Quite honestly I'd rather have them do a pictobits sequel (still the DSiWare GOAT).
Might pick up.
Kung Fu was not actually from Nintendo. Only published.I can't believe Kung Fu hasn't been mentioned, but this MUST be in the future content...
Holy crap, I forgot about Kung-Fu. I would totally buy it or a pack if that that made into DLC.
Wonder if Nintendo will state how well this has sold.
King Fu was not actually from Nintendo. Only published.
It was from Irem, and considering that they recently died, and de-listed their digital content across various services, means that they are a shoe-in to never appear in this.
Not to mention that Kung Fu was originally based on Jackie Chan's Spartan-X/Meals on Wheel.
So basically, don't expect it.
Learn to love dat assgrab, son.What a delicious assgrabbing letdown.
Nice closing comments, and the whole review is spot on.Simple, addictive, and incredibly replayable, NES Remix is one of the smartest games Nintendo has made in ages. No one in gaming (save perhaps Sega) owns as rich a back catalog as Nintendo, and this is a great way to rework all those musty black-box NES games into a form that feel palatable to a contemporary audience. It even manages to make Urban Champion kind of fun; truly, a Christmas miracle.
So yeah, Pinball sucks because it feels WAY more based on luck than skill. Especially after playing Remix II-10. Ugh. Just glad I got a Rainbow rank on that.
Tempted to get it, $15 seems a bit steep though. Hmm
I remember I got that with the free DSiware credit Nintendo gave to those who bought a DSi during launch. What a seriously nice surprise that game was. I'd freakin' love to see it on Wii U with the gamepad. It'd also make it so much easier to make precise placements. But I'm getting off topic.A new PiCTOBiTS is everything I've dreamed of. Would be great on Wii U too. My biggest problem with that game was the DS screen being too small. The GamePad's screen is so big it'd be a lot easier to exact the precision required.
So in addition to the gold banner + funkier music for 3-starring every level, you get a bonus rainbow banner if you get rainbow rank on each level? Ehh, unless the music is even MORE funkier, I might just stick with 3-stars for each stage.Awesome, you get a neat rainbow outline around the game icon for rainbowing the entire set![]()
Awesome, you get a neat rainbow outline around the game icon for rainbowing the entire set![]()
Just bought the game. What's the rainbow outline around the stars? I got it on the first level.Awesome, you get a neat rainbow outline around the game icon for rainbowing the entire set![]()
Just bought the game. What's the rainbow outline around the stars? I got it on the first level.
Also, are there any leaderboards?
I'm pretty sure the number of stars is based on time, but rainbow stars require taking no damage, or never missingLeaderboards - no but you can display scores via Mii Verse
Rainbow outlines around stars - achioeved when you clear the levels within a certain time. From my play time so far some levels are really easy to rainbow star while others require deadly precision.
This might be my favourite Wii U game released this year! Well, its in the top 3 thats for sure. The challenge mode aspect of the game is something I've wanted from more Nintendo games for a while and the rainbow stars are insanely addictive to go after (and I feel like I finally understand how to play Excite Bike properly).
Jeremy Parish said it best, this game would have been the ideal one for a cross-buy, cross-save with 3DS. Nintendo needs to start working on this 3DS synergy, such an obvious priority.Not on 3DS for absolutely no goddamn reason. Okay.
Jeremy Parish said it best, this game would have been the ideal one for a cross-buy, cross-save with 3DS. Nintendo needs to start working on this 3DS synergy, such an obvious priority.
No, rainbow is based on time also. I've gotten a rainbow while losing a life.I'm pretty sure the number of stars is based on time, but rainbow stars require taking no damage, or never missing
Well considering some of the remixesNot on 3DS for absolutely no goddamn reason. Okay.
i like this way more than wario ware. i mean it's the same damn thing as wario ware, but wario ware felt way too long to get to segments that were so damn short.
I hope one unlocks a medley mix like this when you've gotten everything. Playing these games back to back Wario Ware style would complete the package.
Kung Fu was not actually from Nintendo. Only published.
It was from Irem, and considering that they recently died, and de-listed their digital content across various services, means that they are a shoe-in to never appear in this.
Not to mention that Kung Fu was originally based on Jackie Chan's Spartan-X/Meals on Wheels.
So basically, don't expect it.
[B]01[/B]: 0:18.6 [B]02[/B]: 0:21.9 [B]03[/B]: 0:24.0 [B]04[/B]: 0:09.5 [B]05[/B]: 0:24.3 [B]06[/B]: 0:17.8 [B]07[/B]: 0:13.9 [B]08[/B]: 0:22.0
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[B]17[/B]: 0:25.0 [B]18[/B]: 0:24.2 [B]19[/B]: 0:52.3 [B]20[/B]: 0:11.0 [B]21[/B]: 0:28.3 [B]22[/B]: 0:19.0 [B]23[/B]: 0:04.7 [B]24[/B]: 0:17.6
[B]25[/B]: 0:58.6
[B]01[/B]: 0:32.7 [B]02[/B]: 0:19.1 [B]03[/B]: 0:17.2 [B]04[/B]: 0:24.0 [B]05[/B]: 0:14.6 [B]06[/B]: 0:08.5 [B]07[/B]: 0:29.2 [B]08[/B]: 0:18.0
[B]09[/B]: 0:26.5 [B]10[/B]: 0:35.3 [B]11[/B]: 0:22.2 [B]12[/B]: 0:59.4 [B]13[/B]: 0:34.8 [B]14[/B]: 0:10.4 [B]15[/B]: 0:27.8 [B]16[/B]: 0:37.4
[B]17[/B]: 0:16.6 [B]18[/B]: 0:24.7 [B]19[/B]: 0:21.0 [B]20[/B]: 0:35.7 [B]21[/B]: 0:33.6 [B]22[/B]: 0:17.5 [B]23[/B]: 0:18.5 [B]24[/B]: 0:36.1
[B]25[/B]: 0:52.3
[B]01[/B]: ?:??.? [B]02[/B]: ?:??.? [B]03[/B]: 0:41.9 [B]04[/B]: 0:10.9 [B]05[/B]: ?:??.? [B]06[/B]: 1:22.0 [B]07[/B]: 0:24.2 [B]08[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]09[/B]: 0:28.4 [B]10[/B]: 0:27.7 [B]11[/B]: ?:??.? [B]12[/B]: 0:40.5 [B]13[/B]: ?:??.? [B]14[/B]: ?:??.? [B]15[/B]: ?:??.? [B]16[/B]: 1:19.7
[B]17[/B]: ?:??.? [B]18[/B]: ?:??.? [B]19[/B]: 0:17.8 [B]20[/B]: 0:05.0 [B]21[/B]: ?:??.? [B]22[/B]: ?:??.? [B]23[/B]: ?:??.? [B]24[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]25[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]01[/B]: 0:27.2 [B]02[/B]: 0:24.0 [B]03[/B]: 0:04.4 [B]04[/B]: 0:25.6 [B]05[/B]: 0:22.0 [B]06[/B]: 0:22.8 [B]07[/B]: 0:39.9
[B]01[/B]: 0:15.7 [B]02[/B]: 0:22.4 [B]03[/B]: 0:08.9 [B]04[/B]: 0:21.1 [B]05[/B]: 0:18.1 [B]06[/B]: 0:22.2 [B]07[/B]: 0:21.0
[B]01[/B]: ?:??.? [B]02[/B]: ?:??.? [B]03[/B]: ?:??.? [B]04[/B]: ?:??.? [B]05[/B]: ?:??.? [B]06[/B]: ?:??.? [B]07[/B]: ?:??.? [B]08[/B]: 0:07.8
[B]09[/B]: ?:??.? [B]10[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]01[/B]: 0:08.9 [B]02[/B]: 0:09.8 [B]03[/B]: 0:18.0 [B]04[/B]: 0:03.1 [B]05[/B]: 0:29.1 [B]06[/B]: 0:02.5
[B]01[/B]: ?:??.? [B]02[/B]: ?:??.? [B]03[/B]: ?:??.? [B]04[/B]: ?:??.? [B]05[/B]: ?:??.? [B]06[/B]: ?:??.? [B]07[/B]: 0:02.5
[B]01[/B]: 0:13.4 [B]02[/B]: 0:14.5 [B]03[/B]: 0:19.4 [B]04[/B]: 0:13.2 [B]05[/B]: 0:12.2 [B]06[/B]: 0:18.2 [B]07[/B]: 0:23.7 [B]08[/B]: 0:14.9
[B]01[/B]: ?:??.? [B]02[/B]: 0:25.1 [B]03[/B]: ?:??.? [B]04[/B]: 0:19.4 [B]05[/B]: ?:??.? [B]06[/B]: ?:??.? [B]07[/B]: ?:??.? [B]08[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]09[/B]: 0:30.8 [B]10[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]01[/B]: ?:??.? [B]02[/B]: ?:??.? [B]03[/B]: 0:13.4 [B]04[/B]: ?:??.? [B]05[/B]: ?:??.? [B]06[/B]: ?:??.? [B]07[/B]: 0:13.5 [B]08[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]09[/B]: ?:??.? [B]10[/B]: 0:07.6 [B]11[/B]: ?:??.? [B]12[/B]: 0:14.7 [B]13[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]01[/B]: ?:??.? [B]02[/B]: ?:??.? [B]03[/B]: ?:??.? [B]04[/B]: ?:??.? [B]05[/B]: ?:??.? [B]06[/B]: ?:??.? [B]07[/B]: ?:??.? [B]08[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]09[/B]: ?:??.? [B]10[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]01[/B]: ?:??.? [B]02[/B]: ?:??.? [B]03[/B]: ?:??.? [B]04[/B]: ?:??.? [B]05[/B]: 0:11.2 [B]06[/B]: ?:??.? [B]07[/B]: ?:??.? [B]08[/B]: ?:??.?
[B]09[/B]: 0:19.2 [B]10[/B]: ?:??.? [B]11[/B]: 0:17.7
[B]01[/B]: 0:20.1 [B]02[/B]: 0:09.4 [B]03[/B]: 0:06.0 [B]04[/B]: 0:27.6 [B]05[/B]: 0:07.5 [B]06[/B]: 0:09.6 [B]07[/B]: 0:05.2 [B]08[/B]: 0:11.0
[B]09[/B]: 0:16.1 [B]10[/B]: 0:03.9 [B]11[/B]: 0:20.8 [B]12[/B]: 0:23.0 [B]13[/B]: 0:08.0 [B]14[/B]: 0:12.7 [B]15[/B]: 0:24.7 [B]16[/B]: 0:09.9
[B]17[/B]: 0:25.5 [B]18[/B]: 0:11.0 [B]19[/B]: 0:28.8 [B]20[/B]: 0:17.1 [B]21[/B]: 0:30.9 [B]22[/B]: 0:25.5 [B]23[/B]: 1:07.9
[B]01[/B]: 0:29.6 [B]02[/B]: 0:30.1 [B]03[/B]: 0:29.0 [B]04[/B]: 0:10.3 [B]05[/B]: 0:13.7 [B]06[/B]: 0:17.4 [B]07[/B]: 0:17.3 [B]08[/B]: 0:03.6
[B]09[/B]: 0:13.0 [B]10[/B]: 0:56.0 [B]11[/B]: 0:26.5 [B]12[/B]: 0:11.0 [B]13[/B]: 0:34.4 [B]14[/B]: 0:29.6 [B]15[/B]: 1:18.2 [B]16[/B]: 0:38.5
[B]17[/B]: 1:52.7
is ther offtv? or the game use the gamepad somehow for asymmetric stuffs?
What's the ratio between normal micro stages and remixed ones?
This is the first I've heard of this game. WTF Nintendo for not doing any type of advertising at all.
Look at my list a few posts up. "Remix I", "Remix II" and "Bonus" are remixed stages, everything else are challenges from the normal games.
Pretty cool that the director of Super Mario 3D World directed this lil game.