The GCCX episode for this is so good!
This looks cool, but I dunno about this for $15. It'd be different if I could play through the entire games but I don't think that's the case.
They should make a series out of this
I have been trying desperately to do my part by sending them feedback in the Club Nintendo surveys but they probably don't read that shit.
I don't know, I've played more complicated games without issues.I am pretty sure these games would suck ass on a touch screen.
Wii U only, though maybe Nintendo will do something among the lines of Game Boy Remix & do that for the 3DS.Is this on 3DS, too? The OP doesn't specify.
Bummer :-(Wii U only, though maybe Nintendo will do something among the lines of Game Boy Remix & do that for the 3DS.
They read them to each other and laugh while lighting cigars with the $$$ we threw away on each of their VC releases.
This is really cool. I'll definitely check it out.
$15 bucks doe
Oh and seems we know the developers now
Indies Zero
Very cool! This looks great, so I'll definitely support it.Oh and seems we know the developers now
Indies Zero
Oh and seems we know the developers now
Indies Zero
Oh and seems we know the developers now
Indies Zero
They should make a series out of this
Damn, playing DK with Link is pretty hard.
Im assuming you can hit the barrels with your sword?
I just one someone to confirm that the games look good on a TV, as opposed to that god-awful NES VC Wii U filter. (Not saying these are just modded VC games mind you, but Luigi Bros. made me sad)
It's not a "filter", its just shitty job in emulation and representation. It's so disappointing how the NES VC titles look versus SNES VC titles when gauging the output on the WiiU. NES games are dim, fuzzy, and muted to hell. It's like they just didn't give any fucks. A complete night and day difference when you compare something like Balloon Fight to F-Zero on the WiiU...
I have been trying desperately to do my part by sending them feedback in the Club Nintendo surveys but they probably don't read that shit.
You don't have a sword. It's basically DK without jumping.