I had a friend in Japan do some (retro)shopping for me. Package arrived today.
CIB: Salamander, Snatcher and SD Snatcher, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, King's Valley 2 (MSX2 edition), Hi no Tori, Contra, Pennant Race, King Kong 2, Vampire Killer and Circus Charlie.
I already had copies of Salamander and Vampire Killer, but my Salamander copy was damaged and missing the manual, so this one's better. And Vampire Killer was cheap, so it decided to get a spare copy (for trading, ...)
Loose cartridges of Magical Tree and the Game Master.
I also got the following stuff:
ZombiU (I don't have a Wii U), Persona 4 Arena, and Class of Heroes 2.
(Edit: I just realised that I've picked ZombiU up a couple of months ago, but I still don't have a WiiU, so it's still sealed which got me confused.

Bram Stoker's Dracula. I like this B&N edition a lot.
And the Zelda guides case.