Try tonite?
Yep. I'll be on at like 8.
Couple responses said it took a long time for div 2 people as well.
Playoffs arent tonight its the 18th...
The patch notes say there was an issue with teams who won a playoff banner not being able to find games, sounds like that was what plagued us recently
Resolved issue were some EASHL teams were not able to matchup in regular season games after winning an EASHL Playoff Championship
Ok.. this HAS to be the problem... lets play some games tonight![]()
I won't be on till like 8:45 EST. But after that, lets do this!
Sounds like a plan.
We can try earlier Delryk too.
I forgot how much fun this game is when you actually get into a game.
6 games.. 11pts.. started off real sluggish but not bad near the end. Fin nite!
Yea im trying to get back to last year's mentality of using stick lift as part of my defensive weapons.
I was 2 for 2 getting it to work last night in situations where i used to use stick lifts and noticed the "hold stick lift to tie up in front of the net" seemed to trigger more reliably as well, but I still need more experience figuring out how to gauge when someone is moving too much for me to get it to lock on.
Yeah I'd like to trigger the stick tie up more but Im worried about it being called for trying to fight.
Anyone up for games tonight?
I can play after 8
I will probably be able to get on in about an hour, hopefully maybe catch the last game or two if you guys are still on.
Lately it's not been easy to get on at the earlier hours because of work. Sorry I've been AWOL this entire month.
I went ahead and got a burrito cause one of my students gave me a sweet gift card, I'll hop on soon if you guys are indeed going to play
Surely you were mistaken
promised the wife and daughter we'd play RB Rivals.... so i might not be on before 8pm (when we usually put her to sleep) lol.
How is BF1?
I was convinced I wouldn't get it, now I'm being sucked in from literally every direction of my gaming life.
What is RB Rivals?
Also, I may be on if others are on. I may be in BF1 too.