So I can't find my car.
Parked it somewhere, and can't exactly remember where.
It hasn't been towed, and can't be stolen since you need a fob to start it.
And to make matters worse my wallet is in the glove compartment.
More buzzed than drunk. Also did a little coke.
I explained my situation to the police already. They told me there's a 99% chance it hasn't been stolen since my car has a built in Imobilizer. But considering how long it's been, that 1% chance seems all the more likely.
I'm sure. It's lost.
So my car's still missing, no updates from the police or towing company.
But by using the location history feature of google maps I was able to approximately locate where I parked my car at 6:00am Sunday morning.
Of course it's an area I already checked throughly yesterday, which probably means by car has been stolen.
How it was stolen and where it is currently is still a big mystery.
So...Well the police found my car. It wasn't stolen or tampered with, I just simply forgot where I parked it.
Funny thing is, the area where my car was found wasn't familiar to me at all, probably shows how fucked up I was after I parked it. Also it was in front of a meter, but I didn't get a ticket. Which makes the situation doubly weird.
Truly the best and luckiest way to learn that lesson.Well lesson learned. I won't drive fucked up ever again.
Truly the best and luckiest way to learn that lesson.
Congrats on not having your car stolen and exported to another country by a car theft ring, RC.
Eww no.Have you been watching Gone in 60 Seconds?
Well lesson learned. I won't drive fucked up ever again.
"Hmmm, I don't remember this blood on the steering wheel. What's that smell?"RC had his car stolen and used to commit unspeakable crimes. You're being framed, bro.
"Hmmm, I don't remember this blood on the steering wheel. What's that smell?"
RC had his car stolen and used to commit unspeakable crimes. You're being framed, bro.
PK was my favourite player, and still is. What a hero, I wish he went in on them even more.
He also raised $130,000 tonight for the childrens hospital and Jean Beliveau's wife was up there with him, which is kind of a big deal.
I hope Bergevin realizes how fucking stupid he looks this morning and how FUCKED he is if the season doesn't go exactly as planned
i'm just a little weirded out by the fact that RC is pretty much boasting about drunk driving.
it's not cool
I apologize if that sounded like boasting. Wasn't my attention.
And no, it wasn't cool at all. It was very irresponsible on my part, and a mistake I won't repeat.
I feel like shit.
Shouldn't have sat out in the sun for so long.
I feel like shit.
Shouldn't have sat out in the sun for so long.
Trying to get a dark tan?
I ate soup today in this warm weather, and I feel like shit.
Ooooof those Reviews for Suicide Squad though
I guess the best film of the summer is Star Trek Beyond
If you can believe it, Suicide Squad is even worse than Fantastic Four.
Ooooof those Reviews for Suicide Squad though
I guess the best film of the summer is Star Trek Beyond
Between Marvel's predictable, paint-by-numbers formula (complete with utterly forgettable villains) and DC's nonsensical approach to cohesive screenwriting and baffling editing decisions...I just want this whole comic book genre craze to die.
These films just aren't doing it for me anymore.
I feel like shit.
Shouldn't have sat out in the sun for so long.
*looks in thread*
Oh God.
Ooooof those Reviews for Suicide Squad though
I guess the best film of the summer is Star Trek Beyond
Legit disappointed about the reviews, but I'm going to watch it anyway. lol
GAF has an intense infatuation with the meta-spectacles like movie review threads, game review threads, and E3 "who won" threads. It's the height of absurdity.
All the movie communities I'm a part of never have review threads for critics. They just see the movie and discuss their personal response. Go figure. It's so bizarre to me how people can just gobble up critical reception as gospel.
One thing that really pisses me off about movie review threads are the sort of "lets pick out a shitty movie on RT and compare it with subject of review thread"
What the fuck does this have to do with anything?