he's very picky about everything. I dont really read his lens reviews cause he doesnt post enough samples its just text. I want to see examples of problems not just words about problems.I'm reading some of his site and he seems really picky with lenses. Looks like the D800 series is really picky with lenses as well according to him.
Anyway I read him for his industry thoughts and opinions.
But yes, the d800 high resolution is going to magnify any flaws in a lens.
i disagree. IF you read the article i posted IIRC he even says you should be able to have better connection to a smart phone to do more things. The basic premise is better connectivity and manufacturers haven't hardly even tried.It's kind of an unsolvable problem imo. phones are much better at generic tasks than cameras can ever be. It's kind of unreasonable to expect cameras to have full software stack to be able to deal with sharing to social media and many other things.