collected from the apple store this evening. : D
How's the screen looking? Mine is preparing for shipment, bloody Canada and no in store pick ups...
collected from the apple store this evening. : D
How's the screen looking? Mine is preparing for shipment, bloody Canada and no in store pick ups...
The screen is looking great and no defects to be found. [on first inspection]
I bought another stick of RAM for my iMac. It only had 768MB so I bought it a 512MB stick to max it to 1GB.
It's still slow and old, but it's certainly a bit snappier now that it's got more memory in it.
Thanks to my University giving me £1000 pound bursary I decided to buy myself a Nook HD+. I bought it mainly to read Graphic Novels, Manga and of course Netflix.
Also picked up these at Target while on holiday in Florida. Just gotta wait for the European release of the PS4, 2 more weeks.
Please say you didn't forget to apply the new thermal paste!
We ready. My Target haul. B2G1F sale + 30% off coupon which I stacked. Had to go to 4 different Targets to get em all. 9 games for $255. A little more than half of the total Xbox One system price, which I canceled. PS4 camera to the left barely in the frame.
Based Target
ps. Just Dance is for my fiance!
RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have NFS! That shit is damned rare in my area apparently ;(
Thermal paste? It's a stick of RAM, not a new processor.
...unless you were making a joke
Warning: Whenever the bottom housing is opened for service, you must do two things:
1.You must clean the original thermal film from the surfaces joining the thermal interface layer and reapply thermal paste to the thermal pipe.
Xbox One accessories
Nyko Charging Base w/ 2 recharge batteries and Xbox One wireless controller.
whoooooooooooooooa, those look good.I am so glad these are such a small bag...
You need to apply thermal paste (compound whatever) where the heat is drawn from the CPU every time you open up the machine.
See page 13 of the Service Guide http://nicogala.free.fr/Mac/imac.flatpanel.pdf
Now we wait...
I am so glad these are such a small bag...
I am so glad these are such a small bag...
I am so glad these are such a small bag...
I am so glad these are such a small bag...
Just pick this up yesterday. It's beautiful! Haven't got any games yet though.
All of you guys crapping on chocolate covered potato chips are crazy. They're absolutely delicious.