Pelican 1510 case for my next project

Samus action figure!
NES: Golgo 13, Cabal
NES: Arch Rivals, Lolo
oh man....if you don't mind my asking boss, how much did that put you back?
I got a new entertainment center just for the arrival of both new consoles...
I set it all up as I am actually going on a two week vacation. I leave on, wait for it, November 15th.
Good news is I come home to two brand new consoles and 5 new games.
That is why I took about 4 hours today to set this all up.
The space on the bottom right might be filled with the 360 I totally broke down and put in storage today.
More than likely however it is going to be a basket for controllers, etc.
Picked up the NSMBU/L WiiU and a new Black 3DS XL while on sale at Best Buy. Nice that Nintendo included a real disc and not a download code:
Also after some talking with Nintendo they transferred my Nintendo ID so I got to keep the Wind Waker download from the system I had to return:
Some Vita Games. In all fairness, CoD was only $13 on GameFly. Batman is surprisingly good.
Monthly Shipment of Ito En Green Tea:
Not really a pick up, but playing Link ot the Past through the Framemeister is like playing a whole new game on a 55" HD tv
Back on the Wii U train, Coach? I remember you weren't impressed at the Wind Waker bundle in your podcast.
Missed the stupid cradles, bought this instead. Never really played this so it's kind of neat!
Got new speakers at the end of Oct. I'm posting them again because I think they're beautiful.Now I have to get the matching center channel.
Getting ready for next gen!
The iPhone is from a month or so ago; but I've been slowly "recompiling" my Mac setup this year. Sold the 24" iMac, purchased a 13" rMBP in the interim while saving for the eventual Haswell release... sold my iPad 3rd gen; sold my mother's iPad 2, so on so forth.
New purchases I've accumulated recently:
15" Top-End Late 2013 rMBP. 2.4Ghz, 16GB, 512GB, 750M:[/]
16GB iPad Air w/ AT&T Cellular:
How do you live with yourself. If I have just 1 unread email I would go crazy.
How do you live with yourself. If I have just 1 unread email I would go crazy.
How do you live with yourself. If I have just 1 unread email I would go crazy.
^Wow, please share those iPad/iPhone wallpapers!
I just passed 30,000 unread on my hotmail account. No need to stress.
How do you live with yourself. If I have just 1 unread email I would go crazy.
Royal Space Force Blu-ray and DVD
Kiki's Delivery Service Manga
My Neighbour Totoro Blu-ray
"Seulement sur" is French for "only on."What does it say below only on?
edit: zoomed in, looks like different language?
You best get the fuck back here and tell me what you did to get this deal.
Thank u.<3 did you get that game for $4
lol there was a $15 Toys R Us groupon last week!how you do this, I need it. if you dont want it I will take it gladly.
Final PC setup. Just got the 2 24 inches 1920x1200 screens. Sorry for the blurry picture, my hands aren't the most steady for taking pictures.
The cradles aren't stupid.
Also, according to the email I just got from Google, my N5 has shipped!