Madden? Calling NHL busted. Hahahahahahaha.
How's the Youkilis thing going for you, Sanjuro? Still mad?
Huh? I was never mad about the Youkilis trade. I'm glad he is starting in Chicago.
Madden? Calling NHL busted. Hahahahahahaha.
How's the Youkilis thing going for you, Sanjuro? Still mad?
and to think, a few hours ago you didnt even think i had a team. Pump the breaks kid. I dont give it up on the first date.
Nothing makes me want to play NHL again like a challenge from the Madden 'army'. Especially not another NHL game.
Now... Will Marvie let me play?/jk
we used to play together every night and have a ball
where have you been!![]()
This "invasion" has been very entertaining and also been somewhat of a revelation to me. My eyes have been opened to the tyranny and oppression that I've experienced over the past 2 years with this club so I've decided that I am going to throw my hat into the ring and make my own club next year
Marv's club is all about having fun
This other assclown's club is all about winning
I am making a club that is about winning and having fun
I already have 3 other members ready to go, but not ready enough that we can play either of your team's right now, so don't ask.
If anyone wants in, I'll take anyone, but you have to fit our team chemistry so don't burn your bridges
insert random extreme sports picture that has nothing to do with hockey
This "invasion" has been very entertaining and also been somewhat of a revelation to me. My eyes have been opened to the tyranny and oppression that I've experienced over the past 2 years with this club so I've decided that I am going to throw my hat into the ring and make my own club next year
Marv's club is all about having fun
This other assclown's club is all about winning
I am making a club that is about winning and having fun
I already have 3 other members ready to go, but not ready enough that we can play either of your team's right now, so don't ask.
If anyone wants in, I'll take anyone, but you have to fit our team chemistry so don't burn your bridges
insert random extreme sports picture that has nothing to do with hockey
Marv's club is all about having fun
Can you make a team that is about losing and not having fun?
Oh wait, I guess Madden GAF already has that covered.
Your new club is already what ours is. Clearly you guys are missing how much fun this has been for us already. The fact we're letting anyone in and not kicking them out for skill reasons would go against the notion that we are playing to just win.
On a purely trash talk level, you guys are gonna have to step it up a notch. I can go back and forth all day, but not against this effort.
Backing out of the trash talk while also backing out of the NHL 12 challenge. Yeah we need to step it up big time![]()
If i ever mentioned challenging you guys to a NHL 12 match, please point it out. Its been 13 since the beginning for me.
how am i supposed to play a game i dont have.
If thats a case i challenge any of you to NCAA 13
Too be fair, NASCAR fans aren't really good at geography or finding their way around places.Yeah but football sucks. You see, this is a hockey thread. Maybe you guys took a wrong left from the NASCAR thread or something
The best thing is, they still think it has anything to do with Nascar :lol
"You guys are stupid, just because I post a lot of gay pron pictures does not mean I enjoy homosexual activities!"Amazing the things you guys run with. My interest in Nascar is equal to my interest in hockey. which is zero. My interest in winning, however, is pretty high.
My interest in winning, however, is pretty high.
If I was a shitty player I'd be lighting up a big fat cigar right about now because the last few pages of this thread serve as an awesome distraction to what's really going on here. Congrats to everyone that escaped the guillotine.
I suggest for this season Marvie and Swimmer play goalie whenever we have the strongest line on (the one I mentioned in post #5844) or if we have 5 guys on in total, we can still play with a goalie and 1 defenseman. Who cares if you get scored on many times, when you have good forwards you can easily put up 6 goals and win the game 6-5.
Going 3-5-2 with a goalie will get you more points than going 5-1-1 without.
Just because he's a junior on here doesn't mean he isn't right. He's tied with Viz for our best D-man.
Amazing the negativity coming from some of you. If you guys REALLY wanna take it there, ill be happy to oblige .
Just because he's a junior on here doesn't mean he isn't right. He's tied with Viz for our best D-man.
Well you certainly can talk about how well you can trash talk but I haven't seen any evidence of it.
Numba # 1 rule in dis thread:
When you're a dumbass, you get your nuts slapped
Funny you mention nuts since you guys have been hanging on mine all day today.
Actually I believe you came in this thread son, now wipe up the mess you guys made from your cute little circlejerk and scamper back to your thread.
So you are saying we jizzed all over you? I will not argue that point.
So, since these trolls are clearly neither interested in Slot Cloggers NOR any kind of competition in NHL 12 EASHL (see thread title), shouldn't they be banned for trolling/flaming in an unrelated thread? How i see it they're bringing neither somethig constructive to the table, nor is it healthy trash talk since they're not even man enough to play NHL 12.
So, since these trolls are clearly neither interested in Slot Cloggers NOR any kind of competition in NHL 12 EASHL (see thread title), shouldn't they be banned for trolling/flaming in an unrelated thread? How i see it they're bringing neither somethig constructive to the table, nor is it healthy trash talk since they're not even man enough to play NHL 12.
we can't even make an nhl '13 thread until a week before it's out. where are we supposed to go huh! you want us out on the streets!
Your guys started the trash talk. My early posts were all game related.
Your guys started the trash talk. My early posts were all game related.
A guy with an asian justin bieber avatar is telling me I can't handle something. L-O-L.Told you they were in over their heads. They can't handle madden-gaf.
A guy with an asian justin bieber avatar is telling me I can't handle something. L-O-L.
A guy with an asian justin bieber avatar is telling me I can't handle something. L-O-L.