Alternatively: Been waiting half of my life.Radiohead - [Album Title] |OT| Half of my live
Daydreaming is a fairly ho hum track... sounds like more of the same. Looking forward to hearing how the rest of the album shapes up.
Initially I thought the same thing it took a couple listens to really appreciate it the feel is not immediate it doesn't beat you over the head like there early venture into electronica this sound is much more subtle. When i'm listening to Daydreaming it feels like i'm floating i've haven't had a piece music do that to me in a very long time.
This is the best.Radiohead - [Album Title] |OT| turn the six upside down its a nine now
Radiohead - Album OT | In the top 8 of best Radiohead albums
will probably be better than Pablo Honey too.
Thats why I said top 8
Edit: or are you placing pablo honey above another record? Madness!
oh, i thought you meant it would clearly be better than KoL.
I cant think of a better band with a worse first album
I mean I don't really like The Bends in the year 2016, but Pablo Honey is straight up unlistenable
I cant think of a better band with a worse first album
I mean I don't really like The Bends in the year 2016, but Pablo Honey is straight up unlistenable
So, uh, someone just posted this on r/radiohead and no idea if it's legit or not... (album title and track list)
Clicking this was a mistakeSo, uh, someone just posted this on r/radiohead and no idea if it's legit or not... (album title and track list)
So, uh, someone just posted this on r/radiohead and no idea if it's legit or not... (album title and track list)
Yeah, this looks kind of legit.So, uh, someone just posted this on r/radiohead and no idea if it's legit or not... (album title and track list)
I admit, I like You, Creep and Blow Out. But the rest is pretty bad, yes
the art looks like a couple of previously released pieces stitched together.
Dude on reddit saystrue love waits is the closer
that is ridiculousDude on reddit saystrue love waits is the closer
Dude on reddit saystrue love waits is the closer
Dude on reddit saystrue love waits is the closer
10th song wasso maybe the 10th song issilent spring?
if this is real at all of course[/spoiler]
Dude on reddit saystrue love waits is the closer
Dude on reddit saystrue love waits is the closer
Basically :/Oh fuck what
If that's true,that makes me real nervous that this is their last album. Not that they ever said anything to this effect, but I always had it my head that TLW was going to be a final album track.
my thoughts exactlyOh fuck what
If that's true,that makes me real nervous that this is their last album. Not that they ever said anything to this effect, but I always had it my head that TLW was going to be a final album track.
Dude on reddit saystrue love waits is the closer
I hope it's fake to be honest.
If that were the last track, it most certainly could be the final record...
I cant think of a better band with a worse first album
I mean I don't really like The Bends in the year 2016, but Pablo Honey is straight up unlistenable
Why do I hope it's fake?why?
I hope it's fake to be honest.
If that were the last track, it most certainly could be the final record...
Why do I hope it's fake?
I suppose I wanted it to be a surprise, not that it's a massive deal.
Dude on reddit saystrue love waits is the closer