you know what, i wouldn't have even COMPLAINED as much if it was me vs. ramirez in the "championship" game from our conference... but he wasn't even in my conference! the system zig-zagged the matchups so i (being the "nfc" team for instance, not because i was the 49ers but because i was on that side of the conference by chance) played ramirez (being the "afc" team, not because he was the steelers but that was just the side he was on). it made no sense at all.
oh, also, matrix in all of his 7-9 glory got into the playoffs while guys like gunstar (12-4), azwethink (11-5) and DM (13-3) DIDNT EVEN MAKE IT TO THE PLAYOFFS! VC should have at least let us have full control of the amount of playoff teams and matchups