2 weeks left I think?Is there a time table on Marvies ban? Heh
Lost in the second round 3-2 because of a bullshit own goal, pretty typical of NHL 12
[B]the FUP[/B]
Division: Elite Club Record: 94 - 28 - 2 Region: North America East
Division Ranking: 210 Overall Ranking: 411 Members: 8
6075 61 2056 1452 490 114 8178 4865 3313 3.98
It's true, you can't win the playoffs if you're not lucky. We definitely outplayed them even with their ballerina bullshit. Everyone was great tonight, just that bullshit goal that always seems to happen.Yep, a team with a guy with 4000 points, we shut them down to only 10 shots (we had 24 shots) and somehow they still manage to dance their way to win. Our club has the worst luck ever.
Lost again these guys...
Code:[B]the FUP[/B] Division: Elite Club Record: 94 - 28 - 2 Region: North America East Division Ranking: 210 Overall Ranking: 411 Members: 8 Pts Lvl GP W L OTL GF GA Diff AGF 6075 61 2056 1452 490 114 8178 4865 3313 3.98
thing is. I think we outplayed them. Lucky bounces,poke mania and figure skating was their BS way to go.
Aight. Have fun.
I am still going to play if people are down. This is the only game I play on Xbox so... if people want to play hit me up.
Well I am on so let's do this.
I'm up for some games in a bit
EA SPORTS Hockey League Improvements
Regional Matchmaking:
In NHL 13 we have revamped some of our matchmaking parameters to help find closer matches in skill and location. When creating a club or while in the GM Settings screen, the user has the option to set their Club Region to best suit their current location. We will also show you which region is recommended by pinging all three of our game host centers to determine which is closest to you by the response times received. Since we now only match within the region you’ve selected, we increased the search timers to a maximum of 4 minutes to help find a closer skilled team with a similar number of players within your region. We do have the ability to adjust some of these depending on community response from different regions.
6-Player Leaderboards:
One of the most requested EASHL features on the EA forums has made it into NHL 13. We now track 6-player club games on their own leaderboards alongside the other leaderboards that are currently in-game. Not only will everyone know who the top 6-player club is during the season, but we will also be giving out in game awards to the top 6-player club and the clubs that finish within the top 10 and top 100 respectively. To qualify for the 6-player club leaderboards you must start and finish the game with 6 players on your team. The team you match up with does not have to have 6 players, however if you attempt to drop players when losing, you will still be ranked on the 6-player leaderboard with the loss.
Performance Points Multiplier:
To encourage teams to play with more human players, we have adjusted the performance points multiplier to be determined by the number of human players on your team. A two player team will always receive a multiplier of one, whereas a 6-player team would receive an approximate multiplier of 1.6. For example, if a team had 25 performance points, and was playing with 6 players, their total performance points would be 40. The multiplier value can be tuned server side if the community finds that it is becoming too unbalanced.
Club Captains:
In NHL 13, you will be able to assign captains and alternate captains to players in your club. Club GMs will have the ability to assign one captain and up to two alternates, or no captain and up to three alternates from the Club Roster screen. Captains and alternates will display C’s and A’s respectively in gameplay, however goalies will not have a C or A on their jerseys.
Club Matchmaking Settings Saved to Server:
Regular Season and Playoff Captain’s Options settings can now be saved in the GM Settings screen and will be automatically loaded when you enter the Club Dressing room. Players are still able to modify the search options from within the dressing room; however, they will only be saved from the GM Settings screen.
Club Join Request changes:
The naming of Public and Private club options have been changed slightly to better include the addition of the GM Friends option. Public/Private club is now called “Auto Join Club” [Yes/No] but it also has an option to only allow GM Friends to be able to auto join. A similar option exists in the “Accepting Join Requests” option where you can set it to GM Friends Only to only allow join request from friends.
Back-out Penalty:
Over the years we have read posts about teams cherry picking their opponents, and ducking teams when they are not the home team. Users have mentioned that nothing is more frustrating than winning an Elite Championship the month before and having half the teams quit out on you once they realize this in game.
We feel that with the matchmaking improvements we have done, there should be no reason to back-out on your opponents in NHL 13. The back-out penalty is intended to punish the quitting team whether they quit from the Side Select or prior to the one minute mark in game. Anything after the one minute mark of game is tracked as a Did Not Finish (DNF) Loss so there is no need for additional punishment.
Consecutive back-outs are able to stack, and the punishment results in a deduction of rank points upon the next completed regular season game if it results in a win. DNF losses post 1 min mark, and Playoff games will carry any back-out penalties to the next game. Side Select and Pre-Game back-outs can be weighted differently and we can choose to implement a grace number of back-outs before the penalty would apply. Penalty amounts per back-out, Max penalty amount, and free back-out amounts can all be adjusted server side per back-out type.
The biggest change you’ll see with both modes this year is how your AI teammates play around you. We spent more time working on AI this year than across the past three years combined. The result is EA SPORTS Hockey I.Q., a completely overhauled A.I. system where players are now fully aware of every other player on the ice, resulting in quicker, smarter and more true-to-life decision-making. It also delivers the deepest and most customizable set of real-world hockey systems and strategies ever for the franchise.
The introduction of EA SPORTS Hockey I.Q. into Be a Pro and EA SPORTS Hockey League means smarter teammates and a better gameplay experience for you.
I dont see why theyd change EASHL works.. As longs as theres less cheese and better AI...
they finally let the cat out of the bag, looks like another year of pretty much the same
and this...
In NHL 12 the cool down period would take affect after you left the 2nd club regardless of the length of time between leaving club 1 and club 2.
In NHL 13, the cool down has been modified to be more of a probation period of time. Leaving 2 clubs within a 12 hour window (time is server tunable) will prevent you from creating or joining a 3rd club until that 12 hours has expired. The 12 hour window starts when leaving club 1, but as mentioned above, only is applied if the user leaves 2 clubs within that window.
spoken like a true new guy
New guy? Might be new here but older than you in all other ways bub.
Whatever, new guy.
Vis is cool but you... Wtf do u come from? Heh.
Welp, got my CE pre ordered finally. Rdy for some action.
hey new guy, don't disrespect the interim head coach SnakeswithLasers
hes kind of a big deal around here
congrats to Swim for joining me among the All-Stars last month
July 31, 2012 10:12 PM - zsswimmer is an all-star defenseman in the EASHL!
July 31, 2012 10:11 PM - The Visualizer is an all-star defenseman in the EASHL!
New guy? Might be new here but older than you in all other ways bub.
Nice, grats to both of yas. Didn't know there was actually such a thing..![]()
yea... definitely a new guy
Good shit swim, got a goal in the playoffs too.congrats to Swim for joining me among the All-Stars last month
July 31, 2012 10:12 PM - zsswimmer is an all-star defenseman in the EASHL!
July 31, 2012 10:11 PM - The Visualizer is an all-star defenseman in the EASHL!
Gonna hop on in a bit to play some games, playoffs are done now.
Alright dunnno if I'll be on then but I'll see when you get on.I'll play but in maybe 2 hrs? btw last night the servers dropped me after we stopped playing so I think they were just jacked.
congrats to Swim for joining me among the All-Stars last month
July 31, 2012 10:12 PM - zsswimmer is an all-star defenseman in the EASHL!
July 31, 2012 10:11 PM - The Visualizer is an all-star defenseman in the EASHL!
EASHL Pro Edit Attribute Changes
Hey everyone,
There has been a lot of good discussion about the EASHL recently so lets keep that up. I recently realized that I forgot to mention that we did a few small tweaks to the EASHL Pro regarding player types and how you can spend your XP. NHL is always tuned using NHL players and teams and we do not have separate gameplay for EASHL specially.
This year we have decided that you can no longer be better than an NHL player in any stats for EASHL, that way we dont see 99 wrist shot accuracy and power being able to blow shots past goalies as easily. You will no longer be able to have 99 of any stat. We tuned the values based on real life NHL players within their respective player types.
For example, for snipers, we have a hard cap at 95 for wrist shot accuracy. The cap depends on the player type and what they Should be good and bad at. A Playmaker for example, would be able to get up to a 95 passing, but not up to a 90 rating shooting. We feel that by adding a cap for each stat based on player type does remove some of the freedoms you once had, but also forces people to choose a player type that more or less suites their style of play. We want NHL 13 to feel different with the new skating system, and we do not want people to have unbalanced players by being able to have 99 speed and agility for example.
You will also notice the player overall ratings will be much lower. This is somewhat of an unwanted result of the offline player rating separation that happened, but really the EASHL Pros overall rating doesnt mean anything. The individual stats are the most important.
Also note that these caps were set while using the Boost Slots applied so we ensured that even while using boosts you could not go over an unwanted level. This will result in some people thinking some of the caps are set too low, but you must factor in the +8 boost you would apply to your pro.
Good thing Borderlands 2 comes out the week after
how about this little nugget of info that flew under the radar...
I'd say it's bad. First I'd argue that the system as it is (and as broken as it currently is) is fair. If you currently want to choose sniper or tough guy that's fine, no ones stopping you. However if you think about it for 5 minutes you can, like Sox did a page or two ago, use a different class and increase/maximize your attributes more efficiently.Uh... is this a good thing or a bad thing? At first glance it's restrictive, yes, but specialization isn't necessarily the worst? Makes it more like "classes" in an MMO or so.
I'd say it's bad. First I'd argue that the system as it is (and as broken as it currently is) is fair. If you currently want to choose sniper or tough guy that's fine, no ones stopping you. However if you think about it for 5 minutes you can, like Sox did a page or two ago, use a different class and increase/maximize your attributes more efficiently.
Forcing classes with attribute point based caps will just limit a persons play style freedom. Most people as it is already just dangle and dance around, limiting someones ability to do that and anything else they already can will just push everyone into playing the dangler build.
I usually play Center and if I can would like to hit people, will a class with appropriate hitting power (strength/checking/etc) also have the high cap on face offs I'd need to be effective?
I am surprised at the reaction to this, I think it's great news that has no downside at all
individual ratings come down and cannot be combined as easily = less chance of exploiting the game and glitch goals, so that maybe everyone that finds a split second opening in the high slot this year won't be able to snipe to top corner with a wrister or slapper at such at high rate. So between this and the cross crease effectiveness coming down now that goalies can seemingly deal with them way more, you will need to score more realistic goals.
also more specialization and hard decisions allocating XP = different more unique playstyles/builds. This will cut down on these guys with top end speed being able to bounce off your checks everytime and maybe vice versa. Maybe you will see the power forward build with slower players have its uses as well that other players may skimp on putting points into strength to save them for speed/agilty/accel.
I think all of this will make it more likely that you will want to play to your own style rather than conform to some "build that everyone uses". And lastly, anything to break of the sameness and monotony of the EASHL has got to be a good thing.
That would be the assumption. Last year twf did the trick for me, now it doesn't. At this point in nhl12 probably all our forwards are using the same build/nearly identical stats. I basically just don't trust EA to get the numbers/caps right.You'd assume that's what the different classes are for, and a two-way or power forward would have a high enough faceoff cap if you choose Center? And I'm actually pretty confident organized teams would NOT fall into the "everyone picks the same class" trap, if they're balanced well. OTP will be terrible, of course, because everyone will pick the same class, but for team play I'd assume it adds more to it, since teams will have to consider what kind of players to make up their roster of, and not just a do-it-all type that's currently in the game. Before you'd maximize and abuse "wrong" classes, now you can't do that anymore because of the cap, so if you wanna be a sniper you better pick sniper.
That would be the assumption. Last year twf did the trick for me, now it doesn't. At this point in nhl12 probably all our forwards are using the same build/nearly identical stats. I basically just don't trust EA to get the numbers/caps right.
It would be nice to have a spread for a balanced team, but we're all still individuals and more often than not will try to deke through an entire team. I wouldn't mind if everyone ended up playing a dangler build, I'm just mildly annoyed that I'm seemingly losing the ability to compensate for EA being horrible.
For now I think it's lame but we'll have to see. I just fear EA since every year they come out saying they've out smarted everyone, and then admit that X Y and Z are literally unfixable issues