.
She might've agreed, yes. Since there's doubt, it was important to ask her when there was the chance. Just assuming consent when it comes to taking the live of the patient or worse, not caring about it, does not reflect well on the Fireflies.Just because Ellie made plans with Joel doesn't mean she wouldn't sacrifice herself for a cure.
That makes no sense at all. They also didn't know HOW the cure was going to be made. Even Joel assumed it was going to be as simple as "drawing some blood."
Ellie: "How will they do it?
Joe: "Do what?"
Ellie: "Get the cure from me? You think it'll hurt?
Joel: "No. No. They'll probably just... y'know., draw some blood. It don't hurt."
Everyone makes plans for the future with someone, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't sacrifice for that person. That's a bad argument to make.
Ellie was happy with Joel before she arrived at the hospital...... but she was upset with him afterward. Something clearly changed.
She might've agreed, yes. Since there's doubt, it was important to ask her when there was the chance. Just assuming consent when it comes to taking the live of the patient or worse, not caring about it, does not reflect well on the Fireflies.
But even if she had agreed, it still looks very sketchy that the Fireflies would've be able to turn things around and I'm very sure Ellie or Joel would've raised some questions about it.
There are actual people who defend the weird body shape of Jordan as "normal". Bros probably also think that abby had normal body shape for a women. Its not. Its weird druckmann kinks.
Shes not normal she's athletic the "normal" woman in America is either skinny fat or just plain fat
Being unethical during a zombie apocalypse?!?Ehm, the guy came up with the surgery that would 100% kill the patient. He should've verified with the patient after that finding. He didn't even wanted Joel to be informed about it. The guy's very unethical.