Rygar 8 Bit
Jaguar 64-bit
Yep, basically $390 to ship it out, but at least I can stop looking all over for a second candy cab.
its a awesome machine you going to put something different into it?
Yep, basically $390 to ship it out, but at least I can stop looking all over for a second candy cab.
As you can see, the screen is just infinitely better in every way. The AGS-101 is by far the best iteration of the gameboy ever and they're relatively rare and expensive to get. I got mine for cheap though and it's al-
The PO bedazzled it. I think this is stuck on there with super glue. How am I going to get this off.
its a awesome machine you going to put something different into it?
Yep, basically $390 to ship it out, but at least I can stop looking all over for a second candy cab.
can't you just swap the top shell with the other one that won't turn on?
I considered it but I'm too afraid of screwing up and accidentally breaking the one working AGS-101 that I have.
...which won't be a problem considering that I just bought another one. Oops.
So yeah, I'm gonna try removing them but if it doesn't work out I'll use the parts one and swap it out.
where?! how? where!??!
I think the Konami Style online shop.
Probably used a forwarding service, also I'm not sure the one available right now is the same disk or there was an LE.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but that MGS4 poster is a fake. The genuine examples cut off at the top of Ocelot's head. It's still an awesome poster though. Here's a genuine example:Finally got around to getting some posters framed.
That's the plan.![]()
Went out shopping for a carry case for my 3DS XL...
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but that MGS4 poster is a fake. The genuine examples cut off at the top of Ocelot's head. It's still an awesome poster though. Here's a genuine example:
Again, not that it matters, but in case you bought it thinking that it's the real deal, now you know.
Or maybe his is just framed differently?
the designs are slightly different. easiest way to tell is to look at the size of "METALGEARSOLID4". it's much smaller in the first version.Or maybe his is just framed differently?
the designs are slightly different. easiest way to tell is to look at the size of "METALGEARSOLID4". it's much smaller in the first version.
i don't know how a poster can be "fake". it's a poster, so it's real, it just might not be officially licensed or whatever. personally i prefer the first version with the smaller text treatment. the 2nd example looks like an awkward matting job.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but that MGS4 poster is a fake. The genuine examples cut off at the top of Ocelot's head. It's still an awesome poster though. Here's a genuine example:
Again, not that it matters, but in case you bought it thinking that it's the real deal, now you know.
Playstation kind of day.
Those are all out already?
Tomorrow, technically.
Playstation kind of day.
I'm going to have to head to my local indie retailer and pick up the Journey CE tomorrow!
On a side note:
The Journey CE was in development by different people, and it's just coincidence that it releases on the same day as the other collections. That's also why the cover art is different - we didn't hear about the other Collections until when they were announced.
I wonder if that will help sales? I mean I'm guessing a lot of people that see these are willing to buy multiple games, since they're quality franchises and at a discount, so they may be more willing to get the Journey CE as well.
Playstation kind of day.
Playstation kind of day.
Are the games in one disc, or in multiple?
God of War Collection is two discs and a download voucher for the psp games. Infamous is two discs and a download voucher for Festival of Blood.
Okay GAF, finally ...
Does anyone know why Dragon Force has one disc but room for two?
Very nice stuff! Where'd you manage to pick up most of it?I picked up a bunch of stuff in the last few weeks.
Okay GAF, finally ...
Does anyone know why Dragon Force has one disc but room for two?
Not a haul but I customized Mikey with chains.
That is a cool Turtle. I don't follow TMNT anymore, but what is it from?
I'm so jealous of your class and the reading list. I've only read Exit Wounds of the books pictured, but it's a fantastic graphic novel.Gotta love a university class about graphic novels and comics. All of these for the one class, and they still need to stock three more at the bookstore.
I'm so jealous of your class and the reading list. I've only read Exit Wounds of the books pictured, but it's a fantastic graphic novel.
Playstation kind of day.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...there's a PHYSICAL copy of Journey?
Time the hell out while I buy this too...
Edit: And I have to ask, these are games on the physical disc, right, not just some download keys?
(Sorry, I've never done the PSN thing with my consoles...)
Journey, Flow, and Flower are on the disc, but there is a download code for some avatars.
Playstation kind of day.
Journey, Flow, and Flower are on the disc, but there is a download code for some avatars.