So I've just now started heavily PS1 collecting. In the past month this is what ive managed to procure. All via craigslisting/ebaying adventures i've manged to collect all of them at fair prices (usually 30% off price-charting) or severely discounted price (like 5x less in some uniformed craigslisters cases...sorry guy!). Also I refused to pay ebay markups (did some snipe bidding when resorting to ebay however). I feel like this is a good start for my collection. Tell me what you think! (and maybe suggest titles I should seek out to further flesh out my collection too?)
P.S: Sorry for my shitty picture quality!
Lets start out with the "lesser" finds and work our way to what I believe are the real gems/must haves.
For 5$ i got these from a garage sale. Tekken was the real reason i bought the lot, Parasite Eve only came with disc 2 so im a little disappointed for my first Craigslisting venture...but later into the month...
Got these for 3$ off a guy from CL....dont regret it one bit ( though I hate loose discs most of the time $3 for Brave Fencer cannot be passed up!)(Also willing to do trades by the way

Yep, all CIB (except for those that are loose or are in crappy CD containers lol, got those for really cheap at a garage sale)
Haven't played Chrono Cross nor Vagrant Story before now and goddamn are they looking good just from my initial 20 min startups. Also SOTN is by far the gem of this pic IMO, easily in my top 10 games, just behind MGS

Arguably my best purchases/finds this month. Currently playing thru FF7 (30 hrs in) and I understand its legacy/hype, which I actually do think it deserves. Xenogears is by far the gem of my entire collection however cant wait to dive headfirst into it!
And for my random pickup. Yeah, I got two gamecube gameboy bases/players....I'll explain. For quite awhile I had been looking for this bad body on CL (for a price below the ridiculously ballooned $40-$60 bones online) and, funnily enough, someone was selling the base separately. I jumped on the chance thinking I could eventually find the disc or cave in to ebay....two nights later, too my dismay/disbelief, another CL listing goes up for a player/disc so I attempt to haggle with him. In the end he refused to sell the disc separately for a cheaper price so i ended up buying for the set for $20. So yeah now i have two bases and a disc. (If anyone wants to trade or buy the extra base for cheap, PM me lol)
Oh I also got KH 1.5 HD ReMIX

Full September bounty.
All in all my first month of serious collecting was not only relatively inexpensive due to my obsessive bargain hunting but so too incredibly fun! Cant say I'll be able to have another month with this many high quality pickups but I'll keep collecting and posting here when I come across something worthwhile! Let me know what PS1 titles I should seek next (particularly JRPG's!) Thanks for reading!