Recommend the headphones if you're looking for a good pair for not that much $$$. They're originally around $150-$200 but they're on clearance at RadioShack for $40.
Recommend the headphones if you're looking for a good pair for not that much $$$. They're originally around $150-$200 but they're on clearance at RadioShack for $40.
Recently came back from a fantastic 12-days Japan trip. Met tons of awesome folks!
Rockman 1 signed by Manami Matsumae, the composer:
Rockman 2 signed by Takashi Tateishi, the composer:
Captain Tsubasa 1 signed by Keiji Yamagishi, the composer:
(He also composed Ninja Gaiden 1 and Tecmo Bowl.)
New (sealed) copy of Ninja Gaiden on PC Engine. Too bad I found it on the last day... Keiji should sign it the next time we meet.
The remastered soundtrack of Final Fantasy 4, 5, 6:
Street Fighter 25th Sound Box 11 CDs of Street Fighter music:
Bought *tons* of Japanese Rockman games across all platforms. Too many to post, here's two pictures:
Other stuff I'm lazy to post: Tactics Ogre Limited Edition Box (game, OST, art book, cards, others?), Panzer Dragoon RPG, Makaimura NES, Attack on Titan OST, Chrono Cross OST, Dragon Quest 3 Symphonic Suite, Dragon Quest 9 OST.
only musou style game I ever liked.
only musou style game I ever liked.
I've been wanting a projector for a while now, as a supplement to the TV. I finally pulled the trigger Saturday night, and picked it up on Tuesday. Also got myself a Vita.
Lights on
Lights off
Not pictured: new suit, bunch of clothes and blu rays, GTA V, and 3D glasses that have yet to arrive from Ebay.
Recommend the headphones if you're looking for a good pair for not that much $$$. They're originally around $150-$200 but they're on clearance at RadioShack for $40.
Fuck GTAV and next gen. Retro gaming ftw, baby!
So I picked up Omega cMVS and a bootleg 161-in-1 cartridge. So much fun.
Why would you pay 500$ for an Omega and then pirate every single Neo-Geo game?![]()
Here you go.
It's acrylic and the stars are flat but that doesn't matter. I feel warm and fuzzy every time I look at it.
So i posted my iphone 5S on launch on here and i always wanted a white/silver model.
I stopped by the store and made the exchange,i like the space grey but i like the white model much more.
AT&T 64GB iPhone 5S.
Did you consider gold?
Movies & IEMs:
I bought a house. It's not as nice as everyone else's that gets posted here.
Finally gave up onport beggingpatiently waiting for Falcom to put Ys 7 on a higher-res system (other than that Chinese PC version that I can't read) and picked it up, along with a loose used copy of the drama CD from the LE.
While I was at it, I grabbed the drama CD from the Ys Celceta LE as well from the same store.
I just got a Vita this month, so I'm planning on getting "the Best" version Celceta when it comes out next month.
Also got Ys The Art Book
This thing is friggin' huge. They weren't kidding when they said it has "everything."
Did you consider gold?
A shitload of 360 games. Trying to get my collection back. Fortunately most of these early titles are dirt cheap. Like...2 or 3 dollars cheap.
Agreed, best part of a generation. Still waiting on stores and other people to throw away their current consoles. I need a new PS3 but don't want to pay 200 with the next-gen literally around the corner.I personally love this part of the generation when everyone is trying to ditch the old for the new. You can get all the best games for a fraction of thier original prices. Good idea to buy in now while everyone else wants out
I bought a house. It's not as nice as everyone else's that gets posted here.
It isIs that the W1070? I was looking at it myself, seems like it's one of the best budget 3D 1080p projectors to get. What do you think of it? How's daylight performance?
It is
I've been looking into it for a while, and my conclusion was that it was the best bang for the
bucks at least. To me it was between the W1070 and Optoma HD25 E/LV.
I really like it so far. I've been pleasantly surprised by the image quality, especially seeing as I'm shooting on a wall, and the living room is painted in a bright colour. I haven't tried it in daylight yet, as I use the TV during day time.
Really looking forward to get a real screen![]()
Awesome case. I use their mags/accessories. Order off their site?
Where:Where/How do you move the TV when you use the projector?
Congratulations to both you and the mother
Congratulations to both you and the mother![]()
Not the best picture but pretty happy with this pickup! (no scratches or shit on it, just bad pic)
always want to buy this one!
Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate (Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate)
The Vita version is a pretty good port overall. A bit less detail and some more slowdown, but otherwise exactly the same as the PS3 version.
In-store at that price. Great deal.Online only or can I get it in stores too at that price? Cause it's out of stock on their website, but there are some at the radio shacks near me.
Got a new Candy Cab. I'm going to use this one for horizontal games...things like Atomiswave and Neo Geo.
Never had a Blast. It has an incredibly timeless design. I love it and I've not even pugged it in yet.