Killer Queen
You should look into Tamron and Sigma lenses, they're pretty good third party manufactures, just don't go too old cause that's when they were having quality issues. Tokina makes good ultra wide angle lenses from what I've heard.
Will definitely do! Thank you
VF = view finder -- the little circle you look through when shooting photos if the camera has one
EVF = electronic view finder, which is used in mirroless cameras. I believe all manufactures support manual focusing assistance. The camera will provide visual aid to show you which area is in focus based on your current settings. Most common style is by overlaying white/red/blue color over that area. It's not 100% accurate but definitely good enough and makes manual focus less of a guessing game. DSLRs these days also provide this functionality in Live View mode (using the LCD screen on the back of the camera) -- you would have to check to see if camera you are interested supports it.
OVF = optical view finder, which you find on traditional DSLRs. Pentaprism and pentamirror are different materials used to re-direct the light to your view finder. Pentaprism results in brighter view finder makes pretty big difference for manual focusing imo. You can read more about how it works mechanically here:
You can typically swap out the focusing screen for mid-higher end DSLR. The one shown here is split type -- meaning if you are in focus the top and lower half will become one.![]()
Also some DSLRs can tell you if you are in focus while using manual lenses in the OVF. I know Pentax ones all do that now. I haven't kept up with Canon enough to know which ones do/don't.
Ah okay, thanks that's definitely a lot more helpful