talks about specific inspirations (what Aonuma liked about Skyrim), JP vs Western player feedback (who are these crazy people not liking upgrades?), dungeon designs, nostalgia elements, weapons, Wind Waker, etc
It's a summary translation, the original French interview is linked at the bottom
Some excerpts
Full thing at the link:
Silly drama:
Stop misreading this as "there are no dungeons" when Aonuma clearly says there are longer dungeons/shrines with all the typical puzzle boss jazz. Also nowhere does it say they all look like the sterile blue tech caves (we have seen otherwise in trailers even). Chill pill time.
UPDATE 2 because we need to enable easy mode:
UPDATE 3 because some of y'all are still in doubt ...
talks about specific inspirations (what Aonuma liked about Skyrim), JP vs Western player feedback (who are these crazy people not liking upgrades?), dungeon designs, nostalgia elements, weapons, Wind Waker, etc
It's a summary translation, the original French interview is linked at the bottom
Some excerpts
To get strong weapons, players have to use their wit, and various other tricks. And since weapons can break, you regularly have to get new ones. According to Aonuma, that's how the development team chose to deal with players' progression through the game without resorting to XP and other similar systems.
About the shrines, Eiji Aonuma reminds us that there's over 100 of them, and if they were long and complex (like regular dungeons in prior Zelda games), then players would never have finished the game. It's for this very reason that they chose to make them a reward in themselves, rather than a trial.
[...] Naturally, there's also some that are quite bigger and more complex than others, more akin to traditional dungeons from previous Zelda games (complete with the traditional boss battles).
However, there's no more ”themed" dungeons: if a shrine is found in a forest, it will not necessarily have a forest theme. Instead, shrines have been designed to have Link progress through the game, and were all made using a similar base, but using the physic engine to create stimulating puzzles.
Full thing at the link:
Silly drama:
Native French speaker here : the text doesn't say "there's no more themed dungeons", this is extrapolation. It says
More literally, it translates to :En revanche, on ne fait plus comme avant. Si un temple se trouvait dans une forêt, on en faisait le donjon de la forêt. Maintenant, ils sont plutôt conçus pour faire progresser Link et sont tous construits sur une base assez similaire, mais en utilisant le moteur physique du jeu pour offrir des énigmes stimulantes.
"However, it's not as it used to. If a given temple was inside a forest, we made it the forest dungeon. Now they are designed in a way to make Link progress and all are built on a rather similar base, using the game's physics engine to offer chalenging puzzles."
Regarding the absence or presence of "big dungeons", Aonuma explicitely says :
Meaning "[The shrines] differ a lot from preious Zelda's [dungeons], even though some are way bigger and have a boss at the end, in a more traditional manner."Ils sont très différents de ceux des précédents Zelda, même si certains sont beaucoup plus gros et comportent un boss à la fin de manière plus traditionnelle.
Stop misreading this as "there are no dungeons" when Aonuma clearly says there are longer dungeons/shrines with all the typical puzzle boss jazz. Also nowhere does it say they all look like the sterile blue tech caves (we have seen otherwise in trailers even). Chill pill time.
UPDATE 2 because we need to enable easy mode:
Well clearly this can't be a dungeon. It appears to have a fire theme.
This looks like it's indoors but it can't possibly be a dungeon because it's not blue and shit.
UPDATE 3 because some of y'all are still in doubt ...
In the waypoint interview he did mention this:
There are fewer big dungeons in the new game, and an emphasis on Link having many smaller shrines to explore, spread around the map. Is that a design choice that goes back to the beginning of the project? Or is that a change you made when the decision was taken to make the game for two platforms, to reflect the battery life of the Switch when it's undocked? So the player can finish a shrine in a single handheld sitting?
Aonuma: It wasn't necessarily an original design point. At first, we were planning to include more large, labyrinth-style dungeons, the sort of things you'd expect in a Zelda title. But the reason we decided to include the smaller shrines—which isn't to say there aren't some larger dungeons in Breath of the Wild—was to strike a balance, between this extremely large (over)world that you're exploring, and these goals and objectives to explore within that. So by dotting these shrines around—a larger number of them, but with each smaller in size than the older-style dungeons—it helped bring up balance, and break up the huge world into smaller, explorable chunks.
And at a gameinformer interview:
During the demo, you hinted that there are a couple larger dungeon areas and bosses in the game. How do those differentiate from the shrines that are scattered throughout the world and what are the benefits of the shrines?
Aonuma: As I mentioned earlier in the presentation, if you go to the shrines some of the items you get will increase the growth potential for Link in terms of the amount of hearts you get or the increase in the amount of stamina gauge you get. And speaking about the bigger dungeons with bosses they actually serve a completely different purpose than the shrines and so the reason that Link has to go to those dungeons is different than the reason he has to go to the shrines.