Can some of those bags of milk be chocolate?
Unfortnately Delryk's trade value is at an all-time low because he refuses to play anymore so chocolate milk will be a hard bargain to drive
Can some of those bags of milk be chocolate?
You keep your xbot reactions and jiffs out of here brah or we are trading you to the GAF X1 EASHL team for 6 bags of milk
Actually nhl18 might be the last year i buy on ps4 if the shit is real.
I just took away your GM privileges for that threat!
That means NO MORE CREATING JERSEYS FOR YOU THIS YEAR BUDDY. I hope you think about your comments, sincerely apologize and promise never to leave us.
I can play whenever. Im online
I will reluctantly play again tonight
Are people watching playoffs or games?
i'll be on after Leafs game tonight (whoa, weird to say during playoffs)
I'm off 'til next Wednesday after this afternoon so I should be on more in the next few days![]()
Ive decided im taking a break from the club until next wednesday then...
So with Delryk back, the trade for chocolate milk fell through???
I traded Swims expiring contract for one bag of chocolate milk that I already drank.
We may play more "secret" games tonight without you. I can't promise anything more...
And not so sober
Leafs win and i jizzed all over. Twas like i was 16 again..
Sure, what time?
Non-call on Wilson's charge says it all.
Im so rattled. That wilson non-call was brutal.
Not even sure I want to watch.