My circle of friends and I are into more "complex" modern board games. I don't think any of us play "classic" family board games.
I like keeping a variety available (board games, dice games, card games):
>> simple games for large number of players, for parties, etc.
- Roll For It [dice/cards]
- Camel Cup (ie Camel Up) [board]
- Dixit [cards]
>> slightly complex games for smaller groups that typically play over a number of rounds:
- Smallworld [board]
- Dice Forge [board/dice]
- Oh My Goods [cards]
- Carcasone [tiles]
Not mine:
- 7 Wonders [cards]
>> More complex games, for the select few that are interested, when we are in the mood for something deeper:
- Quarriors [dice/cards]
- Hero Realms [cards]
- Pathfinder [cards]
- D&D Adventure [tiles/dice]
We enjoy the Apples to Apples / Cards Against Humanity / Choking Hazard etc genre as well, in short bursts.
I'll take a moment to plug my latest obsession,
Dice Forge: