I'll post a pic with the mask on the stand when I get home.People keep posting this but no showing the contents, is it actually a mask?
This isn't gaming related, but the internet loves cats. A few days ago, I noticed her inside the open trunk of my neighbor's car that morning. I told my neighbor and he said he would surrender her to our Humane Society. However, that night, in the rain, I heard crying coming from the bushes. That's where I found this same kitten. I've taken her in, despite having four other cats, and she's as happy as can be. I would report my neighbor, but I can't directly prove anything. She spent most of last night on my lap as I played Xenoblade Chronicles.
This isn't gaming related, but the internet loves cats. A few days ago, I noticed her inside the open trunk of my neighbor's car that morning. I told my neighbor and he said he would surrender her to our Humane Society. However, that night, in the rain, I heard crying coming from the bushes. That's where I found this same kitten. I've taken her in, despite having four other cats, and she's as happy as can be. I would report my neighbor, but I can't directly prove anything. She spent most of last night on my lap as I played Xenoblade Chronicles.
This isn't gaming related, but the internet loves cats. A few days ago, I noticed her inside the open trunk of my neighbor's car that morning. I told my neighbor and he said he would surrender her to our Humane Society. However, that night, in the rain, I heard crying coming from the bushes. That's where I found this same kitten. I've taken her in, despite having four other cats, and she's as happy as can be. I would report my neighbor, but I can't directly prove anything. She spent most of last night on my lap as I played Xenoblade Chronicles.
Awesome! The key combo thing is only a problem if you play games like Portal 2 or FPS games that require use of jumping while sprinting. I've wanted one for those late nits when I don't want to make noise, might have to grab one now.Monitor buddy fistbump!
I didn't even know this was a thing. I had to look it up. W + SHift + Space works just fine on my keyboard.![]()
these are sick, gonna have to snag some decals for my stuff nowThanks! Right here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/argibiCreativeStudio
People keep posting this but no showing the contents, is it actually a mask?
I already posted but this just came in...
Hell yeah! I'm ready:
I second this!! ^_^You're a good human being.
What are the video outputs like on that FC3Plus? Also, I presume you can only use the controllers that are bundled with the unit itself?
Disclaimer!! I took these pictures with my 3GS, so sorry for the shit quality.
So, my mother in law is a housekeeper for this upper class family, and they're constantly giving her things like couches, old tvs, ect. Couple days ago, she calls me up:
M-I-L : "Hey you like video games right?"
ME: "Yup!"
M-I-L: "Well, I'm dropping off a box full of them."
ME: "Ok!"
Some old N64, and SNES games, and then I find this at the bottom of the box:
It's in OK shape, still boots up and everything!
The only thing that sucks is that it was missing the cover to the sub battery housing, and I have no idea where to find a replacement! Maybe you can help GAF?
And finally, the games!
You win "best pickup" this month.
You are a excellent human being.
You're a good human being.
I second this!! ^_^
Thank you! She's such a sweet kitty, too. Not sure what kind of person would just send her outside like that. Broke my heart when I found her.
Congratulations! One of my favorite fighters!Hurrah! Found this in good condition from an Amazon seller.
So good.
Catching up on games I missed since the last time I owned a DS. Yep, that's two sealed copies of TWEWY. Ordered two accidentally from amazon (for $20, so no big deal considering what it sells for nowadays).
Edit: err... I have no idea why it is upside down. I suspect Mac shenanigans.
Nice haul, GB <3!
I would probably kill to have one of those Olly Moss Totoro Posters So gorgeous.More posters...
This isn't gaming related, but the internet loves cats. A few days ago, I noticed her inside the open trunk of my neighbor's car that morning. I told my neighbor and he said he would surrender her to our Humane Society. However, that night, in the rain, I heard crying coming from the bushes. That's where I found this same kitten. I've taken her in, despite having four other cats, and she's as happy as can be. I would report my neighbor, but I can't directly prove anything. She spent most of last night on my lap as I played Xenoblade Chronicles.
The only thing that sucks is that it was missing the cover to the sub battery housing, and I have no idea where to find a replacement! Maybe you can help GAF?
And finally, the games!
I spent over €200 on SNES items these past two weeks. Woops!
Oni (50p used), SSX On Tour (£2 used) and Persona 3 FES (£18 used - I'll freely admit I got a bit ripped off there).
This isn't gaming related, but the internet loves cats. A few days ago, I noticed her inside the open trunk of my neighbor's car that morning. I told my neighbor and he said he would surrender her to our Humane Society. However, that night, in the rain, I heard crying coming from the bushes. That's where I found this same kitten. I've taken her in, despite having four other cats, and she's as happy as can be. I would report my neighbor, but I can't directly prove anything. She spent most of last night on my lap as I played Xenoblade Chronicles.
Yep, PAL copy. Which means shitty borders on the top and weirdly enough a small black border on the right side.I'm playing it in 14:9 which means it isn't stretched (as evidenced by the gray borders on the side).The aspect ratio you're playing Yoshi's Island at is tripping me out.
PAL 50Hz copy I presume?
Yep, PAL copy. Which means shitty borders on the top and weirdly enough a small black border on the right side.I'm playing it in 14:9 which means it isn't stretched (as evidenced by the gray borders on the side).
...and finally, I rescued a six week old puppy from a local shelter last week. She was taken from a house that had over 40 dogs that were being abused and mistreated. Her name is Voodoo; she's a beagle mix.
Yeah, I'm happy that region specific video formats are now a thing of the past.Heh, I just initially saw that it was stretched and was about to be disgusted... but then I noticed the borders at the top and bottom also.
My whole collection is PAL so I feel your pain :'(
I used to always use 14:9 mode with non-anamorphic DVD's also, thank god we're past that stage!
Yeah, I'm happy that region specific video formats are now a thing of the past.
The black border on the top and right are a bit shitty, but they're not bothersome enough for me to chase down NTSC copies instead of PAL SNES games.
Good Jack Frost man, How much did you pay for Devil Summoner 1 ? That goes for at LEAST 100 USD.
Because zoom 1 cuts of a small section of the image on the top and bottom.Why not just use the Zoom option on the TV? I think Zoom 1 should do the trick on a Panasonic plasma. It doesn't get rid of the weird little border on the right but other then that it's full screen.
4:3: http://i.imgur.com/Fn5wZ.jpg?1
Zoomed in: http://i.imgur.com/FBcAu.jpg?1
The image quality on a HDTV is awful either way though.