? I mean, he is a veteran game developer and being the one that created Call Of Duty, doesn't mean the concept will be that anymore then Star Wars Fallen Order or APEX or Titanfall are like Call Of Duty.....
So I'm going to agree with
on this one, he knows where his focus is and his interview more so points to seeking to be in the inspiration of BF3 / BF4. Not anything like Call Of Duty as I have no clue why gamers still say this weird ignorant thing, it makes it sound like developers have a 1 track mind as if their goal is just to do only the same fucking shit as their biggest game or something
Thats like expecting Zelda to play like Mario cause it was made by the same person as if the person isn't fucking smart enough to make something different lol
Have at least that respect to get Vince has made many different games before and his interviews don't strike me as trying to make BF into COD or something.
Its in good hands
Agreed with both.
I don't think anything in marketing BF2042 or really any BF has ever seeked to fool anyone, 99% of what you see in a BF trailer is shit that exist in the game as a real thing, I don't even get the point in any of the claims anyone makes about being tricked or fooled etc
They wanted to lie so much, they gave you a beta? Early access? Allowed reviews to show full gameplay prior to release? Showed in game, in engine footage? When is this trick suppose to fucking happen exactly? lol
If anyone wants to see a trick with trailers, go look at CDPR for that shit. Zero demo, stopped reviewers from showing their own footage, multiple trailers talking about features like car customization that doesn't exist and cop chases that didn't exist..
Until we get some BF releasing like that, I don't care for this fake ass claim where gamers seem to say EA does this, yet provide not a fucking shred of evidence to support it, while ignoring shit that CP2077 did upon its release, that is the king of trickery here when it comes to launching a title and until some game does that, it will remain the king lol Imagine anyone even doubting this team and the fucking thread is literally about them letting games fucking test the game...