The club also got contributions from 3 other veteran players. zsswimmer returned with his smashmouth approach to playing defensemen while also showing off some new stickhandling and goal scoring skill. Swim also shocked everyone with his miraculous recovery from being a mute and actually used his mic and spoke with club members this year. Revenant usually showed up out of nowhere and chipped in with his intimidating forecheck and potted a few of his infamously fluky "Rev Goals" along with some clean snipes here and there. When Rev wasn't busy drinking from his harmless "waterbottle" he was busy distracting everyone with conversations about random topics. RS4- also played for a short time and provided a solid option at defenseman.
Holy Christ those cards and writeups lol.
Sorry guys, pretty sure I'm out of it this year since I'll be getting rid of my 360 and FUCK live.
Unless, somehow, for whatever reason, I do keep my 360, I'll pick it up in a few months.
ps4 all day. I miss you all.
I'm done debating X1 vs PS4, Schuey. You are entitled to your opinion which I do not share.
relating to NHL14, my Season Ticket ran out and I'm not giving EA another $20 to play early this year since I won't be able to play this weekend anyway due to my work schedule.
If anyway has Season Ticket and is planning on playing early, you can go ahead and setup the club if you want
Im probably getting the ps4 cause its $100 cheaper and I don't give a shit about Kinect
Will probably end up getting the season ticket when NHL comes out as I have no other games to play when I'm not working. Is anyone else getting it? And does the club carry over? I can't remember. It's been awhile since I've had season ticket.
My old man wisdom is greater than yours. Especially since you cheer for the Flyers
Also I'm not doing the season ticket. Too expensive and not worth it especially if you don't invest a lot of time into HUT.
you ever get your Live account fixed?
Ill find out tomorrow if what they told me was true, support said they have like a 20 day risk assessment before your account is unlocked.
If it does unlock I'll probably get the season pass too, I dont have anything else to play either
Risk Assessment? wtf did you do? lol
But for real I tried to buy a cheap 1200MSP card from the microsoft store that someone on GAF had posted a link to(and im sure people took advantage of this and bought like 500 of em). I never got the code and my account got locked after paypal refunded the charges and I've been blocked from any transactions/redeeming codes/buying gold ever since. Pretty dumb all around cause they even mentioned they couldnt find anything wrong with my account but still had to go through with the assessment...
Man I thought it was pretty funny that I couldnt give them money if I wanted to. Yesterday I was like "fuck it" I want gold now so I'll spend 9.99.... nope "This action cannot be performed at this time. Please try again later."
edit: against my better judgement I also added a new card on there hoping I could pay with that. I couldn't and I can't remove it now![]()
EA posted a new blog on their Online Modes improvements.
Maybe Vis can clarify on how divisions work but basically, can we not win the Division 1 Elite Cup until November since you can only move up one division per week?
I think based on last year, Elite Cup Division 1 is a fairly easy obtainable goal especially since it now sounds like all playoffs are not only weekly, but double elimination.
EDIT: Nevermind. It's not a new blog - just an old post someone bumped on OS :\
See the screenshot below for a visual representation of how "Divisions" in FIFA worked. Each division was based on how many points you got for wins/draws in a set amount of games (10?). win = 3 points, draw = 1 point)
1- if after 10 games you didn't get 10 or more points you get relegated to a lower division unless you are at the bottom (Division 1)
2- if after 10 games you finish with 11-15 pts, you stay in the same division and it starts over with a fresh 10 game slate
3- if you hit 16 points you immediately get promoted to the next division and get your next 10 game slate
so it was not dependent on "weeks", rather how active your club was
the promotion goals get higher as you move up until eventually you pretty much need to win almost all of your 10 games to proceed
Thanks Vis. Makes a lot more sense.
And based on how its worded in the blog, with the addition of playoffs, how do you think it will work? Because if its a 10 game stretch, I mean, we probably get close to the division 1 within a month then. From the sounds of it, its basically sounds like play 10 games. If you qualify for the playoffs, then you get your 4 (or less) playoff games there and then. If you win, promoted. If you lose, you have to win the 10 games again. Essentially you can win 10+ playoffs depending on how many games you play and how frequently you play as you could even hit a couple playoffs per night if you play for a few hours? Am I reading it wrong?
So I called today, and I was assuming when I called last time (around the 12th) that they would start my account investigation then, but they actually didn't even start it until the 26th.. so I was told today that they estimated it would be around September 14th for my account to be potentially unlocked. So fucking dumb, jumping through all these hoops when there is literally nothing wrong with my account , I guess I'll make a new account for now cause I'm bored as hell and want to play some NHL
My new gamertag is chimpgaf![]()
My new gamertag is chimpgaf![]()
So I called today, and I was assuming when I called last time (around the 12th) that they would start my account investigation then, but they actually didn't even start it until the 26th.. so I was told today that they estimated it would be around September 14th for my account to be potentially unlocked. So fucking dumb, jumping through all these hoops when there is literally nothing wrong with my account , I guess I'll make a new account for now cause I'm bored as hell and want to play some NHL
Its dumb but its totally normal... all status changes are the profile takes 30days. Changing gamertag to a different email address that already has a randomly generated gamertag needs to be done in 2 steps: removing gamertag; wait 30 days. Transfer gamertag; wait 30 daya before doing any other changes.
Seems simple but everything is secured, logged and the wait time is also to get hackers away. If hackers cant do it in a single step/day, they usually keep away.
This has nothing to do with the console wars but only for example, Sony doesnt let you change shit. Once you sign up, better be happy with what you choose. And CSR will tell you to redo an account and start over. Especially after the hacks involved. I couldnt remember my password and my 2nd email address didnt exist anymore. Luckily i was able to recreate my old email account else i was shit out of luck.
Its dumb but its totally normal... all status changes are the profile takes 30days. Changing gamertag to a different email address that already has a randomly generated gamertag needs to be done in 2 steps: removing gamertag; wait 30 days. Transfer gamertag; wait 30 daya before doing any other changes.
Seems simple but everything is secured, logged and the wait time is also to get hackers away. If hackers cant do it in a single step/day, they usually keep away.
This has nothing to do with the console wars but only for example, Sony doesnt let you change shit. Once you sign up, better be happy with what you choose. And CSR will tell you to redo an account and start over. Especially after the hacks involved. I couldnt remember my password and my 2nd email address didnt exist anymore. Luckily i was able to recreate my old email account else i was shit out of luck.
listen Major Nelson no one asked for a PR spin on some xbot legal mumbo jumbo. This is MURICA and my dude swim is innocent until proven guilty. I'm boycotting Xbox 180 and going on a hunger strike until the zsswimmer gamertag is freed
And furthermore bro, don't be hating because you had to pay 800 M$ spacebux to remove the "QC" before your gamertag years ago or that you didn't think of a gamertag name as awesome as "chimpgaf" in the first place
Have you seen the video of that Beaver attacking a person. Don't fuck with Beavers!
I'm done debating Eagles vs Beavers, Schuey. You are entitled to your opinion which I do not share.
listen Major Nelson no one asked for a PR spin on some xbot legal mumbo jumbo. This is MURICA and my dude swim is innocent until proven guilty. I'm boycotting Xbox 180 and going on a hunger strike until the zsswimmer gamertag is freed
And furthermore bro, don't be hating because you had to pay 800 M$ spacebux to remove the "QC" before your gamertag years ago or that you didn't think of a gamertag name as awesome as "chimpgaf" in the first place
Expected more out of the old man regarding Delly.
viz making me proud to be an american :')
Thats right, theres TWO eagles on that flag
Have you seen the video of that Beaver attacking a person. Don't fuck with Beavers!
all good man, if you get the urge you are always welcome back
Are you getting a PS4 at launch? If so, what games are you picking up? I'm gonna need some buddies on PSN since all the broke-ass chimps that post in here are getting Xbone or sticking with 360