They argued that Concordia while also being a very good euro, the game itself is very smooth. I agree, Concordia is very very smooth, rules are tiny while offering a lot of depth.
Marco Polo brings nothing new to the table, it's a good point salad euro game, but like they said, that's been done a million times already.
Marco Polo brings gamebreaking playerpowers which is quiet new for a euro tbh.
But yes I agree its not that innovative, but neither is Concordia, and while its very smooth its also completely void of any innovation, and there are so many Euro's that are as easy to play as concordia while beeing equally if not more deep.
That beeing said I still enjoy the reviews with Paul and/or Quinns. Matt and his opinions annoy me to no end because, especially if you listen to the podcast, whenever they disagree his comments always boil down to: well I am right because stuff, and I will keep touting the same bs over and over again till you say I am right.
Anyway for something completely different. And some of you might remember I have been culling my collection. Ended up selling around 40 games, bringing my collection from 90 down to about 50 games. Sold all games that either I or my wife dont really care that much about. Since she is my main gamingpartner there was no reason for us to have games the other one didnt really enjoy.
Also sold games that never hit the table, so even one of my top 10 of all times got traded away, simply because I never have time for it, and my wife didnt like it.
We did buy a few new games aswell but will keep the collection around 50 tops.
Brass: Birmingham - Really like how they cleaned up the rules, added playerboards, made two player viable and the artwork and design is through the roof.
Montana - Fast to play + worker placement + very mean and in your face + area control + no victory points...Yeah we had to have it
On the way in the mail:
Inis - Blood Rage was one of the games we sold of. Even with more than two players, the game felt really stale after a few plays and the different cards didnt really offer new interesting ways to play. Inis seems to be what we want in this type of game. And alot of you guys have spoken very highly of it.
Ordered and played
Eldritch Horror - Completely random game. Absolutely not our kind of games. Some of the mysteries are so random and luck dependant that the game is basically all about luck and your decisions matter next to nothing. The story the game unfolds is so disjointed and random aswell, it was just a complete fail for us. Probably would categorize this as one of the most overrated games ever made. Already traded it away.
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition - Wow! Even though this is Ameritrash through and through we really love it. What a fantastic design. And the app integration is so nice. It removes all the fiddlyness of the rules and makes the whole experience fast and smooth. Also the description of every fight, where the app describes the monsters attacks in a narrative way is awsome and adds to a allready great experience. The puzzles are fun, the narrative is great, the stories are interesting. What an amazing game. This game fired every other story game for us. Instant top 5 of all time for me.
Whistle Stop - Guys! Just buy this game. Thank me later. Fantastic tile laying /route building game. This takes the basic concept of Tsuro and adds resource management and combo building. Fantastic game. Very easy to play but has a great deal of depth.
Also let me again say how criminally underrated Ginkgopolis is. We have been playing this alot lately and man this is such a great Euro. Very mean and tight, but also 100% fair since you allways know most of the cards that are in your opponents hand, due to you having to hand the rest of yours over after every turn and vice versa.
It plays in just under and hour with two and does what it does so much better than most other games of this kind.
If you can find it you really need to get this if you like tight, mean eurogames.