For Fubar: Dumba signs two year deal with Wild
There are plenty of people in Canada who hate immigration, and feel we're not hard enough on ISIS(aka muslims). They don't shout about out in public up here though, but if they're given a face they recognise who shares the same opinions, and shouts about it in public for them, they'll definitely vote that way.
Harper was just a creepy looking loser. He couldn't inspire people to be racist the same way someone like O'Leary could. Starts with people thinking he's amusing, then agreeing on some points, and then loving his "says whatever he wants" attitude.
If you come to Toronto, we can probably have a meet up when you're. Quick will show up since he only comes when someone from out of town visits.
yes please and thx bra
If you come to Toronto, we can probably have a meet up when you're. Quick will show up since he only comes when someone from out of town visits.
Sent you a PM! Ive got 2 more codes if anyone needs PS4 codes
For Fubar: Dumba signs two year deal with Wild
Sent you a PM! Ive got 2 more codes if anyone needs PS4 codes
Why is there a long "discussion" on chopsticks? Like, it's not that deep or difficult...
Yes please!
Enough of Politics!
Here's the Las Vegas Arena inside!
you have a PM, I got one more code (PS4)
Why is there a long "discussion" about how to clean eyeglasses?
Why is there a long "discussion" about men peeing in public bathrooms?
Why is there a long "discussion" about not jerking off?
Why is there a long "discussion" about whatever the fuck this is?
OT side is full of helpless socially inept people. That's the best explanation I can think of.
I have played a total of 30 hours of pokemon fire red the past 2 days.....
I've also been watching the Office along with it most of the time. I have a problem
I've been playing NIER
I worry about you Jhonny. I worry a lot.
That's a good cat
I have played a total of 30 hours of pokemon fire red the past 2 days.....
I have played a total of 30 hours of pokemon fire red the past 2 days.....
I've also been watching the Office along with it most of the time. I have a problem
Ive been playing a ton of pokemon yellowI have played a total of 30 hours of pokemon fire red the past 2 days.....
Did they still have sunshine girls? Was there just an informal network of 'Sun' labelled papers? I have inadvertently stumbled into a mystery.
We are in the same boat. Doing at 11x13 patio, just the rough rectangle it is. One of the main reasons I'm doing it is because my yard is super slanted. I've got to build one side up almost nine inches (about six over the grass level) on one side.
All the stones are in the backyard, which is good, and obviously the sod is all taken care of (that sucked hard). Now it's just wheeling gravel from the side of the house to the back, leveling it all, then putting the chips and dust down, then the stones, then the silicate for between the cracks, then build the gazebo who's purchase prompted this whole nightmare in the first place.
Edit: And tamping. Can't forget the tamping.
is that a slot machine I see in the penalty box?
When I was in my early 20s I was doing the same shit with SoulSilver (and The Office too, probably, lol)
god damn I played that game a lot. probably the last game that I really poured like hundreds of hours into.
Been talking about that all night with some friends, some of the best memes to come from the internet in years.
These Arthur memes man...
Checked up on Black Twitter earlier today and it just rained fire.
I need new gen 1 remakes, I can't go pre gen 4 anymore, it just feels too archaic D:With all the pokemon Go craze, I have had a massive hankering for the Pokemon games other than Go. I still have yet to download it. But damn Fire Red is so good. When I get my 2DS I need to replenish my Pokemon games.
Why is there a long "discussion" about how to clean eyeglasses?
Nope that's a valid and great question, it's unbelievable how glasses are so stupid to clean when you first get them. How no one has been able to say "here's $500 lenses, they basically never get dirty" is beyond me.
I need new gen 1 remakes, I can't go pre gen 4 anymore, it just feels too archaic D:
I really don't need gen 4 remakes at this point, so I'm hoping they go back and remake gen 1 again for gen 7. Would be perfect.
In Portland right now
The beer. The food. Walkable/bikable. Best US city....
Thats weird. In previous games they had a lot more non-white player heads. Hopefully theyll add them back in.It's basically something like 100+ light skin heads and 3 or 4 black skin heads.
In Portland right now
The beer. The food. Walkable/bikable. Best US city....
Thats weird. In previous games they had a lot more non-white player heads. Hopefully theyll add them back in.
Does anyone have an extra beta code for ps4?
There were like 175 heads the last few years. Not sure why theyd remove them.A lot of focus seems to have gone to even more options, which is great. Just wish there were more options for non-white players. Admittedly, I've only scrolled through in brief. There are a lot of tanned/darker skinned heads though. Just thins out when you hit black people. I may be exaggerating in the proportions, but there are actually over a hundred head options.
Women seem to have more options too, at least from when I last tried create-a-player a couple of years ago.
Be A GM isn't an option on the beta, just creating teams.
Thanks for the NHL 17 beta code,Wingfan. Basically spent an hour or so building a custom player and team, and trying out a drop-in EASHL game.
Customization seems extensive on both team and player. Would've liked to have seen more head options for darker-skinned players. It's basically something like 100+ light skin heads and 3 or 4 black skin heads.
Custom-created teams are actually really cool, but I wish EA would allow imported and/or combining logos. The custom logos are pretty much the same ones from before.
Arena designing is pretty vast, but left me wanting more options.
Having not touched EASHL in ages, I was terrible as expected. I was pretty much a liability, especially calling for the puck when the AI players have it. It's become habit for me to spam the pass button after playing offline for so long.
NHL edit: How's BAGM?
in case you guys need fresh memes, I highly recommend /r/youtubehaiku and /r/me_irl