The Beast himself, Charles, had 4 goals in 2 games last nite. Hat trick in the first game
another hot week at work... maybe Thursday night will be possible for me
i might actually be able tonight if not too late
was too late for me.. too tired after these them working hours.. doing like 14hr shifts lol
14 hour shifts? You sir, need a better agent.
Edit: Sorry to double post. Fail.
It's just temp. money is worth it. ahah.
I'll invite you in my cold country where I have a indoor swimming pool at the cottage.![]()
Wait, Delryk is loaded? I will be your agent. Better yet, I will be your advocate!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Mercy Severity...
You leave my Delryk alone, he already claimed me as his sugardaddy
Inside pool, spa, pool table under solarium setting, boating/fishing just in front of house, huge ass campfire setting for 20peeps easy, giant trampoline lol.. inside is just a normal 2000sqft house..
Some great comeback games last night and a gutsy win too. Wish I saved some of those replays so I could eventually never upload them. Solid D delryk and some really good calls for the puck Mercy. You are really nailing that one timer.
Games today/tonight?
I have work til 8pm tonite. I will be available to play probably around 830 if you or anyone else is around at that time.
NHL teaser trailer tomorrow!
I wouldn't be surprised if they put Matthews on the cover. I might actually keep my physical copy for once if they do.
is there anybody out there that gets excited for these 15 second teasers anymore
I'm just happy they showed anything. After our discussions the last week or so, it felt like maybe there would be no nhl 18
If u thought EA would pass up a chance to collect their money from the same people that buy this every year by simply shitting out a new game with very little new features or innovation you are too naive my dude.
this game is going to continue to be samey until they go to frostbite and im not sure we will see much marked improvement even then.
EA stopped investing in this series years ago and I dont see a reason they are going to spend more money. The best we can hope for is Rammer and those making creative decisions move on and someone else is able to pitch a different direction.
This is only my 2nd year playing EASHL and really the only mode I give a damn about. What feature or improvement to that mode would you like to see? (Just curious and bored at work)
This is only my 2nd year playing EASHL and really the only mode I give a damn about. What feature or improvement to that mode would you like to see? (Just curious and bored at work)
I think the mode itself is implemented well, my gripes are with the lack of innovation to gameplay and reluctance to move closer towards a better representation of the sport like all of the other major sports franchises have been doing for the past 5 years or so.
As far as EASHL id like to see the following changes:
-full player stat tracking with commentary callouts. I want to know if I just broke my personal or team record for goals in a game and stuff like that. There is no recognition for huge accomplishments other than the few milestones 500, 1000 goals. Expand on fhis. You dont even need cutscenes, a dozen new commentary lines and visual overlays would do the trick.
-stat tracking for club matchups. Show our all-time record against the club before the game loads and highlight team stats that standout to give clubs personality. Imagine if we played a game today in June against another club and knew our all-time series was tied 5-5. It would give you a rivalry history and a little more incentive to play. Anything to add personality to clubs. What if it mentioned they have a 30% powerplay conversion percentage at the beginning of the game? You might adjust your aggressiveness to stay out of the box. All these interesting stats are already tracked on the leaderboard screen, how about showing this info off?
-Bring back EASHL practice mode with most of the features from the singleplayer practice mode thats in the game. This was a feature from last gen that was never added back in.
-Show the scoreboard in the lobby if your club has a game in progress. This seems like a pretty reasonable request. With the technology available we should be able to jump in and spectate something like this at this point but ill settle for a simple scoreboard with time remaining and goal scorers like FIFA has in its Pro Club Mode. Share your technology with each other EA Sports dev teams!
-Allow us to name our clubs CPU players and customize their appearance. EA used to at least randomize the names of them now we have the same boring 10-15 names every game. This would add some creativity and personality to clubs in most cases and could be completely optional.
I think the mode itself is implemented well, my gripes are with the lack of innovation to gameplay and reluctance to move closer towards a better representation of the sport like all of the other major sports franchises have been doing for the past 5 years or so.
As far as EASHL id like to see the following changes:
-full player stat tracking with commentary callouts. I want to know if I just broke my personal or team record for goals in a game and stuff like that. There is no recognition for huge accomplishments other than the few milestones 500, 1000 goals. Expand on fhis. You dont even need cutscenes, a dozen new commentary lines and visual overlays would do the trick.
-stat tracking for club matchups. Show our all-time record against the club before the game loads and highlight team stats that standout to give clubs personality. Imagine if we played a game today in June against another club and knew our all-time series was tied 5-5. It would give you a rivalry history and a little more incentive to play. Anything to add personality to clubs. What if it mentioned they have a 30% powerplay conversion percentage at the beginning of the game? You might adjust your aggressiveness to stay out of the box. All these interesting stats are already tracked on the leaderboard screen, how about showing this info off?
-Bring back EASHL practice mode with most of the features from the singleplayer practice mode thats in the game. This was a feature from last gen that was never added back in.
-Show the scoreboard in the lobby if your club has a game in progress. This seems like a pretty reasonable request. With the technology available we should be able to jump in and spectate something like this at this point but ill settle for a simple scoreboard with time remaining and goal scorers like FIFA has in its Pro Club Mode. Share your technology with each other EA Sports dev teams!
-Allow us to name our clubs CPU players and customize their appearance. EA used to at least randomize the names of them now we have the same boring 10-15 names every game. This would add some creativity and personality to clubs in most cases and could be completely optional.
I will be around for games tonight at like 8pm if anyone else is up for it.