That's so incredibly tempting. I'm not I'd go back to GBA games enough to be worth it, but I always thought the original GBA design was really slick aside from the screen.
Grats on the house! I've been trying to save money myself for one.
It looks like the investor must have renovated the main floor because it looks very nice. I'm an open-concept guy, so the first thing I think about is knocking out those walls, let in that light from those beautiful windows in the living room!
NiceFind a bunch for cheap I presume?
Bought myself a modest starter house. My goal was to be a home owner by the end of 25. I close on this house two weeks after I turn 26. I barely missed the goal, haha. I love it though! Decent sized for a single man with my ladyfriend moving in a year from now. Finished basement and it didn't cost an arm and a leg to get. Very, very happy.
Here are some of my favorite pickups from 2013.
Do those modded GBAs still take AA batteries or do they have a rechargeable battery pack, I can't seem to find any mention of it on their site.
RE: GBA - The screen is like $40 or so, looks like a simple install. Gonna do that myself.
This may sound weird but the ones I most envy you for all those is the Harry Potter games, I had them and they were all incredibly fun!Sorry for the terrible image quality. My phone sucks.
This is all the gaming stuff I've bought since mid-December. Kind of went on a handheld buying spree.
The Final Fantasy V boxart is also slightly cut off.
This may sound weird but the ones I most envy you for all those is the Harry Potter games, I had them and they were all incredibly fun!
Here's a little Easter Egg for ya - in Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, in Diagon Alley buy (I think) 30 pairs of boots. Then when crossing the moat to the castle, pause and unpause the game, and you'll be able to press the button to shoot owls at the bugs flying over the water, turning it into a kind of mini shooter game. Fun trivia, I put that Easter egg in *the day we shipped*, which is a rather large no-no![]()
And for this price. Oh, I live in Delaware. No sales tax!
However, this is the most important purchase of mine this month, and perhaps the entire year.
"I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life."
Whoa, it's been a long time since I looked into Schiit stuff. Good to see that they have more affordable stuff now. I wanted the Asgard or Vahalla a while back, but couldn't bite the bullet. Nice pickup!
"I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life."
Start with a nail clipper
Don't usually post here but was happy to get this:
£30 each. One for me, a bro and 2 people on a forum I know of. I'll end up with the machine plus a little cash on the side too. Pretty pleased.
Who's the gravure idol? You know, for science reasons. Very important science reasons.
Nice pickups
I'm very tempted. Know if this is a limited run or something?
First off, this isn't totally confirmed yet and I only found out today - but it's as good as, considering my Dad's credentials and experience. But if all goes as planned...this may be the greatest pick-up of all time:
Basically, my dad's in the latter stages of getting a job at this country park as the groundskeeper. One of the perks is a live-in residence (two bedroom apartment) with no rent payable at the manor house. My dad already has a home. So.......
oh my god
he had better get this fucking job. I'd be baller as fuck, living in a mansion
I'm not sure but I don't think so. I haven't seen anywhere that says it's a limited edition or anything
Shh. :3
note: I'm renovating that basement. Haha.
Edit: the price listed isn't what I bought it for. An investor renovated it and ran out of money with about 10% to go. I'm finishing up the last 10%.
Fresh Prince!
<3 Mio - Where did you order your 3D mouse pad from?
Let me google that for you.What's the AKB48 box?
Bought myself a modest starter house. My goal was to be a home owner by the end of 25. I close on this house two weeks after I turn 26. I barely missed the goal, haha. I love it though! Decent sized for a single man with my ladyfriend moving in a year from now. Finished basement and it didn't cost an arm and a leg to get. Very, very happy.