Not pictured X rebirth on steam, also waiting for the 29 to get my hands on the ps4
Yep, I'm certainly not complaining, apparently someone else in the Tearaway OT had the same thing happen and they have requested he sends it back. I've not had any email asking me to do the same yet and there is no record of the order in my account either.
Oooh, I like that combo box for NSMBU & NSLU! I assume that's from the new console bundle?
Are both discs in one case or is New Super Luigi U on the same disc? (Or a DLC voucher?)
I always smile when i see people who purchased three consoles and can enjoy all these systems instead of bicker lol
good month so far!
Yesterday I bought Zelda ALBW with that sweet preorder bonus chest and I felt like the happiest guy on Earth.
Today I came into this thread and I feel more like a miserable.
A copy of Devilish and the Eternal Arcadia limited box? You have my respect...as well as a small part of my childhood.
I've had these in my closet for three years and never opened them. I decided it was time:
Do you mind if i ask where did you get that TV stand? i am looking for one.
the collection keeps growing
oh gawd, they look so mint. T-T
Holy crap. Were they sealed or just in pristine condition? Either way, amazing!
Hey guys where did you get your charging cradle for the 3DSXL? Only ones I saw were for the 3DS.
Club Nintendo (US) reward. Sold out super fast.
Really? They're available on UK amazon:
Assumed they would be available everywhere. Maybe it's because we don't get chargers.
Hey guys where did you get your charging cradle for the 3DSXL? Only ones I saw were for the 3DS.
Club Nintendo (US) reward. Sold out super fast.
the collection keeps growing :
the collection keeps growing
Got to see my xbox one once I got home on Friday too bad I wont be able to open until Christmas FML!!!!!!!