Lots of drama in here but it just shows that you guys wanna compete, and that's a good thing. As someone already mentioned, defense has been seriously nerfed. This + the fact that there continues to be an invisible force field/bubble around the goalie area makes things extremely difficult for the d-man. Yet no matter how many people complain about it, EA continues to put this crap out.
Anyways, one thing I find that works is playing as an Offensive D-Man. Might as well try to score if the game doesn't let you play D.
Good luck
Lots of drama in here but it just shows that you guys wanna compete, and that's a good thing. As someone already mentioned, defense has been seriously nerfed. This + the fact that there continues to be an invisible force field/bubble around the goalie area makes things extremely difficult for the d-man. Yet no matter how many people complain about it, EA continues to put this crap out.
Anyways, one thing I find that works is playing as an Offensive D-Man. Might as well try to score if the game doesn't let you play D.
Good luck
Yeah they really tried to hype up defense this year and I bought the hypeLots of drama in here but it just shows that you guys wanna compete, and that's a good thing. As someone already mentioned, defense has been seriously nerfed. This + the fact that there continues to be an invisible force field/bubble around the goalie area makes things extremely difficult for the d-man. Yet no matter how many people complain about it, EA continues to put this crap out.
Anyways, one thing I find that works is playing as an Offensive D-Man. Might as well try to score if the game doesn't let you play D.
Good luck
Come home, dude. BTW, tali.
The things I would do to Tali. There would be some damage if her and I ever met.
Yea, it's next level fucked.Look we can just party and talk about tearing up Tali instead. Btw, did you watch BB yet?
I'm down for games, just gonna eat. I can play in 40 mins or so.
I really can't believe its NHL 14, and the game still suffers from loops. It's ridiculous when its the playoffs and a goal is called back because it loops. That and the dead post are just things that have been broken for years.