No S5 Orange Is The New Black OT? This season is a huge improvement over S4.
Added today:
Oh, Hello on Broadway (Standup, Netflix Original
oh nice they added Supergirl S1 and S2 to my region (Flash S1-3 and LEgends 1-2 also a few days ago), thats better as its been fucking slow for the last few months, outside of originals (and I mean Netflix originals, not The Originals lol).
Supergirl S2 surprises me, isnt it the latest season? that was super fast for my country.
GLOW (Netflix) |OT| The highest rated wrestling program on television
S is for Stanley (Doc, Bio, Foreign)
How are the new The 100 episodes?
No spoilers please
It's good. It's better to marathon it than watching it weeklyHow are the new The 100 episodes?
No spoilers please
Good. General consensus in the OT was people enjoyed it more than Season 3.
Damn Netflix Japan is anime heaven. It even has my childhood anime Peter Pan no Boken
It's good. It's better to marathon it than watching it weekly
Added today:
Amar Akbar & Tony (Romantic, Comedy)
Do we know if GLOW is a half or full hour show?
What happened to Moana? Not seeing it up on Netflix.
I'm seeing it. You sure it was added to your region?
US here.
I'm seeing it now. So weird. When trying to look for it through the XBOX ONE Netflix app it wasn't coming up. I found it through the site and just added it to my list.
When are they gonna have Preacher on there?
I think Preacher might be on Hulu?
Yup. I don't think it's coming to Netflix anytime soon.