My greatest pick up of 2013, which I bought for the grand total of £5.
29" 4:3 Sony Trinitron CRT:
I also got a Mega Drive with a 50/60hz mod for £20, boxed with all original instructions and two pads:
and an amazing RGB modded N64 via gaffer Baphomet 666 in exchange for my GBASP 101 and EZ Flash IV. Not going to post the image of the console itself, as you all know what the N64 looks like, but here's how crisp the image is now:
Retro gaming heaven, I tell ya
I am insanely jealous
My greatest pick up of 2013, which I bought for the grand total of £5.
29" 4:3 Sony Trinitron CRT:
Got a good eBay deal earlier in the week. Just showed up today!
You can never have too many Virtua Stick High Grades!![]()
It's a shame how the worst one of the series is the one they chose to localize.
Drakengard 3 Original Soundtrack is out?
Recently picked up a CPS3 system - Superbios, so I can play all 6 CPS3 games.
Ps: NewGeneration > Turd Strike. ;o)
Stuff from last month.
Music from P4 and Steins;Gate
TWEWY Soundtrack. (I was really excited for this, the music from the game is amazing)
Plus a bunch of chocolate.
The subie.
Can it not play CPSII games?
Recently picked up a CPS3 system - Superbios, so I can play all 6 CPS3 games.
Ps: NewGeneration > Turd Strike. ;o)
Recently picked up a CPS3 system - Superbios, so I can play all 6 CPS3 games.
Ps: NewGeneration > Turd Strike. ;o)
No, the CPSII is a separate game system (see those green coloured things in the left of the first photo).
Whereas CPSII used a motherboard and individual game boards that slotted together, CPSIII uses a motherboard with changeable SIMS, a disc drive and a security cartridge that contained specific game data.
Typically you had a base CPSIII motherboard and drive, then got the cartridge and CD for each game (there were only 6 games for CPSIII - 3 SF III ones and 2 Jojo's and one other).
Of course Capcom also had the retarded suicide battery set up for the CPSIII and it was far worse than the CPSII which is relatively easy to change.
The CPSII now has a 'fix' whereby some chips are reprogrammed so that you do not need a battery.
Most recently Darksoft developed a superbios for CPSIII which meant that you no longer needed a battery in the security cart.
In addition they have now got all 6 games running from 1 CD.
I had been putting off getting a CPSIII set up for ages because of the issues, but now that this is fixed, I decided to go for it.
I'll be setting this up in my cab sometime soon for the full set up (need to sort out a kick harness). In the meantime it's rocking my supergun.
Got a good eBay deal earlier in the week. Just showed up today!
You can never have too many Virtua Stick High Grades!![]()
I love that stick. I still use min on a regular basis. I wish I would have gotten 2 of them. Definitely one of my favorite stick. In my top 3 for sure. Which is
Old School Namco Soul Blade stick (grey and yellow)
And my all black namco stick that was for Tekken Hybrid with the red namco on the side made by you.
I love that stick. I still use min on a regular basis. I wish I would have gotten 2 of them. Definitely one of my favorite stick. In my top 3 for sure. Which is
Old School Namco Soul Blade stick (grey and yellow)
And my all black namco stick that was for Tekken Hybrid with the red namco on the side made by you.
heh, just wait until you see this:
SNES looks fantastic on it
I also got a Mega Everdrive (label and cart designed by myself) and an Everdrive 64 when I was earning quite a bit in my old job:
Was worried I'd have to sell them, but my new job has solved all my money issues, thankfully.
Look what I've found for 5 Euros today.
I recently sold mine. I loved it but the PCB was bad and I didn't want to put in more money for a replacement. The PCBs are bad on a lot of virtua sticks.I love that stick. I still use min on a regular basis. I wish I would have gotten 2 of them. Definitely one of my favorite stick. In my top 3 for sure. Which is
Old School Namco Soul Blade stick (grey and yellow)
And my all black namco stick that was for Tekken Hybrid with the red namco on the side made by you.
I just got back from the US and got some games and a console:
Some PS1 games:
Got this baby open box $45 off. Was going to buy a black one but couldn't resist the open box.
iPad Air 64GB:
Five? The best I got was 10 at Saturn in Assago IIRC. Where did you find it if I may ask?![]()
New (slightly out of focus) Lego set:
Finally got a turntable, Pro-Ject Carbon Debut. Absolutely love it. Now to build a vinyl collection!
DJMax series (assorted PSP titles)
Finally got a turntable, Pro-Ject Carbon Debut. Absolutely love it. Now to build a vinyl collection!
Great games, but Fever and Portable 2 are essentially the same game, FYI.