Remember, the reason that low carb diets work (at least, the most verifiable and agreed upon reason), is that you are full more frequently which stops overeating and going way above where you should be in calories.
So, count your calories. It's ultimately the thing that will contribute to weight loss.
Adding in a ton of fat and cutting out carbs won't do anything if you're still at 3k calories a day. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but it's a mistake that I see a lot of people make. Just wanted to clarify to make sure.
Last time I did low carb, I also avoided a lot of fat. I kept it under 20g of carbs every day except on cheat days for about a year. The weight melted off, but I believe i hit fatigue trying to keep my count so low. This time, I'm going to up my limit, but not exceed maybe 40-50g a day. That should give me a little more variety plus still be considered low carb.
edit: I've never counted calories. I'll do it for a month and see what i average, since my diet will consist roughly of the same foods every few days or so. Thanks for the tip!