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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


So I'm over 400 now amazing how much weight can be gained. My friend wants me to visit him in Japan next year but I don't want to go looking so fat. And I'll probably never lose this weight.
It's really only as difficult as you make it out to be for yourself. Do nothing about it and pretend it can't be helped and yeah, sure enough, nothing's gonna change.

Conversely, approach it with the will to make a change and to take a few reasonable steps, the ball can start rolling real easy.

It's all on you, and unless you have a particular medical condition, it absolutely ain't that hard to get on the right track.

So fuck it, I'm gonna share my 5-year transformation. Compared to most in this thread it's not that dramatic a change, but even with dedication it's tough for my body it seems.

Most recently --

Still 30% bodyfat. It's gonna take a shit ton of cutting and bulking to get rid of that fat.
Awesome work, dude. It definitely is a pretty tremendous change, don't sell yourself short! What worked for you?
Awesome work, dude. It definitely is a pretty tremendous change, don't sell yourself short! What worked for you?
It's super fucking hard for me to cut fat. I have to count my nutrients to the gram and work out at least thrice a week or I'm not making a dent.

Part of it was getting to college and seeing my new friends (I somehow made a ton of jock and sports medicine friends), and holding myself to that standard. But it's been a ton of work over a long five years.

I'm still very unhappy with how I look, lol.


It's me with another harrowing tale. I ended up eating a whole tub of Quality Street over the course of this week, to compensate I even had to skip a meal or two which I know is terrible! I managed to stay the same on the scale for the week which I'm OK with, but I know it was so damn greedy. I just couldn't help myself, it has been so long since I've had chocolate I just couldn't stop myself. Damn you Christmas and your delicious treats!!!

We all have our ups and downs - I just got back from a 4 day trip to Vegas...we had $400 in breakfast dining credit at MGM Skylofts and had buffet dinners every night to boot...gained 3-4lbs (I suspect mostly water weight since I was on keto diet before).

No one's perfect...as long as you don't go into a downward spiral, you're good :)

So I'm over 400 now amazing how much weight can be gained. My friend wants me to visit him in Japan next year but I don't want to go looking so fat. And I'll probably never lose this weight.

I don't know what you want...to lose weight? To read someone say "don't worry, everything will turn out fine"? To tell you it'll be easy?

It's a lifestyle change and you need to start small...say cut out sugary drinks with water or non-sugar sweetened drinks (like an erythritol and stevia swetened drink) and walk a few times a week during lunch. Once this becomes habit, add a few more things. It took you a while to get where you are now...it'll take time to get to where you want to be, but you need to decide when you want to take the first step.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I crashed and burned over the holidays, I'm not going anywhere near a scale for awhile. I learned even though I now look normal I still have the brain of an obese person.


I crashed and burned over the holidays, I'm not going anywhere near a scale for awhile. I learned even though I now look normal I still have the brain of an obese person.
I find the holidays really tough to. Went to a family gathering last night and there probably over 20 different types of cookies. It feels impossible to resist them.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Quality Street and Pringles did me in, I was always a snacker. Plus I had to get drunk to survive Christmas Day because of family drama which didn't help my diet. I'll get back on the waggon though.
it's okay. i went on a gym hiatus on the 16th. Holiday just makes me lazy and eat a lot.going back to the gym today so hopefully the week off doesn't make me stop going!

i gained like 10 pounds (y)


Why does he wear the mask!?
It's not what you eat between Christmas and New Years that matters, it's what you eat between New Years and Christmas.


It's not what you eat between Christmas and New Years that matters, it's what you eat between New Years and Christmas.

Ha - good point.

I put on 4 kg and I don't think most of it is water weight. We'll see - I'm not concerned though, I expected a blip over Christmas.
I crashed and burned over the holidays, I'm not going anywhere near a scale for awhile. I learned even though I now look normal I still have the brain of an obese person.

I think you should get on the scale anyway. I suspect the mindset of not wanting to know what it says causes a lot of diets to fail in the long term.

I didn't want to do it but I just stepped on the scale after the holidays. I've hit 170 and now I know that I've got to restrict calories for a couple weeks. It's better to know right away when I'm 5 lbs over my target rather than sit in denial and wait until I've put on 20 or 30 pounds.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I've put on half a stone since Christmas Eve.

Not worried, I'll be back to being strict as all hell on January 2nd.


Finished (most likely) my last workout of the year - I might still workout tomorrow depending on whether my left arm recovers...may have injured it doing some yardwork today, workout today was a drag because of it. Another day won't make a difference in body composition anyways.

From July 13th to Dec 30th...pretty happy with my progress :)
From a peak of 185 to 157-160lbs
Down from med/large to small/med tops and from 36" to 32" pants (with 32"s being a smidge too large now too)

Weights and HIIT 1hr/day, 4-6 days/week
Cyclic keto diet (though admittedly, the last 2 weeks have been rough)


For the first time in my life, someone commented that some of my form fitting clothes actually make me look good :)


Good stuff. How tall? Going into the new year with 75kg (1.90m) 10 less than last year.

6'5" / 195cm

I dont feel like I want to go below 220 again. I think my lowest was 217 after a weekend of undereating. I can still play xylophone on my ribs as I am right now.
So I've been checking periodically into this thread, updating my progress and viewing everyone else's amazing stories. I figured I should post what I now look like at the end of 2015.

Last year I was near 260 and I now weigh around 170. I got down to 160, but I felt I was too skinny for my frame and height (5"11). I feel much better with the weight I'm at. Sure, I could be skinnier, but I'm content and overall happy with my body now. I've gotten new clothes, a new hair style, and overall just changed everything about my attitude and the way I approach life. I feel hopeful and optimistic about my current situation and future for the first time in my entire life. It feels so liberating to finally reach that peak I've been trying to attain for over 5 years (23 years old). Now I feel it's time for me to start adding muscle and really start hitting the weights while continuing my regular cardio routine. I just have to say a ton of people in this thread were inspirational to my own weight loss and this thread got me through some difficult times when I was doubting myself the most. Looking at your progress helped me so much. It kept me from giving up, honestly. I want to thank each and every one of you for contributing and being overall wonderful and generally helpful people. Apart from this thread, it's a great feeling to be complimented regularly on how youve changed and how good you look by the people in your life. It's amazing, people telling me I look so much happier and I actually agree with them for once. I hope everyone can achieve their ultimate goals in not only their own weight loss and healthy journey, but their life in general.

Happy New Year everyone! You all rock.
My new years resolution is to continue the 5:2 diet that I started about 4 weeks ago.

I must say, it fits me like a glove vs other things such as calorie counting or changing carb:protein:fat ratios. I almost look forward to the 2 days of basically not eating. The day after a fast day I'm much more aware of food in general and savour it more.

Over the last 10 years like many middle aged dads I was sliding into metabolic syndrome. Not obese but definitely a descending circle of slow steady weight gain and tiredness along with liver issues and so on. Cardio on top, instead of energising, just made me useless for the day.

I started at 191 lbs which was pretty much the heaviest I've ever been, and I'm now down to 180 lbs, the goal is to be in the 160s within 6 months. Then I'll maintain there by letting the scale inform me.

The nice thing about this method is really unlike fad diet of the day, it requires almost no thinking and no time investment. It as fundamental as gravity that to lose weight one must eat less. However the hardest part was the "less" part. Fasting for a day was the easiest and fastest way to re-learn that its ok to be hungry, and I'm also amazed to find the next morning, instead of a huge cooked breakfast, I'm delighted with a bowl of bran flakes with no sugar. (PS: All Bran "buds" are a joke, have you ever looked at the sugar % in them? OMG).
How do you deal with the resentment issue? I just have this anger towards everyone (especially women) who I believe wouldn't have given me the time of day before? I'm not hostile, in fact I come across as very friendly (they have no idea how I really feel) but...,, to say I walk around with a chip on my shoulder is an understatement.

Went from 180 (2001) to 430 (2012) back to around 220 (2015) with a final goal of 170 (maybe this year). So I do remember getting dates and attention without even trying (2001)to becoming a total sloppy looking bastard just trying not to draw attention. (2012). To becoming internally a very bitter, angry, misanthropic person (2015).

I'll tell you what I've learned from it all: everyone is shallow, everyone treats you different based on looks, and you can get away with things, and be able to say shit when you are thinner, that you would never do when you were heavier.


How do you deal with the resentment issue? I just have this anger towards everyone (especially women) who I believe wouldn't have given me the time of day before?


I'll tell you what I've learned from it all: everyone is shallow, everyone treats you different based on looks, and you can get away with things, and be able to say shit when you are thinner, that you would never do when you were heavier.
Yeah, most people are shallow, and social life is near infinitely easier when skinny rather than fat. I think I've just come to terms with the fact that it is just how people are. Though that's made me more disillusioned and disappointed rather than angry.

I don't have any suggestions on how to deal with your anger and resentment. Time will likely (eventually) dull that edge. In the meantime, you can certainly look for and enjoy the company of the genuine people that have stuck with you over the years, family, close friends, etc. Best of luck.


Why does he wear the mask!?
How do you deal with the resentment issue? I just have this anger towards everyone (especially women) who I believe wouldn't have given me the time of day before? I'm not hostile, in fact I come across as very friendly (they have no idea how I really feel) but...,, to say I walk around with a chip on my shoulder is an understatement.

Went from 180 (2001) to 430 (2012) back to around 220 (2015) with a final goal of 170 (maybe this year). So I do remember getting dates and attention without even trying (2001)to becoming a total sloppy looking bastard just trying not to draw attention. (2012). To becoming internally a very bitter, angry, misanthropic person (2015).

I'll tell you what I've learned from it all: everyone is shallow, everyone treats you different based on looks, and you can get away with things, and be able to say shit when you are thinner, that you would never do when you were heavier.

I was at first, but as time passed I became less bitter and resentful.

It's good to remember that you're as shallow as everybody else.
How do you deal with the resentment issue? I just have this anger towards everyone (especially women) who I believe wouldn't have given me the time of day before? I'm not hostile, in fact I come across as very friendly (they have no idea how I really feel) but...,, to say I walk around with a chip on my shoulder is an understatement.

Went from 180 (2001) to 430 (2012) back to around 220 (2015) with a final goal of 170 (maybe this year). So I do remember getting dates and attention without even trying (2001)to becoming a total sloppy looking bastard just trying not to draw attention. (2012). To becoming internally a very bitter, angry, misanthropic person (2015).

I'll tell you what I've learned from it all: everyone is shallow, everyone treats you different based on looks, and you can get away with things, and be able to say shit when you are thinner, that you would never do when you were heavier.

Are you attracted to all overweight girls? Surely you judge people on their looks too, as it's a natural first reaction, but is in no way a final judgement and you're now being very judgemental. Are you now a more energetic, positive person? Are you now more outgoing? i think you need to get your mind in check, because that's an unhealthy way to live and you're teetering on being /becoming mysoginistic in your view of women.
Yeah, most people are shallow, and social life is near infinitely easier when skinny rather than fat. I think I've just come to terms with the fact that it is just how people are.

This is the truth.

Are you attracted to all overweight girls? Surely you judge people on their looks too, as it's a natural first reaction, but is in no way a final judgement and you're now being very judgemental. Are you now a more energetic, positive person? Are you now more outgoing? i think you need to get your mind in check, because that's an unhealthy way to live and you're teetering on being /becoming mysoginistic in your view of women.

Honestly when I was thinner I was shyer and quiet, my when I got heavy my personality was miles more out going, "fun to be around", "fun to talk to", but had no relationships blossom from it. And I always thought "Yeah if I looked like I used to this would be easy", hell I even had a foreign professor say that when she saw my older pic "Wow! You used to be handsome!" But back when I was thin like I said I didn't even have to try and I got interest/relationships. It is very apparent. Some of the women I dated were a bit heavy, overweight I would say (like a step beyond chubby, but not full blown fat, at least not back then).

I guess my issue is I have a few friends that are adamant they aren't shallow, even when everyone is a little bit (I know I am). As far as misogyny is concerned, I don't have a hatred of women but going from my friends they are the most likely to lie about not being shallow (even if they don't know they are). I've seen their change in attitude/personality first hand as I got back to my old self.

No they aren't randomly trying to wrap their legs around me, but they are just nicer, smile more, etc, like I said I've seen both sides.

Start by accepting the fact that you're not owed anything more than basic human decency by anyone, and being given the time of the day is not part of that. That would be a healthy start I think.

If I ever have kids, that's what I am going to teach them, I was brought up that being a good person, doing good things, treating people like you want to be treated, and good things will happen to you. But as we become adults we realize that really isn't true. It all seems like a bunch of random clusterfuck of luck, good or bad. I guess I just got used to having relationships fall out of the sky before.

I just have 10 years of resentment built up and nothing to do with it. Working out doesn't help, gaming doesn't help, I just stay bitter/miserable... Maybe it'll get better in time, who knows.


Why does he wear the mask!?
This is the truth.

Honestly when I was thinner I was shyer and quiet, my when I got heavy my personality was miles more out going, "fun to be around", "fun to talk to", but had no relationships blossom from it. And I always thought "Yeah if I looked like I used to this would be easy", hell I even had a foreign professor say that when she saw my older pic "Wow! You used to be handsome!" But back when I was thin like I said I didn't even have to try and I got interest/relationships. It is very apparent. Some of the women I dated were a bit heavy, overweight I would say (like a step beyond chubby, but not full blown fat, at least not back then).

I guess my issue is I have a few friends that are adamant they aren't shallow, even when everyone is a little bit (I know I am). As far as misogyny is concerned, I don't have a hatred of women but going from my friends they are the most likely to lie about not being shallow (even if they don't know they are). I've seen their change in attitude/personality first hand as I got back to my old self.

No they aren't randomly trying to wrap their legs around me, but they are just nicer, smile more, etc, like I said I've seen both sides.

If I ever have kids, that's what I am going to teach them, I was brought up that being a good person, doing good things, treating people like you want to be treated, and good things will happen to you. But as we become adults we realize that really isn't true. It all seems like a bunch of random clusterfuck of luck, good or bad. I guess I just got used to having relationships fall out of the sky before.

I just have 10 years of resentment built up and nothing to do with it. Working out doesn't help, gaming doesn't help, I just stay bitter/miserable... Maybe it'll get better in time, who knows.
What the fuck
What the fuck

haha yeah, she was a bit forward. It was funny though I ran into her like a year ago at the gym (I recognized her before she saw me) and I taped her on her shoulder and she immediately started blushing and smiling once she realized who I was. I am not 100% like the pic she saw (obviously 10 years older not quite as thin yet) but I am much closer to it than when she first saw it (I was at my worst then). So it was a nice bit of closure lol.


Man, coming back into this thread is always amazing. Great to see everyone's progress. Here's mine, though I still have 40-50lbs to go to reach goal. I hope to hit that this year.

Oct '14 said:
Was about 240lbs. Not my highest, but still not great.

Jan '15 said:
By the start of 2015, I was back to my regular weight of 270lbs.

Apr '15 said:
By April I was around 230lbs. Thinner, but still fat.

Oct '15 said:
My lowest at about 200lbs, on vacation about a year later with my dad. I ended up putting a few pounds back on over the holiday.

Dec '15 said:
210lbs at my friend's wedding.

Today said:
Back down to 207lbs as of today. Back to carb cutting. 5k and weight training starts up in the next week.
Week 23: 2.6lbs gain
Week 24: 4.2lbs loss
Week 25: 1lbs gain
Week 26: 2lbs loss
Avg. Weekly Loss: 2.7lbs

(It seems I'm destined to put on one week then lose the next, no matter what I eat, haha)

So, overall, in 6 months, I've dropped 71.2lbs to 201.8lbs. It's tailed off over December, as it was always going to do, but I'm happy with a 2.6lbs net weight loss since mid December, when all the parties and meals and such kicked in.

Thanks to everybody in the thread for contributing, and to anybody reading this that wants to make a change, understand that I was in *exactly* the same position when I read through this thread 6 months ago. You can do it! I still have some more weight to lost, but the current plan is to get fitter. I'm upping my kickboxing lessons to 2 nights a week from 1, and I'm going to look into some simple exercise regimes I can do at home.

Also, seeing as this is ultimately a pics thread...

Click Me

(I promise I'm more pleased than I look!)

Good luck with your goals for 2016, guys!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Why am I such a greedy, fat piece of shit? I have been struggling over the holidays and yesterday I fell off the wagon and went full on obese mode eating 3000 calories for the day. How you may ask, Scottish Highland Shortbread, that's how. They're basically butter and sugar and so delicious I knocked back about 10 of them, at 100 calories a piece. It was like a fat demon was possessing me and I couldn't control my body.

Literally the devil in biscuit form.

Click Me

(I promise I'm more pleased than I look!)

Well done man, it honestly looks like you've had breast reduction surgery.
Haha. Thanks dude. That's the best compliment I think I've ever had.

And I hear you on the fucking shortbread. Every birthday/Christmas my dad gets some and I cannot fucking help myself. It's so unfilling that you have to eat several, just like Pringles. :O


relies on auto-aim
DAMN. Dangerblade putting in that WORK.

Xmas was fine for me, but New Years was a disaster, hopefully the 4lbs is all water weight. Gotta get back in the swing of things after past 5 days.


So I've been checking periodically into this thread, updating my progress and viewing everyone else's amazing stories. I figured I should post what I now look like at the end of 2015.

Last year I was near 260 and I now weigh around 170. I got down to 160, but I felt I was too skinny for my frame and height (5"11). I feel much better with the weight I'm at. Sure, I could be skinnier, but I'm content and overall happy with my body now. I've gotten new clothes, a new hair style, and overall just changed everything about my attitude and the way I approach life. I feel hopeful and optimistic about my current situation and future for the first time in my entire life. It feels so liberating to finally reach that peak I've been trying to attain for over 5 years (23 years old). Now I feel it's time for me to start adding muscle and really start hitting the weights while continuing my regular cardio routine. I just have to say a ton of people in this thread were inspirational to my own weight loss and this thread got me through some difficult times when I was doubting myself the most. Looking at your progress helped me so much. It kept me from giving up, honestly. I want to thank each and every one of you for contributing and being overall wonderful and generally helpful people. Apart from this thread, it's a great feeling to be complimented regularly on how youve changed and how good you look by the people in your life. It's amazing, people telling me I look so much happier and I actually agree with them for once. I hope everyone can achieve their ultimate goals in not only their own weight loss and healthy journey, but their life in general.

Happy New Year everyone! You all rock.

Wow. Any tips?


Why am I such a greedy, fat piece of shit? I have been struggling over the holidays and yesterday I fell off the wagon and went full on obese mode eating 3000 calories for the day. How you may ask, Scottish Highland Shortbread, that's how. They're basically butter and sugar and so delicious I knocked back about 10 of them, at 100 calories a piece. It was like a fat demon was possessing me and I couldn't control my body.

Don't beat yourself over it. If anything, just treat it as a cheat "meal" and move on. As long as you don't do it repeatedly, it's always good to have cheats from time to time. I believe there are some studies that indicate weight loss is more difficult to maintain if you don't cheat for lack of a better description.

Hell, I knocked out a medium sized pizza, some bread sticks, and chicken tenders last week in a single meal sitting :p I weighed in over new years eve and I still was at my lowest weight yet. Just don't make a habit of it :)


Holiday weight gain and loss again blows my mind. Scale showed I gained 8 lbs in just over a week from stuffing my face with cookies every day while doing nothing. Then in 1 day of normal eating and activity I lost 4 lbs. I only showed a lost of 1 lbs today so it looks like my cookie binge is keeping me over 200 lbs. My goal is 185 lbs so I really need to make a plan and stick to hopefully reach that by the end of May.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I really don't understand my body. I just weighed myself and I didn't gain anything, not a sausage. I have been eating like a complete piglet over the holiday. I downed 2 full tins of Quality Street, 4 tubs of Pringles and about 3 packets of shortbread over the 2 week period and I didn't gain a thing, yet I have weeks where I'm eating 1500 calories/day strict and don't lose anything.


I really don't understand my body. I just weighed myself and I didn't gain anything, not a sausage. I have been eating like a complete piglet over the holiday. I downed 2 full tins of Quality Street, 4 tubs of Pringles and about 3 packets of shortbread over the 2 week period and I didn't gain a thing, yet I have weeks where I'm eating 1500 calories/day strict and don't lose anything.

Set point theory? Blame it on your hypothalamus.

I had a busy New Years period so specifically waited till this week to try to make some goals and plans for 2016. My big thing is actually starting to plan out some meals in advance so that I'm not just finding something last minute and eating a bigger variety of things. Specifically if I don't plan out dinners well then I end up going out for lunch which leads to unhealthy eating. Anyone else have specific things they are working on to keep going or get over a plateau?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Alcohol killed me over the holidays. Wine is a real one two punch with how it lowers your inhibitions.

Also - I've never really posted in here before (at least that I can remember) but I lurk sometimes. You're all amazing for making such positive and sometimes drastic changes in your life. Weight loss is such a liberating feeling. If you're really overweight and become thin it's like gaining wings. You feel lighter, more attractive, more capable, and the entire world is a brighter place.

On the resentment issue - I understand completely. In high school I was a 260 lb. greasy faced loser, while in college I was 100 lbs. thinner and treated entirely differently. Sometimes I would even act like a jerk on purpose just to see how much I could get away with and tell myself that these people deserved it because of how shallow they were. Was it the right thing to do? No, of course not. I'd probably be the same sort of shallow if my eyes were never opened to the importance of looking beneath people's exterior by being fat. Regardless, it's a difficult emotion to suppress at first, because the difference is so totally apparent when you first lose weight that people's shallowness sticks out like a sore thumb, almost to the point where you feel like people are blind to their own perception at times. Like others have said, it gets better with time.


Somehow I managed to lose nearly 1kg over the holidays. I'm going to attribute it to having a vegan xmas this year, as I was eating loads and not really exercising. I'm going to use the new year to start pushing towards being totally vegan I think. I've been vegetarian for coming up for a year now and it has really been the turning point for my health as not only have I lost weight, I've increased my stamina and energy, and reduced the meds I take too. It was so easy to do, and means I can eat so much more without massive amounts of calories. It's time to cut out the dairy too. I just wish it was a more widely accepted thing. It's not exactly *hard* to do, but it can sure be inconvenient outside your own home.

For over indulgences during the holidays, I'd say just let it go. It's the hardest time of year to stick to your guns when there's so much food and drink around. Now the holidays are over, put it behind you and get back on track, and maybe make a resolution not to buy snack foods like individually wrapped chocolates or tubes of pringles - try and stick to snacks that come in portioned packs.


For those who lost a lot of weight (40+ lbs), when did you start to buy new clothes? Lost about 25 pounds last year and added muscle, so my body shape is different, but I'm still 50 pounds away from my goal weight. Don't want to buy clothes that I'll hopefully only wear for a few months.


well, after successfully losing a bunch of weight a couple years ago going low carb, I'm going back at it. I bailed out after about 50lbs lost last time and gained every bit of it back. I need to stick with it this time. Need a lifestyle change as i'm starting to get older now, mid 30s, 5'8, 220lbs last time weighed. Becoming more active is also part of the plan, mainly hiking. So many awesome trails near me! Picked up a couple trail maps. Can't wait to get outdoors more often!

I think i failed last time because i didn't have consume enough fats. Even though I ate a lot of low carb foods, I was constantly hungry. This time, I've been adding a shit ton of butter to everything and it has so far satisfied my stomach and kept me feeling full. Maybe too much butter though, I've been eating a stick a day.. only on day 3 of my change though. Probably need to cut that in half, huh?

Anywho, need to buy a new scale and start tracking my progression again. Will update my progress weekly-ish!
For those who lost a lot of weight (40+ lbs), when did you start to buy new clothes? Lost about 25 pounds last year and added muscle, so my body shape is different, but I'm still 50 pounds away from my goal weight. Don't want to buy clothes that I'll hopefully only wear for a few months.

You gender probably makes a difference here. I'm a man; I lost 50 lbs and didn't get new clothes until I hit my goal weight. Baggy clothes can be pretty unattractive on slim people so I don't think it's a good idea to buy new clothes when you're just going to be losing more weight.

I still kind of waffle on whether I'm an L or M for T-shirts.


For those who lost a lot of weight (40+ lbs), when did you start to buy new clothes? Lost about 25 pounds last year and added muscle, so my body shape is different, but I'm still 50 pounds away from my goal weight. Don't want to buy clothes that I'll hopefully only wear for a few months.

i waited until my clothes looked too big, then went to a thrift store and bought a few cheap shirts/pants to hold me over until i hit my goal. Thankfully, i saved all my old clothes because i failed at keeping the weight off :(


well, after successfully losing a bunch of weight a couple years ago going low carb, I'm going back at it. I bailed out after about 50lbs lost last time and gained every bit of it back. I need to stick with it this time. Need a lifestyle change as i'm starting to get older now, mid 30s, 5'8, 220lbs last time weighed. Becoming more active is also part of the plan, mainly hiking. So many awesome trails near me! Picked up a couple trail maps. Can't wait to get outdoors more often!

I think i failed last time because i didn't have consume enough fats. Even though I ate a lot of low carb foods, I was constantly hungry. This time, I've been adding a shit ton of butter to everything and it has so far satisfied my stomach and kept me feeling full. Maybe too much butter though, I've been eating a stick a day.. only on day 3 of my change though. Probably need to cut that in half, huh?

Anywho, need to buy a new scale and start tracking my progression again. Will update my progress weekly-ish!
Remember, the reason that low carb diets work (at least, the most verifiable and agreed upon reason), is that you are full more frequently which stops overeating and going way above where you should be in calories.

So, count your calories. It's ultimately the thing that will contribute to weight loss.

Adding in a ton of fat and cutting out carbs won't do anything if you're still at 3k calories a day. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but it's a mistake that I see a lot of people make. Just wanted to clarify to make sure.
For those who lost a lot of weight (40+ lbs), when did you start to buy new clothes? Lost about 25 pounds last year and added muscle, so my body shape is different, but I'm still 50 pounds away from my goal weight. Don't want to buy clothes that I'll hopefully only wear for a few months.
Yeah, that was the expensive bit. I went through basically 4 whole wardrobe changes. The stuff when I was still in the major weightloss phase was just a few things here and there to get me by while I continued to drop.

When I was all done, I ended up as a 32" waist and M shirts. Bought a whole wardrobe based on that.

Then I started strength training, and am now a 33-34" waist and L shirts that frequently need to have the stomach taken in.

Totally worth it.
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