So excited for this new album. Radiohead is one of those bands with a flawless discography to me. There's something I like about every song. (Others I put in this category include: The Smiths, Arcade Fire, National, Elliott Smith.)
Any word on the title?
I like "Burn the Witch" but if surprisingly grown a bit tired of it earlier than I thought. It reminds me of "Optimistic" in a way but a bit softer. It has that big, wide, symphonic crescendo behind Thom's wailing/humming.
I definitely love "Daydreaming" though. Keeps getting better with each lesson. I love when they include piano. It's minimalistic and haunting.
Didn't love the music video though. Huge PTA fan. It was OK, just didn't leave much of an impression on me. However, that could possibly because I'm not huge into music videos anymore.