Me and delryk are ready to go
My bad about how the games ended last night.
My defense started slipping and it caused a lot of breakaways including that last one in OT that we lost from.
I also got kind of frustrated at some of the stuff that happened and if I came across as pointing fingers with my comments then i apologize
Prob wont be avail to play tonight, maybe tomorrow
Good points by everyone
I think Marv's one about the communication is prob most important. We just need to talk more before things happen instead of assuming we are on the same page.
You're just saying that because I said something nice about you.
Go ahead. I'll just claim you paid me to say it. I don't give a fuck.Im taking a screenshot before you edit/delete it
I can play wheneverGames tonight?
I can play whenever
I can hop on
I can play in about 45 minsAnybody wanna play tonight? Ill be avail after 8pm est
I can play in about 45 mins
i can play tonight
Sorry got stuck at work, might be able to play later
all too easy.
for the love of fuck can someone help me..... i keep getting retrieve data errors. my NAT is open, every other online game functions fine but of course EA is a piece of fucking shit and never has their crap together... seriously worse company in the world for a reason.
my nat is open, i have forwarded all ports and i still get this error. EA technical support said they can't help me lol
Hey so can we have an EASHL All Hockey Hair Team?
I nominate myself for captain
Also, I'm debating on taking my ps4 with me, cause I'm getting bored of just pc gaming.
Swim, your flow is definitely captain worthy right now. Once I grow mine out again I will challenge your leadership.
Ok I'm captain for sure[IMG]
You are co captain. Now to find some lines. VIZ WHERE YOU AT HOMIE?[/QUOTE]
Viz is probably at his meeting for bald mcdonalds managers.
My name was mentioned in 3 posts in a row so ive been summoned here. How can I be of assistance?
While I am here, on a scale of 1-10 what is your level of satisfaction with McDonald's new McPick 2?
LooooooooolViz spotted his favorite McDonalds
I can play around 1030 estGames tonite?
Viz spotted his favorite McDonalds
This post is racist against Canadians
I can play around 1030 est
Hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahhaha fifa.Did I miss something? Did Commissioner Gordon shine the signal in the air to call for help from all you fucks who never play EASHL anymore? All we need is cameos from Milly and RS4 to complete this unannounced alumni day reunion...
I can play right now, maybe later if my FIFA club doesnt get together